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Part One. The Olimpic games are a very old tradition in the world of sports

The Olimpic games are a very old tradition in the world of sports. History tells us that the tradition began more than two thousand years ago, in Greece.

All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to the city of Olympus, to compete in the games. Thousands of people came from all parts of Greece to see games.

At that time cities in Greece were not friends with each other. But at the Olympic games people were friends. All wars between the cities stopped, and the people lived in peace. Athletes and people from all the cities met, spoke with each other and became friends. So we see that the Olympic tradition is a tradition of peace.

The Olympic games were very important to all cities. They helped the cities to know each other and to understand each other.

Every city wanted to have the best athletes. When Olympic champions came home after the games, the people celebrated. Everybody came out of the cities to meet them, with flowers in their hands. They danced and sang in the streets, and threw flowers at the champions.

Olympic champions today are not only champions of one country; they are world champions.

The Olimpic games are the favourite sports of all countries-running, high-jumping, gymnastics, football, basket-ball, swimming, skiing, skating and other sports that young people in all countries go in for. Countries send their best athletes to take part in the Olimpic games. The competitions show us the countries that have the best runners and high-jumpers, the best skaters and skiers, the best swimmers, the best foot-ball-players and volley-ball-players – in other words – the best athletes.

Answer the questions:

1. Why do all people all over the world know about the Olympic games?

2. Why did the Olympic tradition become a tradition of peace?

3. What happened in the cities when the Olympic champions came home?

4. Can we say that the Olympic champions in old Greece and Olympic champions now are the same? Why?

5. Why were there no Olympic Games in 1916, 1940, 1944?

6. When were the Olympic games held in Moscow?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 230 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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