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Vowel Letter Combinations

Ay, ai

says, quay, certainly, always, holiday, Sunday, certainty, Monday, portrayal, play, clay, aid, straight, against, fair, chair, rain, air, said, aisle, balalaika, curtain, claim, certain, pay, again, plait, plaid, plaintiff, plaintive, quay age, clay


eagle, stream, sea, deal, bread, meal, lean, feather, sweat, breath, breakfast, heaven, pleasure, break, great, steak, fear, idea, tear, theatre, clear, earthly, rear, earthworm, Earn, earn, ear-splitting, Earn Shaw, earring, earnest, eaglet, each, eager, Easter, leave


eel, needle, agree, addressee, employee, peer, beer, beetle, teenager, teem, teetotal, returnee

Ei, ey

veil, convey, receive, key, height, eye, either, seismograph, sleight, money, heifer, Reynolds, atheism, deity, heir, heirloom, leitmotif, beige, donkey, eight, Leicester, weight, leisure, ceiling, receive, seize, geyser, they, survey, bogey, monkey, whiskey, weird

Eu, ew, iew

feudal, few, masseuse, sew, Freudian, masseur, lieutenant, euphemism, feudalism, queue, pseudonym, neutral, Europe, leukocyte, rheumatism, leukemia, leucotomy, Lucite, Peugeot, Reuter, Reuben, reunion, reusable, Seurat, chew, Tewkesberry, mew, mewl, fewness, Newton, New-York


jeopardy, leopard, Geoffrey, Leonard, people, theory, peony, theology, theorem, reorganize, reopen, Seoul, Leo, Leonardo, Leopold, Leonora, deodar, deoxyribonucleic, deodorant,, Neo-Latin, neologism, neoplasm, neonatal.


piece, tie, fierce, tried, studied, dries, fries, friend, flies, sieve, handkerchief, science, pliers, society, acquiesce, Viennese, happiest, Vietnam, viewpoint, achieve, chief, species, series, mischief, auntie, Freddie, brier, fiery, diet, field, fiesta


food, good, blood, flood, door, moor, poor, brooch, zoology, cooperate, cook, book, wood, floor, ooze, boost, boot, foolish, too, woo, kangaroo, foot, boost, boor, boomerang, boondocks, soothe

Oi, oy

noise, boy, patois, turquoise, coin, oily, turmoil, boil, connoisseur, tortoise, loiter, loin, soiree, Boyd, boysenberry, boycott, toy


round, soul, touch, group, could, should, would, thought, through, bough, through, rough, cough, thorough, flour, tourist, four, journey, courage, courier, ounce, oust, house, thousand, account, sound, fountain, youth, soup, boulevard, goulash, you, nourish, trouble, poultry, mould, shoulder, bought, slough, house, wound

Test 1

1. Напишите транскрипцию данных слов:
Four, boot, cook, young, couple, good, proud, round, look,foolish, food, sour, moon, loose, pronoun.

2. Распределите по группам данные слова в соответствии с иx

Borough, brought, tough, bough, thorough, ought, drought, dough, though, bought, sough, slough.

3. Напишите перевод предложений и транскрипцию выделенного слова:

1. After that she divorced from her husband and left her work, she was in a slough.

2. On the ship seamen started to bouse.

3. The wound was fatal and there was no hope for his rescue.

4. Прочитайте и затранскрибируйте скороговорку:

How many cookies could a good cook if a good cook could cook cookies?

A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

Test 2

1. Напишите транскрипцию словосочетаний:

Nutritious food, young neighbour, our childhood, fourteen hours, joyous
cousin, wooden house.

2. Распределите по группам данные слова в соответствии с их

Ooze, poor, floor, enough, choose, soul, book, southern, ounce, blood,

should, account, poultry, douche, flood, too, could, coo, mould, youth, rough,

oust, trouble, mould, broach, bloom, tooth, tourist, coot.

3. Напишите перевод предложений и транскрипцию выделенного

1. His hobby was a bouse. He could not come home for several days.

2. The little girl very was very frightened, when she saw a slough of a snake on a stone.

3. A man was injured, he had a wound.

4. Прочитайте и затранскрибируйте скороговорку:

How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?

A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 472 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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