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В которой Тигер приходит в лес и завтракает

Winnie-the-Pooh woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and listened (Винни-Пух проснулся внезапно среди ночи и прислушался; to wake up — просыпаться). Then he got out of bed (затем он выбрался из постели), and lit his candle (и зажег свечу; to light — зажигать), and stumped across the room to see (и протопал через комнату, чтобы выяснить) if anybody was trying to get into his honey-cupboard (/не/ пытается ли кто-нибудь забраться в его буфет с медом), and they weren't (но никто не пытался: «а они не были»), so he stumped back again (и он снова приковылял назад), blew out his candle (задул /свою/ свечу), and got into bed (и забрался / лег в постель). Then he heard the noise again (потом он снова услышал /этот/ шум).

night [naIt], cupboard ['kAbqd], blew [blH]

Winnie-the-Pooh woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and listened. Then he got out of bed, and lit his candle, and stumped across the room to see if anybody was trying to get into his honey-cupboard, and they weren't, so he stumped back again, blew out his candle, and got into bed. Then he heard the noise again.

"Is that you, Piglet?" he said (это ты, Пятачок? — спросил он).

But it wasn't (но это не был = был не Пятачок).

"Come in, Christopher Robin," he said (входи, Кристофер Робин, — сказал он).

But Christopher Robin didn't (но Кристофер Робин не вошел).

"Tell me about it to-morrow, Eeyore (расскажи мне об этом завтра, Иа)," said Pooh sleepily (сказал сонно Пух).

But the noise went on (но шум продолжался; to go on — продолжаться).

"Worraworraworraworraworra," said Whatever-it-was (ворраворраворраворра, — сказал Кто-бы-то-ни-был), and Pooh found that he wasn't asleep after all (и Пух обнаружил, что он таки не спит; after all — в итоге, в конце концов, таки, как-никак).

piglet ['pIglqt], found [faund], asleep [q'slJp]

"Is that you, Piglet?" he said.

But it wasn't.

"Come in, Christopher Robin," he said.

But Christopher Robin didn't.

"Tell me about it to-morrow, Eeyore," said Pooh sleepily.

But the noise went on.

"Worraworraworraworraworra," said Whatever-it-was, and Pooh found that he wasn't asleep after all.

"What can it be?" he thought (что это может быть? — подумал он). "There are lots of noises in the Forest (в Лесу много звуков / шумов), but this is a different one (но это иной = не такой звук). It isn't a growl (это не рычание), and it isn't a purr (и это не мурлыканье), and it isn't a bark (и это не лай), and it isn't the noise-you-make-before-beginning-a-piece-of-poetry (и это не шум-который-ты-создаешь-перед-началом-стихотворения), but it's a noise of some kind (но это какой-то шум), made by a strange animal (производимый незнакомым животным)! And he's making it outside my door (и оно производит его снаружи /перед/ моей дверью). So I shall get up and ask him not to do it (поэтому я встану и попрошу его не делать этого)."

He got out of bed and opened his front door (он вылез из кровати и открыл /свою/ входную дверь).

"Hallo!" said Pooh (привет! — сказал Пух), in case there was anything outside (на тот случай, если снаружи кто-то был).

different ['dIfrqnt], growl [graul], animal ['xnImql]

"What can it be?" he thought. "There are lots of noises in the Forest, but this is a different one. It isn't a growl, and it isn't a purr, and it isn't a bark, and it isn't the noise-you-make-before-beginning-a-piece-of-poetry, but it's a noise of some kind, made by a strange animal! And he's making it outside my door. So I shall get up and ask him not to do it."

He got out of bed and opened his front door.

"Hallo!" said Pooh, in case there was anything outside.

"Hallo!" said Whatever-it-was (привет! — сказал Кто-бы-то-ни-был).

"Oh!" said Pooh (а! — сказал Пух). "Hallo (привет)!"

"Hallo (привет)!"

"Oh, there you are!" said Pooh (а, это ты! — сказал Пух). "Hallo (привет)!"

"Hallo!" said the Strange Animal (привет! — сказало Незнакомое Животное), wondering how long this was going on (спрашивая себя, как долго это будет продолжаться).

Pooh was just going to say "Hallo!" for the fourth time (Пух как раз собирался сказать привет в четвертый раз) when he thought that he wouldn't (когда он подумал, что он не будет = что не стоит), so he said, "Who is it?" instead (и /он/ сказал вместо этого: кто это?).

