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Part II. II. Give the Russian equivalents and the situations from the text

I. Listen to the story.

II. Give the Russian equivalents and the situations from the text.

1. to spin (3 forms);

2. to set smth out in a row;

3. to be at one’s wit’s end;

4. to purr;

5. to do after someone;

6. to frolick;

7. to coo;

8. a footstool;

9. a hatchet;

10. to keep one’s side of the bargain.

III. Give the following words in English:

1. прялка;

2. унять, успокоить,

3. гнаться, преследовать, загнать, гнать;

4. ползать;

5. тащить;

6. удобный;

7. настоящий, истинный;

8. узловатый, шишковатый;

9. лакать;

10. помешать что-то сделать;

11. острый (о зубах).

IV. Answer the questions:

1. Did the woman tell anyone about her bargain with the Cat? Why?

2. Where did the Cat go and who visited him?

3. What news impressed the Cat most of all?

4. What did the Baby look like and what was he fond of?

5. What did the Cat do as he heard the news?

6. How did the Cat stop the Baby’s crying?

V. Tell:

1. What was the first word said in the Cat’s praise by the Woman?

Explain why.

2. What was the second word said in the Cat’s praise by the Woman?

Explain why.

3. What was the third word said in the Cat’s praise by the Woman?

Explain why.

4. Enumerate the things the Cat was allowed to do after all the three words in

his praise had been said.

VI. Dramatize the conversation between the Man, the Dog, the Cat and the

Woman after the she had told them about the bargain.

VII. Read and translate pp.198-199 in written form: “The Man threw his two

boots…” up to the end of this fairy-tale.

VIII. What is the main idea of this fairy-tale? Express it through a suitable proverb.

IX. Transcribe and intone:”That evening when the Man and the Dog came into the

Cave, the Woman told them all the story of the bargain, while the Cat sat by

the fire and smiled.”

X. Define the parts of the sentences and the parts of speech they are expressed by: ”But the Baby cried because the Cat had gone away, and the Woman could not hush it for it struggled and kicked and grew black in the face.”

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 290 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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