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The Cat That Walked by Himself

Part I (pp.182-190)

I. Listen to this story.

II. Give the Russian equivalents.

1. tame; 7. new-mown;

2. blade-bone; 8. to plait hide-halter;

3. to befall(befell, befallen); 9. marrow-bones;

4. a long way off; 10. to be flavoured with;

5. armful; 11. to be stuffed with;

6. water-meadow; 12. fenugreek.

III. Explain the following words in English and give the sentences from the text:

1. cave; 7. to stamp with one’s foot;

2. to strew; 8. to milk;

3. to flavour; 9. to braid;

4. to trot off; 10. to praise;

5. to slip; 11. to make a bargain.

6. to gnaw;

IV. Write out and transcribe, translate the names of all the spices which the

Woman used for cooking. Be ready for the dictation.

V. Read and translate in written form the following passage on pp. 189-190: “Cat

grew very angry…” up to the words “ for always and always and always”.

VI. Describe the Man’s Cave.

VII. Describe all the animals.

VIII. Dramatize the dialogues between the Cat and the woman.

IX. Answer the questions:

1. How did the Woman make the first magic?

2. What was the second magic?

3. What was the use of the Cow for the Man? How did the Woman call the Cow?

4. What for did the Cat come to the Man?

5. What was the prototype of the Cat from this fairy-tale?

X. Explain why:

1. The Dog went to the Man.

2. The Cow went to the Man.

3. The Horse went to the Man.

4. The Cat didn’t go to the Man.

XI. Translate the following descriptions at page 168,186 (American edition) into Russian. (See Appendix 5, Appendix 6)

XII. Learn by heart the poem about the Cat p.200. Find the translation by Marshak

at p.252:

Pussy can sit by the fire and sing,

Pussy can climb a tree,

Or play with a silly old cork and string

To ‘muse herself, not me.

But I like Binkie my dog, because

He knows how to behave;

So, Binkie’s the same as the First Friend was,

And I am the Man in the Cave.

Pussy will play man-Friday till

It’s time to wet her paw

And make her walk on the window-sill

(For the footprint Crusoe saw);

Then she fluffles her tail and mews,

And scratches and won’t attend.

But Binkie will play whatever I choose,

And he is my true First Friend.

Pussy will rub my knees with her head

Pretending she loves me hard;

But the very minute I go to my bed

Pussy runs out in the yard,

And there she stays till the morning-light;

So I know it is only pretend;

But Binkie, he snores at my feet all knight,

And he is my Firstest Friend!

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 442 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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