"Me," said a voice (я, — сказал голос).

"Oh!" said Pooh (а! — сказал Пух). "Well, come here (ну, иди сюда = заходи)."

whatever [wOt'evq], fourth [fLT], instead [In'sted]

"Hallo!" said Whatever-it-was.

"Oh!" said Pooh. "Hallo!"


"Oh, there you are!" said Pooh. "Hallo!"

"Hallo!" said the Strange Animal, wondering how long this was going on.

Pooh was just going to say "Hallo!" for the fourth time when he thought that he wouldn't, so he said, "Who is it?" instead.

"Me," said a voice.

"Oh!" said Pooh. "Well, come here."

So Whatever-it-was came here (и Кто-бы-то-ни-был пришел сюда = зашел), and in the light of the candle he and Pooh looked at each other (и при свете свечи он и Пух посмотрели друг на друга).

"I'm Pooh," said Pooh (я Пух, — сказал Пух).

"I'm Tigger," said Tigger (/а/ я Тигер, — сказал Тигер).

"Oh!" said Pooh, for he had never seen an animal like this before (ах! — сказал Пух, так как он никогда прежде не видел такого животного). "Does Christopher Robin know about you (Кристофер Робин знает о тебе)?"

"Of course he does," said Tigger (конечно знает, — сказал Тигер).

each [JC], never ['nevq], does [dAz]

So Whatever-it-was came here, and in the light of the candle he and Pooh looked at each other.

"I'm Pooh," said Pooh.

"I'm Tigger," said Tigger.

"Oh!" said Pooh, for he had never seen an animal like this before. "Does Christopher Robin know about you?"

"Of course he does," said Tigger.

"Well," said Pooh (ну, — сказал Пух), "it's the middle of the night (/сейчас/ середина ночи), which is a good time for going to sleep (которое = а это хорошее время, чтобы лечь поспать). And to-morrow morning we'll have some honey for breakfast (а завтра утром у нас на завтрак будет мед / мы поедим меду на завтрак). Do Tiggers like honey (Тигеры любят мед)?"

"They like everything (они любят все)," said Tigger cheerfully (сказал радостно Тигер).

"Then if they like going to sleep on the floor (тогда, если они любят спать на полу), I'll go back to bed," said Pooh (я вернусь в кровать, — сказал Пух), "and we'll do things in the morning (и мы будем делать вещи = мы займемся делами утром). Good night (спокойной ночи)." And he got back into bed and went fast asleep (и он вернулся в кровать и крепко заснул; to fall fast asleep — крепко заснуть).

When he awoke in the morning (когда он проснулся утром; to awake — проснуться), the first thing he saw was Tigger (первой вещью = первым, что он увидел, был Тигер), sitting in front of the glass and looking at himself (сидевший перед зеркалом и смотревший на себя).

"Hallo!" said Pooh (привет! — сказал Пух).

cheerfully ['CIqfulI], floor [flL], glass [glRs]

"Well," said Pooh, "it's the middle of the night, which is a good time for going to sleep. And to-morrow morning we'll have some honey for breakfast. Do Tiggers like honey?"

"They like everything," said Tigger cheerfully.

"Then if they like going to sleep on the floor, I'll go back to bed," said Pooh, "and we'll do things in the morning. Good night." And he got back into bed and went fast asleep.

When he awoke in the morning, the first thing he saw was Tigger, sitting in front of the glass and looking at himself.

"Hallo!" said Pooh.

"Hallo!" said Tigger (привет! — сказал Тигер). "I've found somebody just like me (я нашел кого-то в точности похожего на меня). I thought I was the only one of them (я думал, что я единственный из них)."

Pooh got out of bed (Пух вылез из кровати), and began to explain what a looking-glass was (и начал объяснять, что такое зеркало), but just as he was getting to the interesting part (но как раз когда он подходил к интересной части = интересному месту), Tigger said: "Excuse me a moment (Тигер сказал: извини на секундочку), but there's something climbing up your table (но что-то[6]= кто-то лезет на твой стол)," and with one loud Worraworraworraworraworra he jumped at the end of the tablecloth (и с одним громким Ворраворраворраворра он прыгнул на край скатерти), pulled it to the ground (стащил ее на землю = на пол), wrapped himself up in it three times (завернулся в нее три раза), rolled to the other end of the room (перекатился в другой конец комнаты), and, after a terrible struggle (и после ужасной борьбы), got his head into the daylight again (высунул свою голову снова на белый свет), and said cheerfully: "Have I won (и радостно спросил: я победил; to win — победить, выиграть)?"

only ['qunlI], daylight ['deIlaIt], ground [graund]

"Hallo!" said Tigger. "I've found somebody just like me. I thought I was the only one of them."

