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Mikhail lomonosow

(1711 - 1765)

I. Lexics to the text:

1. to be born – родиться

2. at an early age – в раннем возрасте

3. to be eager – to wish – to want – хотеть

4. at the age of 14 – в 14-летнем возрасте

5. to enter an Institute – поступить в институт

6. the Slavonic – Greek – Latin Academy – славяно – греко – латинская академия

7. to be capable – быть способным

8. to make great progress – добиться больших успехов

9. because of – из-за

10. to be in the majority – быть в большинстве

11. to hinder – препятствовать

12. in spite of – несмотря на

13. to produce stained glass – получить цветное стекло

14. the law of Conservation of Matter and Motion – Закон сохранения материи

15. natural resources – естесственные ресурсы

16. to make experiments – делать эксперименты

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peasant origin – крестьянское происхождение

18. could not but admire – не могли не восхищаться

19. to be known abroad – быть известным за рубежом

20. on the initiative of exact – по инициативе

21. to be more exact – точнее говоря

22. to devote one’s life to – посвятить свою жизнь чему-то

II. Read and translate the text:

M.V.Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist and poet, was born in 1711 in a small village near the town of Kholmogori. Now this village is called Lomonosovo.

Lomonosov’s father was a fisherman and at an early age the boy often went with father to the White Sea and learned much about fishing. The boy did not go to school but he was eager to learn and learned to read at an early age

At the age of 19 he left his home and went on foot to Moscow. After many difficulties he entered the Slavonic – Greek – Latin Academy where he studied hard for five years. As Lomonosov was extremely capable and made great progress, he was sent to Petersburg to study at the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences. There he studied mathematics, physics, foreign languages and other subjects.

In 1736 the Academy of Sciences sent Lomonosov to Germany where he studied chemistry and metallurgy. When he came back to Petersburg in 1741 he began his scientific work, taught chemistry and other subjects at the Academy of Sciences. In those days it was difficult for Russian scientist to work for his country because of foreign scientists who were in the majority at the Academy and everywhere and hindered the advance of Russian science.

In spite of great difficulties Lomonosov founded the first chemical laboratory in Russia where he produced stained glass. He formulated the main principles of the Law of Conservation of Matter and Motion. He studied natural resources of the earth and made experiments with atmospheric electricity. Lomonosov developed the Russian literary language – he wrote the first Russian grammar and wrote poetry, introduced such terms as thermometer, formula, atmosphere and others into Russian scientific language.

Many members of the Academy of Sciences despised Lomonosov for his peasant origin and were his enemies but they could not but admire his talent.

In 1745 Lomonosov was made academician and appointed professor of chemistry. Lomonosov’s works were known abroad. He was one of the most learned men in Europe and foreign academies honoured the grat Russian scientist Lomonosov by electing him honorary member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences and of the Bologna Academy of Sciences.

The Moscow University was founded in 1755 on the initiative of Lomonosov. “Lomonosov was a great man. He founded our first university. To be, more exact, he himself was our first university”; said the great Russian poet Pushkin. Lomonosov was Rector of the Petersburg University during the last years of his life. He devoted his whole life to the development of Russian science. He wrote many books on various problems of science, technique and culture. And all that he did, he did for his people and for his country.

III. Answer the questions:

1. When and where was M.V.Lomonosov born?

2. What family was he born in?

3. How did Lomonosov go to Moscow?

4. Where did Lomonosov study?

5. What subjects did Lomonosov study at the Gymnasium of the Academy of Sciences?

6. Why was it difficult for Lomonosov to work for his country?

7. What fields of science did Lomonosov work?

8. When was Lomonosov made academician and appointed professor of chemistry?

9. When did Lomonosov die?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 326 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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