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В которой Пятачок совершает Очень Грандиозный Поступок

Half-way between Pooh's house and Piglet's house was a Thoughtful Spot (на полпути между домом Пуха и домом Пятачка было Задумчивое Место) where they met sometimes (где они иногда встречались) when they had decided to go and see each other (когда /они/ решали пойти проведать друг друга), and as it was warm and out of the wind (и так как оно было теплым и не на ветру) they would sit down there for a little and wonder (они присаживались там на некоторое время и спрашивали себя) what they would do now (что они будут делать сейчас) that they had seen each other (когда они уже повидали друг друга). One day when they had decided not to do anything (однажды, когда они решили ничего не делать), Pooh made up a verse about it (Пух сочинил об этом стих), so that everybody should know what the place was for (так чтобы все знали, для чего это место).

half-way ['hRf'weI], between [bI'twJn], thoughtful ['TLtful]

Half-way between Pooh's house and Piglet's house was a Thoughtful Spot where they met sometimes when they had decided to go and see each other, and as it was warm and out of the wind they would sit down there for a little and wonder what they would do now that they had seen each other. One day when they had decided not to do anything, Pooh made up a verse about it, so that everybody should know what the place was for.

This warm and sunny Spot (это теплое и солнечное Место)

Belongs to Pooh (принадлежит Пуху).

And here he wonders what (и здесь он спрашивает себя, что)

He's going to do (он будет делать).
Oh, bother, I forgot (ах, эх, я забыл) —
It's Piglet's too (оно и Пятачково).

warm [wLm], belong [bI'lON], wonder ['wAndq]

This warm and sunny Spot

Belongs to Pooh.

And here he wonders what

He's going to do.

Oh, bother, I forgot —

It's Piglet's too.

Что за славное место такое!

Сидишь здесь в тепле и покое,

И места как раз на двух.

Хозяин местечка Пух.

Тут мыслишь, что сделать такое.

Эх, нет от склероза покоя!

Забыл, что хозяев двое:

Один — Пятачок, другой — Пух[60].

Now one autumn morning when the wind had blown all the leaves off the trees in the night (и вот однажды осенним утром, когда ветер /уже/ сдул все листья с деревьев ночью; to blow off — сдувать), and was trying to blow the branches off (и пытался сдуть ветки), Pooh and Piglet were sitting in the Thoughtful Spot and wondering (Пух и Пятачок сидели в Задумчивом Месте и спрашивали себя).

"What I think," said Pooh (что я думаю, — сказал Пух), "is I think (так это, что я думаю) we'll go to Pooh Corner and see Eeyore (что мы пойдем на Пуховый Угол и проведаем Иа), because perhaps his house has been blown down (потому что, может быть, его дом уже сдуло ветром), and perhaps he'd like us to build it again (и, может быть, он хотел бы, чтобы мы построили его снова)."

"What I think," said Piglet (/а/ что я думаю, — сказал Пятачок), "is I think (что думаю) we'll go and see Christopher Robin (что мы пойдем проведаем Кристофера Робина), only he won't be there (только его не будет там = дома), so we can't (поэтому не получится: «поэтому мы не можем»)."

autumn ['Ltqm], night [naIt], branch [brRnC]

Now one autumn morning when the wind had blown all the leaves off the trees in the night, and was trying to blow the branches off, Pooh and Piglet were sitting in the Thoughtful Spot and wondering.

"What I think," said Pooh, "is I think we'll go to Pooh Corner and see Eeyore, because perhaps his house has been blown down, and perhaps he'd like us to build it again."

"What I think," said Piglet, "is I think we'll go and see Christopher Robin, only he won't be there, so we can't."

"Let's go and see everybody," said Pooh (давай пойдем и проведаем всех, — сказал Пух). "Because when you've been walking in the wind for miles (потому что когда ты идешь на ветру /уже/ многие мили), and you suddenly go into somebody's house (и /ты/ неожиданно заходишь в дом к кому-то: «в чей-то дом»), and he says (и он говорит), 'Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something (привет, Пух, ты как раз вовремя, чтобы немного перекусить чем-нибудь),' and you are, then it's what I call a Friendly Day (и ты действительно вовремя, тогда это то, что я называю Дружелюбным Днем)."

Piglet thought (Пятачок думал) that they ought to have a Reason for going to see everybody (что им нужна Причина, чтобы пойти проведать всех), like Looking for Small or Organizing an Expotition (такая как Поиски Малявки или Организация Искпедиции), if Pooh could think of something (если Пух может придумать что-нибудь).

Pooh could (Пух смог).

wind [wInd], says [sez], friendly ['frendlI]

"Let's go and see everybody," said Pooh. "Because when you've been walking in the wind for miles, and you suddenly go into somebody's house, and he says, 'Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something,' and you are, then it's what I call a Friendly Day."

Piglet thought that they ought to have a Reason for going to see everybody, like Looking for Small or Organizing an Expotition, if Pooh could think of something.

Pooh could.

"We'll go because it's Thursday (мы пойдем, потому что /сегодня/ Четверг)," he said (сказал он), "and we'll go to wish everybody a Very Happy Thursday (и мы пойдем, чтобы пожелать всем Очень Счастливого Четверга). Come on, Piglet (идем, Пятачок)."

They got up (они встали); and when Piglet had sat down again (и когда Пятачок снова сел), because he didn't know the wind was so strong (потому что он не знал, что ветер такой сильный), and had been helped up by Pooh (а Пух помог ему встать), they started off (они отправились в путь). They went to Pooh's house first (сначала они пошли в дом Пуха), and luckily Pooh was at home (и, к счастью, Пух оказался дома) just as they got there (как раз когда они добрались туда), so he asked them in (поэтому он пригласил их вовнутрь), and they had some (и они немного перекусили), and then they went on to Kanga's house (а потом они пошли дальше в дом Кенги), holding on to each other (держась друг за друга), and shouting (и крича), "Isn't it?" and "What?" and "I can't hear (не так ли? и что? и я не слышу)." By the time they got to Kanga's house (к тому времени, как они добрались до дома Кенги) they were so buffeted (их так потрепало) that they stayed to lunch (что они остались на обед). Just at first it seemed rather cold outside afterwards (как раз сперва потом /им/ показалось довольно холодно снаружи), so they pushed on to Rabbit's as quickly as they could (и они поспешили к Кролику /так/ быстро, как они могли = со всех ног; to push on — спешить).

