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How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin

I. Listen to this fairy-tale.

II. Be ready to paraphrase the following words and words-combinations:

1. an uninhabited island; 10. underneath;

2. oriental splendour; 11. hinceforward;

3. comestible; 12. to tickle;

4. sentimental; 13. cake-crumbs;

5. to unset smth; 14. to button;

6. to abut on…; 15. to rub;

7. waterproof; 16. fold;

8. to waddle; 17. used to be…

9. currant;

III. Find all the geographical names and be ready to write them correctly (a test).

IV. Transcribe and intone the following paragraph on p.53: “ Presently the Parsee

came by and found the skin… Then he climbed to the top of his palm-tree

and waited for the Rhinoceros to come out of the water and put it on”.

V. Define the parts of the sentences and the parts of speech they are expressed by:

1. Then he wanted to scratch, but that made it worse.

2. Five weeks later, there was a heat-wave in the Red Sea, and everybody took

off the clothes they had.

VI. Read and translate in writing the 1st paragraph till: …“All the same, he had no

manners then, and he has no manners now, and he never will have any

manners.” p. 50-51.

VII. Describe the way how the Parsee baked his cake (a recipe).

VIII. Describe the Rhinoceros who had come before the Parsee’s eating, and all his

actions with the cake.

IX. Translate from English into Russian: Description of the picture made by

R. Kipling, page 28 (American edition). (See Appendix 1.)

X. Translate from Russian into English: Description of the picture made by

R. Kipling, page 29(Russian edition). (See Appendix 2.)

XI. Give a summary of this fairy-tale (orally).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 467 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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