Pooh got out of bed, and began to explain what a looking-glass was, but just as he was getting to the interesting part, Tigger said: "Excuse me a moment, but there's some­thing climbing up your table," and with one loud Worraworraworraworraworra he jumped at the end of the tablecloth, pulled it to the ground, wrapped himself up in it three times, rolled to the other end of the room, and, after a terrible struggle, got his head into the daylight again, and said cheerfully: "Have I won?"

"That's my tablecloth," said Pooh (это моя скатерть, — сказал Пух), as he began to unwind Tigger (когда он начал разматывать = начиная разматывать Тигера; to begin — начать(ся)).

"I wondered what it was," said Tigger (мне было интересно, что это, — сказал Тигер).

"It goes on the table and you put things on it (она идет на = стелется на стол, и ты кладешь на нее вещи = посуду)."

"Then why did it try to bite me (тогда почему она попыталась укусить меня) when I wasn't looking (когда я не смотрел)?"

"I don't think it did," said Pooh (не думаю, что она пыталась, — сказал Пух).

"It tried," said Tigger (она пыталась, — сказал Тигер), "but I was too quick for it (но я оказался слишком быстрым для нее)."

unwind ['An'waInd], put [put], quick [kwIk]

"That's my tablecloth," said Pooh, as he began to unwind Tigger.

"I wondered what it was," said Tigger.

"It goes on the table and you put things on it."

"Then why did it try to bite me when I wasn't looking?"

"I don't think it did," said Pooh.

"It tried," said Tigger, "but I was too quick for it."

Pooh put the cloth back on the table (Пух постелил снова скатерть на стол), and he put a large honey-pot on the cloth (и /он/ поставил на скатерть большой горшок с медом), and they sat down to breakfast (и они сели завтракать). And as soon as they sat down (и как только они уселись), Tigger took a large mouthful of honey (Тигер взял большой кусок меда = набрал полный рот меда)... and he looked up at the ceiling (и посмотрел на потолок) with his head on one side (со своей головой = склонив голову набок), and made exploring noises with his tongue (и сделал = издал /своим/ языком пробующие звуки; to explore — исследовать), and considering noises (и обдумывающие звуки), and what-have-we-got-here noises (и что-это-у-нас-такойные звуки)... and then he said in a very decided voice (а потом он сказал очень решительным голосом):

"Tiggers don't like honey (Тигеры не любят мед)."

"Oh!" said Pooh (а! — сказал Пух), and tried to make it sound Sad and Regretful (и попытался придать этому /а!/ Грустное и Сожалеющее звучание). "I thought they liked everything (я думал, они любят все)."

cloth [klOT], ceiling ['sJlIN], everything ['evrITIN]

Pooh put the cloth back on the table, and he put a large honey-pot on the cloth, and they sat down to breakfast. And as soon as they sat down, Tigger took a large mouthful of honey... and he looked up at the ceiling with his head on one side, and made exploring noises with his tongue, and considering noises, and what-have-we-got-here noises... and then he said in a very decided voice:

"Tiggers don't like honey."

"Oh!" said Pooh, and tried to make it sound Sad and Regretful. "I thought they liked everything."

"Everything except honey," said Tigger (все кроме меда, — сказал Тигер).

Pooh felt rather pleased about this (Пух чувствовал себя очень довольным по этому поводу), and said that, as soon as he had finished his own breakfast (и сказал, что как только он закончит свой завтрак), he would take Tigger round to Piglet's house (он поведет Тигера домой к Пятачку), and Tigger could try some of Piglet's haycorns (и Тигер сможет попробовать жУлудей[7] Пятачка; acorn — желудь).

"Thank you, Pooh," said Tigger (спасибо, Пух, — сказал Тигер), "because haycorns is really what Tiggers like best (потому что жУлудЯ — это действительно то, что Тигеры любят больше всего)."

acorn ['eIkLn], except [Ik'sept], some [sAm]

"Everything except honey," said Tigger.

Pooh felt rather pleased about this, and said that, as soon as he had finished his own breakfast, he would take Tigger round to Piglet's house, and Tigger could try some of Piglet's haycorns.

"Thank you, Pooh," said Tigger, "because haycorns is really what Tiggers like best."