Thursday ['TWzdI], luckily ['lAkIlI], buffet ['bAfIt]

"We'll go because it's Thursday," he said, "and we'll go to wish everybody a Very Happy Thursday. Come on, Piglet."

They got up; and when Piglet had sat down again, because he didn't know the wind was so strong, and had been helped up by Pooh, they started off. They went to Pooh's house first, and luckily Pooh was at home just as they got there, so he asked them in, and they had some, and then they went on to Kanga's house, holding on to each other, and shouting, "Isn't it?" and "What?" and "I can't hear." By the time they got to Kanga's house they were so buffeted that they stayed to lunch. Just at first it seemed rather cold outside afterwards, so they pushed on to Rabbit's as quickly as they could.

"We've come to wish you a Very Happy Thursday (мы пришли пожелать тебе Очень Счастливого Четверга)," said Pooh, when he had gone in and out once or twice (сказал Пух, когда он вошел и вышел раз или два) just to make sure that he could get out again (просто чтобы убедиться, что он может выйти снова[61]).

"Why, what's going to happen on Thursday (а что же произойдет в четверг)?" asked Rabbit (спросил Кролик), and when Pooh had explained (а когда Пух объяснил), and Rabbit, whose life was made up of Important Things, said (и Кролик, жизнь которого состояла из Важных Дел, сказал), "Oh, I thought you'd really come about something (а я думал, что вы действительно пришли из-за чего-то = по делу)," they sat down for a little (они сели перекусить: «для маленького /чего-то/»)... and by-and-by Pooh and Piglet went on again (и вскоре Пух и Пятачок пошли дальше опять). The wind was behind them now (теперь ветер был сзади них = дул им в спину), so they didn't have to shout (поэтому им не нужно было кричать).

sure [Suq], whose [hHz], shout [Saut]

"We've come to wish you a Very Happy Thursday," said Pooh, when he had gone in and out once or twice just to make sure that he could get out again.

"Why, what's going to happen on Thursday?" asked Rabbit, and when Pooh had explained, and Rabbit, whose life was made up of Important Things, said, "Oh, I thought you'd really come about something," they sat down for a little... and by-and-by Pooh and Piglet went on again. The wind was behind them now, so they didn't have to shout.

"Rabbit's clever (Кролик умный)," said Pooh thoughtfully (сказал задумчиво Пух).

"Yes," said Piglet (да, — сказал Пятачок), "Rabbit's clever (Кролик умный)."

"And he has Brain (и у него есть Мозги)."

"Yes," said Piglet (да, — сказал Пятачок), "Rabbit has Brain (у Кролика есть Мозги)."

There was along silence (последовало долгое молчание).

"I suppose," said Pooh (я полагаю, — сказал Пух), "that that's why he never understands anything (что именно поэтому он никогда ничего /не/ понимает)."

clever ['klevq], thoughtfully ['TLtfulI], silence ['saIlqns]

"Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.

"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."

"And he has Brain."

"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."

There was along silence.

"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything."

Christopher Robin was at home by this time (Кристофер Робин к этому времени был дома), because it was the afternoon (потому что было уже время после полудня / уже было за полдень), and he was so glad to see them (и он был так рад видеть их) that they stayed there until very nearly tea-time (что они оставались там = у него очень почти = почти-почти до времени чаепития), and then they had a Very Nearly tea (а потом они Почти-Почти попили чаю), which is one you forget about afterwards (который такой, что о нем потом /скоро/ забываешь), and hurried on to Pooh Corner (и поспешили дальше к Пуховому Углу), so as to see Eeyore (чтобы навестить Иа) before it was too late to have a Proper Tea with Owl (пока не слишком поздно Основательно Поужинать у Филина).

"Hallo, Eeyore (привет, Иа)," they called out cheerfully (радостно крикнули они).

nearly ['nIqlI], tea [tJ], proper ['prOpq]

Christopher Robin was at home by this time, because it was the afternoon, and he was so glad to see them that they stayed there until very nearly tea-time, and then they had a Very Nearly tea, which is one you forget about afterwards, and hurried on to Pooh Corner, so as to see Eeyore before it was too late to have a Proper Tea with Owl.

"Hallo, Eeyore," they called out cheerfully.

"Ah!" said Eeyore (а! — сказал Иа). "Lost your way (потеряли дорогу = заблудились; to lose — терять; to lose one’s way — потеряться, заблудиться)?"

"We just came to see you (мы просто пришли проведать тебя)," said Piglet (сказал Пятачок). "And to see how your house was (и узнать, как твой дом). Look, Pooh, it's still standing (смотри, Пух, он все еще стоит)!"

"I know," said Eeyore (я знаю, — сказал Иа). "Very odd (очень странно). Somebody ought to have come down and pushed it over (кому-то следовало забрести сюда и свалить его; to come down — приезжать из центра на окраину, приезжать из столицы на периферию; to push over — опрокинуть, свалить)."

"We wondered whether the wind would blow it down (нам было интересно, /не/ сдует ли его ветер)," said Pooh (сказал Пух).

"Ah, that's why nobody's bothered (ах, вот почему никто затруднил себя этим), I suppose (я полагаю). I thought perhaps they'd forgotten (я думал, может, /они/ /о нем/ забыли; to forget — забыть)."

blow [blqu], bother ['bODq], forgotten [fq'gOtn]

"Ah!" said Eeyore. "Lost your way?"

"We just came to see you," said Piglet. "And to see how your house was. Look, Pooh, it's still standing!"

"I know," said Eeyore. "Very odd. Somebody ought to have come down and pushed it over."

"We wondered whether the wind would blow it down," said Pooh.

