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Our House

We have a nice house. This is a picture of our house. You can see it is not very large. There are four rooms in our house: the living - room, the dining room, two bedrooms and the kitchen.

The door of the house is shut. You can see three windows. They are the living-room windows. The weather is fine and the windows are open you cannot see the kitchen windows. The kitchen is behind the living - room.

In front of the house we can see a small garden with flowers in it. Behind the house there is a garden. You can see flowers and trees in the garden.

I. Answer the questions.

1. Have you a house or a flat?

2. How many rooms are there in it?

3. In what street is your house?

4. Are your rooms large?

5. How many windows are there in your rooms?

6. Have you a telephone?

7. What is your telephone number?

8. Is there a garden is front of your house?

Zhukov’s Flat

I have a friend. His name is Vasya Zhukov. Vasya Zhukov’s family isn’t very large. He has a father, a mother, a brother and a sister. They have a flat in a new house in Komsomolskaya Street. Vasya Zhukov’s flat is Number Twelve.

Their flat has three rooms and a kitchen. Two of the rooms are large, Vasya and his little brother have a room too. The children’s room is small, it has one window. In their room there is a bed and a sofa. In the corner of the room there is a bookcase with Russian books on the shelves. On the left there is a desk. There are three chairs in the room.

There are many green trees in the street in front of their house. At the back of Vasya Zukov’s house there is a yard.

I. Read the Text and answer the questions.

1. What is Vasya Zhukov?

2. Is his family large?

3. Has he a father and a mother?

4. Where is his flat?

5. What house is his flat in?

6. What is there in front of Vasya Zhukov’s house?

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What is the number of his flat?

8. How many rooms has Vasya Zhukov’s flat?

9. What are the rooms like?

10. How many windows has the children’s room?

11. What is there in their room?

12. What is there in the corner of the room?

13. Are there Russian or English books in the bookcase?

14. What is there on the left?

15. Whose desk is that?

16. How many chairs are there in the children’s room?

17. Is there a sofa or a bed in the room?

18. What is there at the back of Vasya Zhukov’s house?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 296 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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