So after breakfast they went round to see Piglet (и после завтрака они зашли проведать Пятачка), and Pooh explained (и Пух объяснил) as they went (когда они шли = по дороге) that Piglet was a Very Small Animal who didn't like bouncing (что Пятачок — Очень Маленькое Животное, которое не любит, /когда/ наскакивают), and asked Tigger not to be too Bouncy just at first (и попросил Тигера не быть слишком Наскакливым только = хотя бы сначала; bouncy — живой, подвижный; to bounce — подпрыгивать; вламываться /в какое-либо помещение/; бесцеремонно входить куда-либо). And Tigger, who had been hiding behind trees (а Тигер, который прятался за деревьями) and jumping out on Pooh's shadow when it wasn't looking (и выпрыгивал на тень Пуха, когда она не смотрела), said that Tiggers were only bouncy before breakfast (сказал, что Тигеры наскакливы лишь до завтрака), and that as soon as they had had a few haycorns (и что как только они съедят немного жУлудей) they became Quiet and Refined (они становятся Тихими и Изысканными). So by-and-by they knocked at the door of Piglet's house (так вскоре они постучали в дверь дома Пятачка).

bouncy ['baunsI], shadow ['Sxdqu], quiet ['kwaIqt]

So after breakfast they went round to see Piglet, and Pooh explained as they went that Piglet was a Very Small Animal who didn't like bouncing, and asked Tigger not to be too Bouncy just at first. And Tigger, who had been hiding behind trees and jumping out on Pooh's shadow when it wasn't looking, said that Tiggers were only bouncy before breakfast, and that as soon as they had had a few haycorns they became Quiet and Refined. So by-and-by they knocked at the door of Piglet's house.

"Hallo, Pooh," said Piglet (привет, Пух, — сказал Пятачок).

"Hallo, Piglet (привет, Пятачок). This is Tigger (это Тигер)."

"Oh, is it?" said Piglet (ах, да? — сказал Пятачок), and he edged round to the other side of the table (и он подвинулся к другому краю стола). "I thought Tiggers were smaller than that (я думал, Тигеры поменьше /чем это/)."

"Not the big ones," said Tigger (/только/ не большие Тигеры, — сказал Тигер).

"They like haycorns," said Pooh (они любят жОлуди, — сказал Пух), "so that's what we've come for (вот ради чего мы пришли), because poor Tigger hasn't had any breakfast yet (потому что бедный Тигер еще /совсем/ не завтракал)."

edge [eG], because [bI'kOz], breakfast ['brekfqst]

"Hallo, Pooh," said Piglet.

"Hallo, Piglet. This is Tigger."

"Oh, is it?" said Piglet, and he edged round to the other side of the table. "I thought Tiggers were smaller than that."

"Not the big ones," said Tigger.

"They like haycorns," said Pooh, "so that's what we've come for, because poor Tigger hasn't had any breakfast yet."

Piglet pushed the bowl of haycorns towards Tigger (Пятачок подвинул миску жУлудей к Тигеру), and said, "Help yourself (и сказал: угощайся)," and then he got close up to Pooh and felt much braver (а потом он подвинулся поближе к Пуху и почувствовал себя гораздо смелее), and said, "So you're Tigger (и сказал: так ты Тигер)? Well, well!" in a careless sort of voice (ну, ну! — беспечным голосом). But Tigger said nothing (но Тигер /не/ сказал ничего) because his mouth was full of haycorns (потому что его рот был полон жУлудей)...

After a long munching noise he said (после долгого чавкающего звука он сказал):

"Ee-ers o i a-ors (иэы и юят Ууей)."

And when Pooh and Piglet said "What (и когда Пух и Пятачок спросили: что)?" he said "Skoos ee (он сказал: зиите ия)," and went outside for a moment (и вышел на минутку наружу = из дома).

When he came back he said firmly (когда он вернулся, он твердо сказал):

"Tiggers don't like haycorns (Тигеры не любят жУлудей)."

towards [tq'wLdz], yourself [jL'self], careless ['kFqlIs]

Piglet pushed the bowl of haycorns towards Tigger, and said, "Help yourself," and then he got close up to Pooh and felt much braver, and said, "So you're Tigger? Well, well!" in a careless sort of voice. But Tigger said nothing because his mouth was full of haycorns...

After a long munching noise he said:

"Ee-ers o i a-ors."

And when Pooh and Piglet said "What?" he said "Skoos ee," and went outside for a moment.