"Ah, that's why nobody's bothered, I suppose. I thought perhaps they'd forgotten."

"Well, we're very glad to see you, Eeyore (ну, мы очень рады видеть тебя, Иа), and now we're going on to see Owl (а теперь мы идем дальше проведать Филина)."

"That's right (это правильно). You'll like Owl (вам понравится Филин). He flew past a day or two ago and noticed me (он пролетал мимо день или два назад и заметил меня; to fly — летать). He didn't actually say anything (он, собственно, ничего не сказал), mind you, but he knew it was me (заметьте, но он знал, что это я; mind you — заметьте, имейте в виду). Very friendly of him, I thought (очень дружелюбно с его стороны, подумал я). Encouraging (ободряюще; courage — отвага; to encourage — ободрять)."

Pooh and Piglet shuffled about a little and said (Пух и Пятачок немного пошаркали / поерзали и сказали; to shuffle — откладывать в сторону; перемещать; волочить ноги; шаркать; ерзать, вертеться), "Well, good-bye, Eeyore (ну, до свидания, Иа)," as lingeringly as they could (/так/ медлительно, как /только они/ могли; to linger — засиживаться, задерживаться; колебаться, медлить), but they had a long way to go (но им предстоял долгий путь), and wanted to be getting on (и они хотели поспешить; to get on — спешить с чем-то).

flew [flH], past [pRst], lingeringly ['lINgqrINlI]

"Well, we're very glad to see you, Eeyore, and now we're going on to see Owl."

"That's right. You'll like Owl. He flew past a day or two ago and noticed me. He didn't actually say anything, mind you, but he knew it was me. Very friendly of him, I thought. Encouraging."

Pooh and Piglet shuffled about a little and said, "Well, good-bye, Eeyore," as lingeringly as they could, but they had a long way to go, and wanted to be getting on.

"Good-bye," said Eeyore (до свидания, — сказал Иа). "Mind you don't get blown away, little Piglet (берегись, не будь унесенным ветром = чтоб тебя не унесло ветром, маленький Пятачок; to blow away — сдувать, уносить ветром). You'd be missed (о тебе бы скучали). People would say (люди = все говорили бы) 'Where's little Piglet been blown to (куда задуло = занесло ветром маленького Пятачка)?' — really wanting to know (действительно желая знать /это/). Well, good-bye (ну, до свидания). And thank you for happening to pass me (и спасибо за то, что случайно проходили мимо меня)."

"Good-bye (до свидания)," said Pooh and Piglet for the last time (сказали Пух и Пятачок в последний раз), and they pushed on to Owl's house (и они поспешили к дому Филина).

blown [blqun], pass [pRs], last [lRst]

"Good-bye," said Eeyore. "Mind you don't get blown away, little Piglet. You'd be missed. People would say 'Where's little Piglet been blown to?' — really wanting to know. Well, good-bye. And thank you for happening to pass me."

"Good-bye," said Pooh and Piglet for the last time, and they pushed on to Owl's house.

The wind was against them now (теперь ветер был им навстречу), and Piglet's ears streamed behind him like banners (и ушки Пятачка развевались позади него, как флажки) as he fought his way along (в то время, как он с трудом продвигался вперед; to fight one’s way along — прокладывать себе дорогу вперед; пробиваться с трудом вперед), and it seemed hours (и, казалось, /прошли/ часы) before he got them into the shelter of the Hundred Acre Wood (прежде чем он привел их в убежище Сто-Акрового Леса) and they stood up straight again (и они снова стали торчком), to listen, a little nervously, to the roaring of the gale among the treetops (чтобы прислушаться, немного нервно, к реву бури среди вершин деревьев).

"Supposing a tree fell down (предположим, упало бы дерево), Pooh, when we were underneath it (Пух, когда мы были бы под ним)?"

"Supposing it didn't (предположим, что не упало бы)," said Pooh after careful thought (сказал Пух после тщательного размышления).

fought [fLt], straight [streIt], roaring ['rLrIN]

The wind was against them now, and Piglet's ears streamed behind him like banners as he fought his way along, and it seemed hours before he got them into the shelter of the Hundred Acre Wood and they stood up straight again, to listen, a little nervously, to the roaring of the gale among the treetops.

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?"

"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Piglet was comforted by this (это утешило Пятачка), and in a little while they were knocking and ringing very cheerfully at Owl's door (и вскоре они стучали и звонили очень радостно в дверь Филина).

"Hallo, Owl," said Pooh (привет, Филин, — сказал Пух). "I hope we're not too late for (надеюсь, мы не опоздали к) — I mean, how are you, Owl (я хочу сказать, как ты поживаешь, Филин)? Piglet and I just came to see how you were (мы с Пятачком просто пришли узнать, как ты поживаешь) because it's Thursday (потому что /сегодня/ Четверг)."

"Sit down, Pooh, sit down, Piglet (садись, Пух, садись, Пятачок)," said Owl kindly (сказал доброжелательно Филин). "Make yourselves comfortable (устраивайтесь поудобнее)."

They thanked him (они поблагодарили его), and made themselves as comfortable as they could (и устроились поудобнее, как только могли).

comfort ['kAmfqt], knock [nOk], kindly ['kaIndlI]

Piglet was comforted by this, and in a little while they were knocking and ringing very cheerfully at Owl's door.

"Hallo, Owl," said Pooh. "I hope we're not too late for — I mean, how are you, Owl? Piglet and I just came to see how you were because it's Thursday."

"Sit down, Pooh, sit down, Piglet," said Owl kindly. "Make yourselves comfortable."

They thanked him, and made themselves as comfortable as they could.

"Because, you see, Owl (потому что, видишь ли, Филин)," said Pooh (сказал Пух), "we've been hurrying (мы спешили), so as to be in time for (чтобы придти вовремя к) — so as to see you (чтобы увидеться с тобой) before we went away again (прежде чем мы снова уйдем)."

Owl nodded solemnly (Филин важно кивнул /головой/; solemnly — важный, серьезный, официальный, формальный).

