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Breathing plants

I. Lexics to the text:

1. to consider – считать, рассматривать

2. to hesitate – колебаться, сомневаться

3. the making of starch – образование крахмала

4. build them into starch and sugar – преобразовывать их в крахмал и сахар

5. ivy – плющ

6. vine – like plant – ползучее растение

7. try an experiment – проделать эксперимент

8. to fill a tube – наполнить пробирку

9. using your thumb – при помощи большого пальца

10. upside down – вверх дном

11. a bowl of water – чаша с водой

12. the mouth of the tube – отверстие пробки

13. to take the thumb away – убрать палец

14. to push smth. inside the tube – поместить что-то в пробирку

15. to set smth. in the sun – поставить на солнце

16. a vacant space – свободное пространство

17. oxygen - кислород

18. to be produced – образоваться

II. Read and translate the text:

If you were to ask a chemist what he considered the most important chemical process in the world, he would not hesitate to answer, “The making of starch by plants.”

A green plant is nature’s chemical laboratory. It is able to take carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil and build them into starch and sugar; the process is made possible by the action of sunlight on the green colouring material of the plant.

Ii you have a growing plant in your home, preferably ivy or some vine-like plant, try this experiment: fill a test tube to the very top with water and using your thumb as a stopper, turn the tube upside down in a bowl of water. Now, being very careful to keep the mouth of the tube under water, take your thumb away and push a branch of the plant up inside the tube, then set the whole arrangement in the sun.

In a few hours you will find what seems to be a vacant space at the top of the tube. This space is really filled with oxygen which was produced by sunlight acting on the leaves of the plant.

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III. Answer the questions on the text:

1. The making of starch by plants is the most important chemical process in the world, isn’t it?

2. What does a green plant take from the air and from the soil?

3. How does a green plant build carbon dioxide and water info starch and sugar?

4. Prove it experimentally. (Describe the experiment).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 258 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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