When he came back he said firmly:

"Tiggers don't like haycorns."

"But you said they liked everything except honey," said Pooh (но ты говорил, что они любят все, кроме меда, — сказал Пух).

"Everything except honey and haycorns (все кроме меда и жУлудей)," explained Tigger (пояснил Тигер).

When he heard this, Pooh said, "Oh, I see (когда он = Пух услышал это, Пух = он сказал: а, понятно)!" and Piglet, who was rather glad (а Пятачок, который был довольно рад) that Tiggers didn't like haycorns (что Тигеры не любят жУлудей), said, "What about thistles (сказал: а как насчет чертополоха)?"

"Thistles," said Tigger (чертополох, — сказал Тигер), "is what Tiggers like best (это то, что Тигеры любят больше всего)."

"Then let's go along and see Eeyore," said Piglet (тогда давайте пойдем /и/ навестим Иа, — сказал Пятачок).

explain [Iks'pleIn], thistle [TIsl], along [q'lON]

"But you said they liked everything except honey," said Pooh.

"Everything except honey and haycorns," explained Tigger.

When he heard this, Pooh said, "Oh, I see!" and Piglet, who was rather glad that Tiggers didn't like haycorns, said, "What about thistles?"

"Thistles," said Tigger, "is what Tiggers like best."

"Then let's go along and see Eeyore," said Piglet.

So the three of them went (и они пошли втроем); and after they had walked and walked and walked (и после того как они шли и шли и шли), they came to the part of the Forest where Eeyore was (они пришли в ту часть Леса, где был = жил Иа).

"Hallo, Eeyore!" said Pooh (привет, Иа! — сказал Пух). "This is Tigger (это Тигер)."

"What is?" said Eeyore (что = кто? — спросил Иа).

"This," explained Pooh and Piglet together (это, — пояснили Пух и Пятачок вместе), and Tigger smiled his happiest smile and said nothing (а Тигер улыбнулся своей самой счастливой улыбкой и ничего /не/ сказал).

Eeyore walked all round Tigger one way (Иа обошел вокруг Тигера с одной стороны), and then turned and walked all round him the other way (а затем повернул и обошел вокруг него с другой стороны).

three [TrJ], walk [wLk], turn [tWn]

So the three of them went; and after they had walked and walked and walked, they came to the part of the Forest where Eeyore was.

"Hallo, Eeyore!" said Pooh. "This is Tigger."

"What is?" said Eeyore.

"This," explained Pooh and Piglet together, and Tigger smiled his happiest smile and said nothing.

Eeyore walked all round Tigger one way, and then turned and walked all round him the other way.

"What did you say it was?" he asked (кто это, вы сказали? — спросил он).

"Tigger (Тигер)."

"Ah!" said Eeyore (а! — сказал Иа).

"He's just come," explained Piglet (он только что пришел, — объяснил Пятачок).

"Ah!" said Eeyore again (а! — сказал снова Иа).

He thought for a long time and then said (он долго думал, а потом сказал):

"When is he going (/а/ когда он уходит)?"

just [GAst], come [kAm], long [lON]

"What did you say it was?" he asked.


"Ah!" said Eeyore.

"He's just come," explained Piglet.

"Ah!" said Eeyore again.

He thought for a long time and then said:

"When is he going?"

Pooh explained to Eeyore (Пух объяснил Иа) that Tigger was a great friend of Christopher Robin's (что Тигер большой друг Кристофера Робина), who had come to stay in the Forest (который = и он обосновался в Лесу; to come to stay — утвердиться, укорениться), and Piglet explained to Tigger that he mustn't mind what Eeyore said (а Пятачок объяснил Тигеру, что он не должен обращать внимания на то, что говорит Иа) because he was always gloomy (потому что он всегда угрюмый); and Eeyore explained to Piglet (а Иа объяснил Пятачку) that, on the contrary, he was feeling particularly cheerful this morning (что, напротив, он чувствует себя особенно радостно сегодня утром); and Tigger explained to anybody who was listening (а Тигер объяснил всем, кто слушал) that he hadn't had any breakfast yet (что он еще совсем не завтракал).

great [greIt], friend [frend], particularly [pq'tIkjulqlI]

Pooh explained to Eeyore that Tigger was a great friend of Christopher Robin's, who had come to stay in the Forest, and Piglet explained to Tigger that he mustn't mind what Eeyore said because he was always gloomy; and Eeyore explained to Piglet that, on the contrary, he was feeling particularly cheerful this morning; and Tigger explained to anybody who was listening that he hadn't had any breakfast yet.