"Correct me if I am wrong (поправьте меня, если я неправ)," he said (сказал он), "but am I right in supposing (но прав ли я, предполагая) that it is a very Blusterous day outside (что сегодня снаружи очень Штормовой день; to bluster — бушевать; реветь /о буре/, завывать /о ветре/)?"

"Very," said Piglet (очень, — сказал Пятачок), who was quietly thawing his ears (который тихонько отогревал свои ушки; to thaw — таять, оттаивать, растапливать, согревать(ся), размораживать(ся)), and wishing that he was safely back in his own house (и желал, чтобы он был в безопасности / и сожалел, что он не в безопасности снова в своем собственном доме).

wrong [rON], blusterous ['blAstqrqs], thaw [TL]

"Because, you see, Owl," said Pooh, "we've been hurrying, so as to be in time for — so as to see you before we went away again."

Owl nodded solemnly.

"Correct me if I am wrong," he said, "but am I right in supposing that it is a very Blusterous day outside?"

"Very," said Piglet, who was quietly thawing his ears, and wishing that he was safely back in his own house.

"I thought so (я так и думал)," said Owl (сказал Филин). "It was on just such a blusterous day as this (как раз в такой штормовой день, как этот) that my Uncle Robert (/что/ мой Дядюшка Роберт), a portrait of whom you see upon the wall on your right, Piglet (портрет которого вы видите на стене справа от тебя, Пятачок), while returning in the late forenoon from a (возвращаясь поздним утром = незадолго до полудня из; forenoon — утро, время до полудня) — What's that (что это)?"

There was a loud cracking noise (раздался громкий звук треска).

"Look out!" cried Pooh (осторожно! — закричал Пух). "Mind the clock (берегись часов)! Out of the way, Piglet (прочь с дороги / в сторону, Пятачок)! Piglet, I'm falling on you (Пятачок, я падаю на тебя)!"

"Help!" cried Piglet (помогите! — закричал Пятачок).

portrait ['pLtrIt], whom [hHm], forenoon ['fLnHn]

"I thought so," said Owl. "It was on just such a blusterous day as this that my Uncle Robert, a portrait of whom you see upon the wall on your right, Piglet, while returning in the late forenoon from a — What's that?"

There was a loud cracking noise.

"Look out!" cried Pooh. "Mind the clock! Out of the way, Piglet! Piglet, I'm falling on you!"

"Help!" cried Piglet.

Pooh's side of the room was slowly tilting upwards (Пухова сторона комнаты медленно наклонялась = поднималась вверх; to tilt — наклонять(ся); опрокидывать(ся); откидывать(ся), поворачивать(ся)) and his chair began sliding down on Piglet's (и его стул начал сползать вниз на стул Пятачка; to slide — скользить, двигаться плавно, без резких скачков). The clock slithered gently along the mantelpiece (часы мягко заскользили по каминной полке; to slither — скользить, плавно передвигаться; соскальзывать), collecting vases on the way (собирая по пути вазы), until they all crashed together on to what had once been the floor (пока они все вместе не обрушились на то, что некогда было полом), but was now trying to see what it looked like as a wall (но теперь пыталось узнать, как оно будет смотреться в качестве стены). Uncle Robert, who was going to be the new hearthrug (Дядюшка Роберт, который собирался стать новым ковриком перед камином), and was bringing the rest of his wall with him as carpet (и нес с собой остаток своей стены в качестве ковра), met Piglet's chair just as Piglet was expecting to leave it (встретился со стулом Пятачка как раз тогда, когда Пятачок надеялся покинуть его), and for a little while it became very difficult to remember which was really the north (и на некоторое время стало очень трудно вспомнить, где же на самом деле север). Then there was another loud crack (затем раздался еще один громкий хруст) — Owl's room collected itself feverishly (комната Филина лихорадочно собралась; to collect oneself — собрать себя; взять себя в руки; оправиться от шока, изумления; собраться с мыслями)... and there was silence (и наступила тишина).

slither ['slIDq], mantelpiece ['mxntlpJs], feverishly ['fJvrISlI]

Pooh's side of the room was slowly tilting upwards and his chair began sliding down on Piglet's. The clock slithered gently along the mantelpiece, collecting vases on the way, until they all crashed together on to what had once been the floor, but was now trying to see what it looked like as a wall. Uncle Robert, who was going to be the new hearthrug, and was bringing the rest of his wall with him as carpet, met Piglet's chair just as Piglet was expecting to leave it, and for a little while it became very difficult to remember which was really the north. Then there was another loud crack — Owl's room collected itself feverishly... and there was silence.

* * *

In a corner of the room, the table-cloth began to wriggle (в одном углу комнаты начала извиваться скатерть). Then it wrapped itself into a ball and rolled across the room (затем он свернулась в клубок и перекатилась через комнату). Then it jumped up and down once or twice (потом она подскочила пару раз), and put out two ears (и выставила два уха). It rolled across the room again, and unwound itself (она еще раз перекатилась через комнату и размоталась).

"Pooh," said Piglet nervously (Пух, — сказал нервно Пятачок).

"Yes?" said one of the chairs (да? — сказало одно из кресел).

"Where are we (где мы)?"

"I'm not quite sure (я не совсем уверен = я не совсем точно понимаю)," said the chair (сказало кресло). "Are we — are we in Owl's House (мы, мы в Доме /у/ Филина)?"

roll [rqul], unwound ["An'waund], wrap [rxp]

In a corner of the room, the table-cloth began to wriggle. Then it wrapped itself into a ball and rolled across the room. Then it jumped up and down once or twice, and put out two ears. It rolled across the room again, and unwound itself.

"Pooh," said Piglet nervously.

"Yes?" said one of the chairs.

"Where are we?"

"I'm not quite sure," said the chair. "Are we — are we in Owl's House?"

"I think so (я так думаю), because we were just going to have tea (потому что мы как раз собирались ужинать), and we hadn't had it (и мы так и не поужинали)."

"Oh!" said Piglet (ах! — сказал Пятачок). "Well, did Owl always have a letter-box in his ceiling (а у Филина почтовый ящик всегда был на потолке)?"

