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Ex.7 Give 2 examples to each variant of pronunciation of the given digraph

[ əυ ] []

[ u: ]

OU [ Λ ]

[ : ]

[ Ŋ ]

Ex. 8 Underline the words in which the vowel combinations are read according to the basic rule:

Cream, bleed, leave, fleet, death, dean, daily, head, rouge, great, tie, key, few, ceiling, eal, thief, plain.

Oar, fair, fuel, fare, ore, type, ear, prior, giant, pure, fire, here, trial, real.

May, oak, coin, connoisseur, heaven, broad, seize, agree, soar, aid, via, fiery, idiot, lie, peer, fear, lean, Sunday, says, formulae, main, leisure, sea, eagle, receive, triumph, foam, aegis, sieve, needle, people, leopard, die, Leicester, pseudonym, ceiling, holiday, read, clear.

Reading of digraphs “oo”, “ou” in homographes:

slough – сброшенная кожа змеи, забытая привычка; уныние, депрессия, болото.

bouse – выпивка, пьянство; тянуть, спасти.

wound – рана; крутиться, извиваться (past of wind)

Ex. 9 Translate the sentences and transcribe the underlined words:

2. When I was going through the slough, I saw a slough.

2. Sometimes your slough can remind about itself. We went to the forest and found a slough there.

3. A man was injured, he had a wound. A snake wound in the cage.

4. While he was wounding, somebody wounded him.

5. There were so many bouses on his birthday.

6. Bouse is the most actual problem nowadays. Among the sea terms you can find the word “ to bouse ”.

Ex. 10 Read the utterances:

1. The cook stood still and looked the bush was full of good wood.

2. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

3. A sound mind in a sound body.

4. A green wound is soon healed.

5. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes.

6. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

7. New brooms sweep clean.

8. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

9. Too good to be true.

10. A little pot is soon hot.

Ex. 11 Transcribe the words:

Football, moody, took, roomy, tootle, moon, wool, noodle, soul, would, foul, sound, tour,, sought, noun, nourish.

Ex. 12 Divide the words into two columns, with the sounds [u:] or [υ]:

pool, root, room, sooth, tootle, sooty, took, wooden, hooves, hook, foolhardy, footer, bootlegger, booklet.

Ex. 13 Pronounce the words:

a) foot – booth – flood

booklet – coop – hook

hoof – footer – looter

wooed – wood – moorings

taproom – sooty – woof

b)doubt – honorable – tough

neighbour – drought – coup

should – soup – pouring

thought – amount – loaches

aloud – louver – brooch

colourist – pounding – coulter

Ex. 14Choose the right variant:

[u:] a) wood, b) foolish, c) country

[Λ] a) ooze, b) flood, c) boot

[ɔ:] a) good, b) brooch, c) floor

[əυ] a) nourish, b) mould, c) koumiss

[Λ] a) cough, b) tough, c) soup

[u:] a) douche, b) bounce, c) sound

Ex. 15 Find the odd word:

1. plait, plaid, said, aiglet

2. heir, seize, ceiling, inveigle

3. Leicester, either, height, seismograph

4. break, great, steak, bread

5. tear, heart, fear, tear

Ex. 16 Give some examples on each of these combinations, but all of them should denote the sound [ei]: ai, ei, ay, ey

Ex. 17 Divide the words into columns:

[i:] [e] [aiə] [I]

Eel, bread, aegis, seize, leisure, said, quay, says, diet, key, monkey, ion, leopard, formulae, fiery, sweat, agree, giant, biscuit, lion, Leonard, connoisseur, violate, breath, diamond, auntie, pioneer, species, biological, people, jeopardy, piece, triumph, feather, via, friend, achieve, dialogue, mischief, diadem, build.

Ex. 18 Pronounce the following pairs of words and write down the sounds:

[ ] – [ ]:

daughter – Dottie

caution – coughing

naughty – novice

[ ] – [ ]:

joined – John

oyster – ostrich

soiled – solid

[ ] – [ ]:

tomb – tour

view – viewer

queue – cure

[ ] – [ ]:

cleaning – clearly

ease – ears

[ ] – [ ]:

beer – bear

teary – dairy

peer –pair

[ ] – [ ]:

climb – cloud

finder – founder

dry – drought

Ex. 19 Try to read these tongue-twisters s quick as possible:

1. A tutor who taught on the flute

Tried to teach two young tooters to toot.

Said the two to the tutor,

Is it harder to toot or

To tutor two tooters to toot?

2. Whatever one toucan can do

Is sooner done by toucans two,

And three toucans (it’s very true)

Can do much more than two can do.

Ex. 20 Insert the suitable word:

fair/fare, buy/bye, waist/ waste, flower/flour

1. This man in black is...

2. When you get on bus you have to pay...

3. My wife is satisfied with her good...

4. It is necessary to say “Good...” when you leave home.

5. It is a... of time.

6. I am proud of my...

7. We can’t bake a cake without...

8. The girl has painted a...

Ex. 21 Group the words below according to the pronunciation of the underlined letter(s). Compare the meanings of single vowels and vowel combinations. What principle of reading vowel digraphs do the given words illustrate?

1. [e] 2. [eı] 3. [ı] 4. [i:] 5. [aı] 6. [əυ] 7. [ɒ] 8. [ ı] 9. [u:]

Antenn ae, b e g, b ei ge, bel ie ve, br oo ch, br ui se, b oy, b uy, b y, c oi n, d ie, d i ne, ei ther, g o t, i n, k ey, m a de, m ai den, n ee dle, n eu tral, ob ey, p ay, p eo ple, rec ei ve, s ea t, sh e, sh ou lder, s oa p, s o ld, s ou p, st ea k, t u ne, tr ue.

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