"I knew there was something," said Pooh (я знал, что есть кое-что = кой-какое дело). "Tiggers always eat thistles (Тигеры всегда едят чертополох), so that was why we came to see you, Eeyore (вот почему мы пришли к тебе, Иа)."

"Don't mention it, Pooh (ничего / не стоит благодарности, Пух: «не упоминай это»)."

"Oh, Eeyore, I didn't mean (ах, Иа, я не имел в виду) that I didn't want to see you (что я не хочу проведать тебя) — "

"Quite-quite (действительно-действительно). But your new stripy friend — naturally, he wants his breakfast (но твой новый полосатый друг — естественно, /он/ хочет /получить/ свой завтрак; stripe — полоска). What did you say his name was (как, ты сказал, его зовут)?"

"Tigger (Тигер)."

"Then come this way, Tigger (тогда иди сюда, Тигер)."

want [wOnt], always ['Llwqz], naturally ['nxCrqlI]

"I knew there was something," said Pooh. "Tiggers always eat thistles, so that was why we came to see you, Eeyore."

"Don't mention it, Pooh."

"Oh, Eeyore, I didn't mean that I didn't want to see you — "

"Quite-quite. But your new stripy friend — naturally, he wants his breakfast. What did you say his name was?"


"Then come this way, Tigger."

Eeyore led the way to the most thistly-looking patch of thistles that ever was (Иа пошел впереди = проводил /Тигера/ к самому колючему участку чертополоха, который только был; to lead — вести; patch — клочок, лоскут, обрывок; небольшой участок земли), and waved a hoof at it (и махнул копытом на него).

"A little patch I was keeping for my birthday," he said (маленький участок, /который/ я берег на свой день рождения, — сказал он); "but, after all, what are birthdays (но в конце-концов что такое дни рождения)? Here to-day and gone tomorrow (сегодня здесь, а завтра уж нет). Help yourself, Tigger (угощайся, Тигер)."

Tigger thanked him (Тигер поблагодарил его) and looked a little anxiously at Pooh (и немного встревоженно посмотрел на Пуха).

"Are these really thistles?" he whispered (это действительно чертополох? — прошептал он).

"Yes," said Pooh (да, — сказал Пух).

thistly [TIslI], patch [pxC], anxiously ['xNkSqslI]

Eeyore led the way to the most thistly-looking patch of thistles that ever was, and waved a hoof at it.

"A little patch I was keeping for my birthday," he said; "but, after all, what are birthdays? Here to-day and gone tomorrow. Help yourself, Tigger."

Tigger thanked him and looked a little anxiously at Pooh.

"Are these really thistles?" he whispered.

"Yes," said Pooh.

"What Tiggers like best (тот, что Тигеры любят больше всего)?"

"That's right," said Pooh (верно, — сказал Пух).

"I see," said Tigger (понятно, — сказал Тигер).

So he took a large mouthful (и он отхватил большой кусок), and he gave a large crunch (и издал сильный хруст).

"Ow!" said Tigger (ай! — сказал Тигер).

He sat down and put his paw in his mouth (он сел и засунул /свою/ лапу в /свой/ рот).

"What's the matter?" asked Pooh (что случилось? — спросил Пух).

"Hot!" mumbled Tigger (острый = печет! — пробормотал Тигер).

large [lRG], paw [pL], matter ['mxtq]

"What Tiggers like best?"

"That's right," said Pooh.

"I see," said Tigger.

So he took a large mouthful, and he gave a large crunch.

"Ow!" said Tigger.

He sat down and put his paw in his mouth.

"What's the matter?" asked Pooh.

"Hot!" mumbled Tigger.

"Your friend," said Eeyore (твой друг, — сказал Иа), "appears to have bitten on a bee (кажется, вгрызся в пчелу = проглотил пчелу; to bite on — вгрызаться во что-то)."

Pooh's friend stopped shaking his head to get the prickles out (друг Пуха перестал трясти головой, чтобы вытрясти колючки), and explained that Tiggers didn't like thistles (и объяснил, что Тигеры не любят чертополох).

"Then why bend a perfectly good one?" asked Eeyore (тогда зачем /было/ гнуть превосходный один = экземпляр).