"Has he (разве)?"

"Yes, look (да, посмотри)."

"I can't," said Pooh (не могу, — сказал Пух). "I'm face downwards under something (я /лежу/ лицом вниз под чем-то), and that, Piglet, is a very bad position for looking at ceilings (а это, Пятачок, очень неудобное положение для разглядывания потолков)."

"Well, he has, Pooh (ну, он действительно там, Пух)."

"Perhaps he's changed it (может, он перевесил его)," said Pooh (сказал Пух). "Just for a change (просто для разнообразия)."

ceiling ['sJlIN], position [pq'zISn], change [CeInG]

"I think so, because we were just going to have tea, and we hadn't had it."

"Oh!" said Piglet. "Well, did Owl always have a letter-box in his ceiling?"

"Has he?"

"Yes, look."

"I can't," said Pooh. "I'm face downwards under something, and that, Piglet, is a very bad position for looking at ceilings."

"Well, he has, Pooh."

"Perhaps he's changed it," said Pooh. "Just for a change."

There was a disturbance behind the table in the other corner of the room (позади стола в другом углу комнаты возникло волнение = шевеление), and Owl was with them again (и Филин снова был с ними).

"Ah, Piglet," said Owl (ах, Пятачок, — сказал Филин), looking very much annoyed (выглядя очень раздосадованным); "where's Pooh (где Пух)?"

"I'm not quite sure (я не совсем уверен = не совсем понятно)," said Pooh (сказал Пух).

Owl turned at his voice (Филин повернулся на его голос), and frowned at as much of Pooh as he could see (и посмотрел неодобрительно на ту часть Пуха, которую он видел; to frown — хмурить брови, смотреть неодобрительно /at, on, upon — на/).

"Pooh," said Owl severely (Пух, — сказал Филин сурово), "did you do that (ты это натворил)?"

"No," said Pooh humbly (нет, — сказал Пух кротко). "I don't think so (я так не думаю)."

annoyed [q'nOId], frown [fraun], severely [sI'vIqlI]

There was a disturbance behind the table in the other corner of the room, and Owl was with them again.

"Ah, Piglet," said Owl, looking very much annoyed; "where's Pooh?"

"I'm not quite sure," said Pooh.

Owl turned at his voice, and frowned at as much of Pooh as he could see.

"Pooh," said Owl severely, "did you do that?"

"No," said Pooh humbly. "I don't think so."

"Then who did (тогда кто /сделал/)?"

"I think it was the wind (я думаю, это /был/ ветер)," said Piglet (сказал Пятачок). "I think your house has blown down (я думаю, твой дом упал под воздействием ветра = повалило ветром; to blow down — падать под воздействием ветра).”

"Oh, is that it (ах, вот как)? I thought it was Pooh (/а/ я думал, это Пух)."

"No," said Pooh (нет, — сказал Пух).

"If it was the wind (если это был ветер)," said Owl, considering the matter (сказал Филин, обдумывая ситуацию), "then it wasn't Pooh's fault (тогда это не вина Пуха = тогда Пух не виноват). No blame can be attached to him (на него нельзя возложить вину)." With these kind words he flew up to look at his new ceiling (с этими сердечными словами он взлетел вверх, чтобы осмотреть свой новый потолок).

consider [kqn'sIdq], fault [fLlt], new [njH]

"Then who did?"

"I think it was the wind," said Piglet. "I think your house has blown down.”

"Oh, is that it? I thought it was Pooh."

"No," said Pooh.

"If it was the wind," said Owl, considering the matter, "then it wasn't Pooh's fault. No blame can be attached to him." With these kind words he flew up to look at his new ceiling.

"Piglet (Пятачок)!" called Pooh in a loud whisper (позвал Пух громким шепотом).

Piglet leant down to him (Пятачок наклонился к нему; to lean — наклоняться, склоняться).

"Yes, Pooh (да, Пух)?"

"What did he say was attached to me (что, он сказал, возложить на меня)?"

"He said he didn't blame you (он сказал, что он не винит тебя)."

"Oh! I thought he meant (а! а я думал, он имеет в виду) — Oh, I see (а, понятно)."

whisper ['wIspq], attached [q'txCt], see [sJ]

"Piglet!" called Pooh in a loud whisper.

Piglet leant down to him.

"Yes, Pooh?"

"What did he say was attached to me?"

"He said he didn't blame you."

"Oh! I thought he meant — Oh, I see."

"Owl," said Piglet (Филин, — сказал Пятачок), "come down and help Pooh (спустись и помоги Пуху)."

Owl, who was admiring his letter-box (Филин, который любовался своим почтовым ящиком), flew down again (опять слетел вниз). Together they pushed and pulled at the armchair (вместе он стали толкать и тянуть кресло), and in a little while Pooh came out from underneath (и вскоре Пух появился снизу), and was able to look round him again (и смог снова оглядеться).

"Well!" said Owl (ну! — сказал Филин). "This is a nice state of things (/это/ хорошенькое положение вещей; state — состояние, положение)!"

"What are we going to do, Pooh (что /мы/ будем делать, Пух)? Can you think of anything (ты можешь что-нибудь придумать)?" asked Piglet (спросил Пятачок).

admire [qd'maIq], armchair ['Rm'CFq], underneath ["Andq'nJT]

"Owl," said Piglet, "come down and help Pooh."

Owl, who was admiring his letter-box, flew down again. Together they pushed and pulled at the armchair, and in a little while Pooh came out from underneath, and was able to look round him again.

"Well!" said Owl. "This is a nice state of things!"

"What are we going to do, Pooh? Can you think of anything?" asked Piglet.