"But you said," began Pooh (но ты говорил, — начал Пух), " — you said that Tiggers liked everything except honey and haycorns (ты говорил, что Тигеры любят все кроме меда и жУлудей)."

appear [q'pIq], bitten ['bItn], perfectly ['pWfIktlI]

"Your friend," said Eeyore, "appears to have bitten on a bee."

Pooh's friend stopped shaking his head to get the prickles out, and explained that Tiggers didn't like thistles.

"Then why bend a perfectly good one?" asked Eeyore.

"But you said," began Pooh, " — you said that Tiggers liked everything except honey and haycorns."

"And thistles," said Tigger (и чертополох, — сказал Тигер), who was now running round in circles with his tongue hanging out (который теперь бегал кругами[8] с высунутым языком; to hang out — высунуться, вывесить).

Pooh looked at him sadly (Пух грустно посмотрел на него).

"What are we going to do (что будем делать)?" he asked Piglet (спросил он Пятачка).

Piglet knew the answer to that (Пятачок знал на это ответ), and he said at once that they must go and see Christopher Robin (и он сказал, что они сейчас же должны пойти к Кристоферу Робину; to go to see smb. — пойти к кому-нибудь, навестить / проведать кого-либо).

circle [sWkl], answer ['Rnsq], tongue [tAN]

"And thistles," said Tigger, who was now running round in circles with his tongue hanging out.

Pooh looked at him sadly.

"What are we going to do?" he asked Piglet.

Piglet knew the answer to that, and he said at once that they must go and see Christopher Robin.

"You'll find him with Kanga," said Eeyore (вы найдете его у Кенги, — сказал Иа). He came close to Pooh (он подошел близко к Пуху), and said in a loud whisper (и сказал громким шепотом):

"Could you ask your friend to do his exercises somewhere else (ты не мог бы попросить твоего друга делать свои упражнения где-нибудь в другом месте)? I shall be having lunch directly (я скоро буду обедать = у меня скоро /будет/ обед), and don't want it bounced on just before I begin (и не хочу, чтобы по нему прыгали как раз перед тем, как я начну = примусь за него). A trifling matter, and fussy of me (пустячное дело, и суетливо = напрасное беспокойство с моей стороны), but we all have our little ways (но у нас у всех свои маленькие слабости)."

Pooh nodded solemnly and called to Tigger (Пух торжественно кивнул и крикнул Тигеру).

"Come along and we'll go and see Kanga (идем, и /мы/ навестим Кенгу). She's sure to have lots of breakfast for you (у нее наверняка есть куча завтраков для тебя)."

whisper ['wIspq], exercise ['eksqsaIz], directly [dI'rektlI]

"You'll find him with Kanga," said Eeyore. He came close to Pooh, and said in a loud whisper:

"Could you ask your friend to do his exercises some­where else? I shall be having lunch directly, and don't want it bounced on just before I begin. A trifling matter, and fussy of me, but we all have our little ways."

Pooh nodded solemnly and called to Tigger.

"Come along and we'll go and see Kanga. She's sure to have lots of breakfast for you."

Tigger finished his last circle (Тигер закончил свой последний круг) and came up to Pooh and Piglet (и подошел = подбежал к Пуху и Пятачку).

"Hot!" he explained with a large and friendly smile (печет! — объяснил он с широкой и дружелюбной улыбкой). "Come on!" and he rushed off (пошли! — и он бросился /вперед/).

Pooh and Piglet walked slowly after him (Пух и Пятачок медленно шли за ним). And as they walked Piglet said nothing (и когда они шли = и по дороге Пятачок ничего /не/ говорил), because he couldn't think of anything (потому что он ничего не мог придумать), and Pooh said nothing, because he was thinking of a poem (а Пух ничего не говорил, потому что он сочинял стих). And when he had thought of it he began (и когда он его сочинил, он начал):

friendly ['frendlI], nothing ['nATIN], poem ['pquIm]

Tigger finished his last circle and came up to Pooh and Piglet.

"Hot!" he explained with a large and friendly smile. "Come on!" and he rushed off.

Pooh and Piglet walked slowly after him. And as they walked Piglet said nothing, because he couldn't think of anything, and Pooh said nothing, because he was thinking of a poem. And when he had thought of it he began:

What shall we do about poor little Tigger (что делать нам с бедным маленьким Тигером)?

If he never eats nothing he'll never get bigger (если он никогда /не/ будет ничего есть, он никогда /не/ станет больше).

He doesn't like honey and haycorns and thistles (он не любит мед и жОлуди и чертополох)

Because of the taste and because of the bristles (из-за вкуса и из-за иголок).