"Well, I had just thought of something (ну, я как раз кое-что придумал)," said Pooh (сказал Пух). "It was just a little thing I thought of (я придумал как раз маленькую вещицу)." And he began to sing (и он начал петь = запел):

I lay on my chest (я лежал на /моей/ груди)

And I thought it best (и думал, что лучше всего)

To pretend I was having an evening rest (сделать вид, что я имею = занимаюсь вечерним отдыхом);

I lay on my tum[62] (я лежал на животике)

And I tried to hum (и пытался попеть)

But nothing particular seemed to come (но ничего особенного не пришло мне на ум).

evening ['JvnIN], pretend [prI'tend], particular [pq'tIkjulq]

"Well, I had just thought of something," said Pooh. "It was just a little thing I thought of." And he began to sing:

I lay on my chest

And I thought it best

To pretend I was having an evening rest;

I lay on my tum

And I tried to hum

But nothing particular seemed to come.

My face was flat (мое лицо было распростерто)

On the floor, and that (на полу, и это)

Is all very well for an acrobat (все очень хорошо для акробата);

But it doesn't seem fair (но это кажется не очень привлекательным)

To a Friendly Bear (Дружелюбному Мишке)

To stiffen him out with a basket-chair (закрепить = придавить его плетеным креслом).

floor [flL], acrobat ['xkrqbxt], stiffen [stIfn]

My face was flat

On the floor, and that

Is all very well for an acrobat;

But it doesn't seem fair

To a Friendly Bear

To stiffen him out with a basket-chair.

And a sort of sqoze (и вроде давления)

Which grows and grows (которое растет и растет)

For his neck and his mouth and his ears and such (на его шею и его рот, и его уши, и прочее).

Is not too nice for his poor old nose (это не слишком хорошо для его бедного старого носа),

And a sort of squch[63] (и своего рода глухой звук падения = типа шмяк; squelch — тяжелый глухой удар /звук при падении чего-л. тяжелого или при ударе по какому-л. мягкому предмету/)

Is much too much (это слишком много)

For his neck and his mouth and his ears and such (для его шеи и его рта, и его ушей, и прочего).

mouth [mauT], poor [puq], old [quld]

And a sort of sqoze

Which grows and grows

For his neck and his mouth and his ears and such.

Is not too nice for his poor old nose,

And a sort of squch

Is much too much

For his neck and his mouth and his ears and such.

Лежа на груди, друзья[64],

Думал: лучше б сделал я

Вид, что отдыхаю я.

Я на пузе оказался,

Спеть шумелку попытался,

Но мой Дар не отозвался.

Валяешься когда ты

Лицом на полу, ребята,

Прекрасно для акробата.

Но так на полу очутиться

Медведю совсем не годится,

И креслу на нем не сидится.

Словно сдавила

Страшная сила.

Чуть нос ему не раздавила.

От такого Буха

Страдает не только ухо,

Но и прочие части Пуха.

“That was all (это /было/ все)," said Pooh (сказал Пух).

Owl coughed in an unadmiring sort of way (Филин кашлянул отнюдь не от восхищения), and saidthat, if Pooh was sure that was all (и сказал, что если Пух уверен, что это все), they could now give their minds to the Problem of Escape (они могут теперь высказать свое мнение о Проблеме Спасения; to give one’s mind — высказать свое мнение, высказаться). "Because," said Owl (потому что, — сказал Филин), "we can't go out by what used to be the front door (мы не можем выйти через то, что раньше было входной дверью). Something's fallen on it (что-то упало на нее)."

"But how else can you go out (но как еще ты можешь выйти)?" asked Piglet anxiously (спросил тревожно Пятачок).

"That is the Problem, Piglet (это = в этом /и заключается/ Проблема, Пятачок), to which I am asking Pooh to give his mind (по которой я прошу Пуха высказать свое мнение)."

escape [Is'keIp], used [jHst], front [frAnt]

“That was all," said Pooh.

Owl coughed in an unadmiring sort of way, and said that, if Pooh was sure that was all, they could now give their minds to the Problem of Escape. "Because," said Owl, "we can't go out by what used to be the front door. Something's fallen on it."

"But how else can you go out?" asked Piglet anxiously.

"That is the Problem, Piglet, to which I am asking Pooh to give his mind."

Pooh sat on the floor which had once been a wall (Пух сидел на полу, который был некогда стеной), and gazed up at the ceiling (и пристально разглядывал потолок) which had once been another wall (который когда-то был другой стеной), with a front door in it which had once been a front door (со входной дверью в ней, которая когда-то была входной дверью), and tried to give his mind to it (и пытался высказать свое мнение по этому /поводу/).

"Could you fly up to the letter-box with Piglet on your back (ты /не/ мог бы взлететь вверх до почтового ящика с Пятачком на твоей спине)?" he asked (спросил он).

"No," said Piglet quickly (нет, — сказал быстро Пятачок). "He couldn't (он не мог бы)."

Owl explained about the Necessary Dorsal Muscles (Филин дал пояснения о Необходимых Спинных / Дорсальных Мускулах). He had explained this to Pooh and Christopher Robin once before (он уже объяснял это Пуху и Кристоферу Робину однажды раньше), and had been waiting ever since for a chance to do it again (и с тех самых пор он ждал случая сделать это еще раз; chance — случай, возможность, шанс), because it is a thing which you can easily explain twice (потому что это такая штука, которую вы можете легко объяснить дважды) before anybody knows what you are talking about (прежде чем кто-нибудь поймет, о чем вы говорите).

necessary ['nesIsqrI], dorsal ['dLsql], muscle [mAsl]

Pooh sat on the floor which had once been a wall, and gazed up at the ceiling which had once been another wall, with a front door in it which had once been a front door, and tried to give his mind to it.

"Could you fly up to the letter-box with Piglet on your back?" he asked.

"No," said Piglet quickly. "He couldn't."

Owl explained about the Necessary Dorsal Muscles. He had explained this to Pooh and Christopher Robin once before, and had been waiting ever since for a chance to do it again, because it is a thing which you can easily explain twice before anybody knows what you are talking about.

"Because you see, Owl (потому что, видишь ли, Филин), if we could get Piglet into the letter-box (если бы мы могли доставить Пятачка в почтовый ящик), he might squeeze through the place where the letters come (он мог бы протиснуться сквозь место, куда попадают письма = сквозь щель для писем), and climb down the tree and run for help (и спуститься по дереву и побежать за помощью)."

Piglet said hurriedly that he had been getting bigger lately (Пятачок торопливо сказал, что в последнее время он покрупнел), and couldn't possibly, much as he would like to (и, вероятно, не смог, как бы он ни хотел), and Owl said that he had had his letter-box made bigger lately (а Филин сказал, что он в последнее время сделал больше = укрупнил свой почтовый ящик) in case he got bigger letters (на тот случай, если он будет получать письма побольше), so perhaps Piglet might (поэтому, наверно, Пятачок смог бы), and Piglet said (а Пятачок сказал), "But you said the necessary you-know-whats wouldn't (но ты говорил, что необходимые ты-знаешь-что не /смогут/) " and Owl said (а Филин сказал), "No, they won't (нет, они не /смогут/), so it's no good thinking about it (поэтому без толку думать об этом)," and Piglet said (а Пятачок сказал), "Then we'd better think of something else (тогда нам лучше придумать что-то другое)," and began to at once (и они сразу же начали /думать/).

squeeze [skwJz], climb [klaIm], possibly ['pOsqblI]

"Because you see, Owl, if we could get Piglet into the letter-box, he might squeeze through the place where the letters come, and climb down the tree and run for help."

Piglet said hurriedly that he had been getting bigger lately, and couldn't possibly, much as he would like to, and Owl said that he had had his letter-box made bigger lately in case he got bigger letters, so perhaps Piglet might, and Piglet said, "But you said the necessary you-know-whats wouldn 't" and Owl said, "No, they won't, so it's no good thinking about it," and Piglet said, "Then we'd better think of something else," and began to at once.

But Pooh's mind had gone back to the day (но память Пуха вернулась ко дню) when he had saved Piglet from the flood (когда он спас Пятачка от наводнения), and everybody had admired him so much (и все им так восхищались); and as that didn't often happen (а так как это случалось не часто), he thought he would like it to happen again (он подумал, что /он/ хотел бы, чтобы это случилось еще раз). And suddenly, just as it had come before (и вдруг, в точности так, как это приходило = происходило прежде), an idea came to him (ему в голову пришла мысль).

"Owl," said Pooh (Филин, — сказал Пух), "I have thought of something (я кое-что придумал)."

"Astute and Helpful Bear (Проницательный и Вспомогательный Медведь; astute — умный, мудрый, проницательный, сообразительный)," said Owl (сказал Филин).

flood [flAd], happen [hxpn], astute [qs'tjHt]

But Pooh's mind had gone back to the day when he had saved Piglet from the flood, and everybody had admired him so much; and as that didn't often happen, he thought he would like it to happen again. And suddenly, just as it had come before, an idea came to him.

"Owl," said Pooh, "I have thought of something."

"Astute and Helpful Bear," said Owl.

Pooh looked proud at being called a stout and helpful bear (Пух выглядел гордым от того, что его назвали проникательным[65] и помогательным медведем; stout — крепкий, плотный, прочный; отважный, решительный, сильный, смелый, храбрый; дородный, полный, тучный [66]), and said modestly that he just happened to think of it (и скромно сказал, что ему просто посчастливилось придумать это). You tied a piece of string to Piglet (ты привязываешь кусочек бечевки к Пятачку), and you flew up to the letter-box (и взлетаешь вверх к почтовому ящику), with the other end in your beak (с другим концом /бечевки/ в твоем клюве), and you pushed it through the wire and brought it down to the floor (и ты пропихиваешь ее через проволоку и приносишь ее вниз на пол), and you and Pooh pulled hard at this end (и ты с Пухом сильно тянешь за этот конец), and Piglet went slowly up at the other end (а Пятачок медленно поднимается на другом конце). And there you were (и готово).

"And there Piglet is (и Пятачок там)," said Owl (сказал Филин). "If the string doesn't break (если бечевка не порвется)."

proud [praud], stout [staut], break [breIk]

Pooh looked proud at being called a stout and helpful bear, and said modestly that he just happened to think of it. You tied a piece of string to Piglet, and you flew up to the letter-box, with the other end in your beak, and you pushed it through the wire and brought it down to the floor, and you and Pooh pulled hard at this end, and Piglet went slowly up at the other end. And there you were.

"And there Piglet is," said Owl. "If the string doesn't break."

"Supposing it does (а вдруг она порвется)?" asked Piglet (спросил Пятачок), really wanting to know (в самом деле желая знать).

"Then we try another piece of string (тогда мы испробуем другой кусочек бечевки; to try — испытывать /try out/, подвергать испытанию; проверять на опыте)."

This was not very comforting to Piglet (это было не очень утешительно для Пятачка), because however many pieces of string they tried pulling up with (потому что сколько бы кусков бечевки они не испробовали для подтягивания его вверх), it would always be the same him coming down (падать всегда придется одному и тому же ему); but still, it did seem the only thing to do (но, тем не менее, это казалось единственным, что можно было сделать = предпринять). So with one last look back in his mind (и с последним взглядом назад в памяти = воспоминаниях) at all the happy hours (на все счастливые часы) he had spent in the Forest (которые он провел в Лесу) not being pulled up to the ceiling by a piece of string (не будучи подтягиваем к потолку на кусочке бечевки), Piglet nodded bravely at Pooh and said (Пятачок отважно кивнул Пуху и сказал) that it was a Very Clever pup-pup-pup Clever pup-pup Plan (что это Очень Умный п-п-п Умный п-п-п План).

string [strIN], bravely ['breIvlI], clever ['klevq]

"Supposing it does?" asked Piglet, really wanting to know.

"Then we try another piece of string."

This was not very comforting to Piglet, because however many pieces of string they tried pulling up with, it would always be the same him coming down; but still, it did seem the only thing to do. So with one last look back in his mind at all the happy hours he had spent in the Forest not being pulled up to the ceiling by a piece of string, Piglet nodded bravely at Pooh and said that it was a Very Clever pup-pup-pup Clever pup-pup Plan.

"It won't break (она не порвется)," whispered Pooh comfortingly (прошептал утешительно Пух), "because you're a Small Animal (потому что ты Маленькое Животное), and I'll stand underneath (и я буду стоять внизу), and if you save us all (а если ты нас всех спасешь), it will be a Very Grand Thing to talk about afterwards (это будет Очень Грандиозный Поступок, о котором будут говорить впоследствии), and perhaps I'll make up a Song (и, может быть, я сочиню Песню), and people will say (а люди = все будут говорить) 'It was so grand what Piglet did (то, что совершил Пятачок, столь грандиозно) that a Respectful Pooh Song was made about it (что об этом была создана Почитательная Пухова Песня)!' "

animal ['xnImql], perhaps [pq'hxps], respectful [rI'spektful]

"It won't break," whispered Pooh comfortingly, "because you're a Small Animal, and I'll stand underneath, and if you save us all, it will be a Very Grand Thing to talk about afterwards, and perhaps I'll make up a Song, and people will say 'It was so grand what Piglet did that a Respectful Pooh Song was made about it!' "

Piglet felt much better after this (после этого Пятачок почувствовал себя гораздо лучше), and when everything was ready (и когда все было готово), and he found himself slowly going up to the ceiling (и он обнаружил себя медленно поднимающимся к потолку), he was so proud (он так загордился) that he would have called out "Look at me (что он бы крикнул: посмотрите на меня)!" if he hadn't been afraid (если бы не боялся) that Pooh and Owl would let go of their end of the string and look at him (что Пух и Филин отпустят свой конец бечевки и посмотрят на него).

"Up we go (поднимаемся)!" said Pooh cheerfully (радостно сказал Пух).

ready ['redI], proud [praud], afraid [q'freId]

Piglet felt much better after this, and when everything was ready, and he found himself slowly going up to the ceiling, he was so proud that he would have called out "Look at me!" if he hadn't been afraid that Pooh and Owl would let go of their end of the string and look at him.

"Up we go!" said Pooh cheerfully.

"The ascent is proceeding as expected (подъем осуществляется, как ожидалось; to proceed — развиваться, происходить)," said Owl helpfully (сказал Филин услужливо). Soon it was over (вскоре он = подъем был закончен). Piglet opened the letter-box and climbed in (Пятачок открыл почтовый ящик и забрался вовнутрь). Then, having untied himself (потом, отвязавшись), he began to squeeze into the slit (он начал протискиваться в щель), through which in the old days when front doors were front doors (через которую в старые времена, когда входные двери были входными дверьми), many an unexpected letter that WOL had written to himself, had come slipping (проскальзывали многие нежданные письма, которые ХВИЛЕН писал себе).

He squeezed and he sqoze (он протискивался и пропихивался), and then with one last squze he was out (а потом с последним продавом = тиском и писком он оказался снаружи). Happy and excited he turned round to squeak a last message to the prisoners (радостный и взволнованный, он обернулся, чтобы пропищать последнее сообщение заключенным[67]).

ascent [q'sent], proceed [prq'sJd], prisoner ['prIznq]

"The ascent is proceeding as expected," said Owl helpfully. Soon it was over. Piglet opened the letter-box and climbed in. Then, having untied himself, he began to squeeze into the slit, through which in the old days when front doors were front doors, many an unexpected letter that WOL had written to himself, had come slipping.

He squeezed and he sqoze, and then with one last squze he was out. Happy and excited he turned round to squeak a last message to the prisoners.

"It's all right (все в порядке)," he called through the letter-box (крикнул он через почтовый ящик). "Your tree is blown right over, Owl (твое дерево повалено, Филин), and there's a branch across the door (а на двери лежит ветвь = большая ветка), but Christopher Robin and I can move it (но мы с Кристофером Робином можем сдвинуть ее), and we'll bring a rope for Pooh (и мы принесем канат для Пуха), and I'll go and tell him now (и я пойду и расскажу ему сейчас), and I can climb down quite easily (и я могу легко спуститься вниз), I mean it's dangerous (я имею в виду, это опасно) but I can do it all right (но я вполне могу это сделать), and Christopher Robin and I will be back in about half an hour (и мы с Кристофером Робином вернемся где-то через полчаса). Good-bye, Pooh (до свидания, Пух)!" And without waiting to hear Pooh's answering (и не дожидаясь /услышать/ ответа Пуха) "Good-bye, and thank you, Piglet (до свидания, и спасибо, Пятачок)," he was off (он ушел = убежал).

move [mHv], dangerous ['deInGrqs], half [hRf]

"It's all right," he called through the letter-box. "Your tree is blown right over, Owl, and there's a branch across the door, but Christopher Robin and I can move it, and we'll bring a rope for Pooh, and I'll go and tell him now, and I can climb down quite easily, I mean it's dangerous but I can do it all right, and Christopher Robin and I will be back in about half an hour. Good-bye, Pooh!" And without waiting to hear Pooh's answering "Good-bye, and thank you, Piglet," he was off.

"Half an hour," said Owl (полчаса, — сказал Филин), settling himself comfortably (устраиваясь поудобнее). "That will just give me time to finish that story (это как раз даст мне время закончить тот рассказ) I was telling you about my Uncle Robert (который я рассказывал вам о моем Дядюшке Роберте) — a portrait of whom you see underneath you (портрет которого ты видишь под собой). Now let me see (теперь дай мне подумать), where was I (где я был = на чем я остановился)? Oh, yes (ах, да). It was on just such a blusterous day as this that my Uncle Robert (именно в такой штормовой день, как этот, мой Дядюшка Роберт) — "

Pooh closed his eyes (Пух закрыл /свои/ глаза).

hour [auq], finish ['fInIS], eye [aI]

"Half an hour," said Owl, settling himself comfortably. "That will just give me time to finish that story I was telling you about my Uncle Robert — a portrait of whom you see underneath you. Now let me see, where was I? Oh, yes. It was on just such a blusterous day as this that my Uncle Robert — "

Pooh closed his eyes.

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