And all the good things which an animal likes (и все хорошее, что любит животное = любят животные)

Have the wrong sort of swallow or too many spikes (не так глотаются или имеют слишком много шипов).

taste [teIst], bristle [brIsl], swallow ['swOlqu]

What shall we do about poor little Tigger?

If he never eats nothing he'll never get bigger.

He doesn't like honey and haycorns and thistles

Because of the taste and because of the bristles.

And all the good things which an animal likes

Have the wrong sort of swallow or too many spikes.

Как нам с бедным крошкой Тигером быть?[9]

Если совсем не кушать, крупным ему не быть.

Не любит мед он и жОлуди, и чем для него так плох

Оказался любимый Осликом свежий чертополох?

И все что еды касается, которая вкусной считается,

Она то не так глотается, то вкус не тот, то кусается.

"He's quite big enough anyhow," said Piglet (он и так довольно большой, — сказал Пятачок).

"He isn't really very big (на самом деле он не очень большой)."

"Well, he seems so (ну, он кажется таким). "

Pooh was thoughtful when he heard this (Пух был погружен в размышления, когда услышал это), and then he murmured to himself (и тогда он пробормотал про себя):

But whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, and ounces (но каким бы ни был его вес в фунтах, шиллингах и унциях[10]),

He always seems bigger because of his bounces (он всегда кажется больше из-за своих прыжков).

enough [I'nAf], thoughtful ['TLtful], ounce [auns]

"He's quite big enough anyhow," said Piglet.

"He isn't really very big."

"Well, he seems so"

Pooh was thoughtful when he heard this, and then he murmured to himself:

But whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, and ounces,

He always seems bigger because of his bounces.

"And that's the whole poem," he said (и это весь стих, — сказал он). "Do you like it, Piglet (он тебе нравится, Пятачок)?"

"All except the shillings," said Piglet (все, кроме шиллингов, — сказал Пятачок). "I don't think they ought to be there (не думаю, что им следует быть там)."

"They wanted to come in after the pounds," explained Pooh (они захотели войти за фунтами, — пояснил Пух), "so I let them (и я разрешил им). It is the best way to write poetry (это самый лучший способ писать стихи), letting things come (разрешать вещам = словам влезать /в них/)."

"Oh, I didn't know," said Piglet (а, я не знал, — сказал Пятачок).

Tigger had been bouncing in front of them all this time (все это время Тигер прыгал перед ними), turning round every now and then to ask (то и дело оборачиваясь, чтобы спросить) "Is this the way (сюда: «это путь»)?" — and now at last they came in sight of Kanga's house (и вот наконец они оказались в пределах видимости дома Кенги), and there was Christopher Robin (и там был Кристофер Робин). Tigger rushed up to him (Тигер бросился к нему).

whole [hqul], pound [paund], sight [saIt]

"And that's the whole poem," he said. "Do you like it, Piglet?"

"All except the shillings," said Piglet. "I don't think they ought to be there."

"They wanted to come in after the pounds," explained Pooh, "so I let them. It is the best way to write poetry, letting things come."

"Oh, I didn't know," said Piglet.

Tigger had been bouncing in front of them all this time, turning round every now and then to ask, "Is this the way?" — and now at last they came in sight of Kanga's house, and there was Christopher Robin. Tigger rushed up to him.

"Oh, there you are, Tigger!" said Christopher Robin (а, вот ты где, Тигер! — сказал Кристофер Робин). "I knew you'd be somewhere (я знал, что ты где-нибудь будешь = объявишься)."

"I've been finding things in the Forest (я находил вещи = всякое в Лесу)," said Tigger importantly (сказал важно Тигер). "I've found a pooh and a piglet and an eeyore (я нашел пух и пятачок, и иа), but I can't find any breakfast (но я не могу найти завтрак)."

Pooh and Piglet came up and hugged Christopher Robin (Пух и Пятачок подошли и обняли Кристофера Робина), and explained what had been happening (и объяснили, что происходит).

"Don't you know what Tiggers like?" asked Pooh (разве ты не знаешь, что любят Тигеры? — спросил Пух).

"I expect if I thought very hard I should (я полагаю, что если бы я очень сильно = хорошенько подумал, я бы /вспомнил/)," said Christopher Robin (сказал Кристофер Робин), "but I thought Tigger knew (но я думал, что Тигер знает)."

importantly [Im'pLtqntlI], find [faInd], hard [hRd]

"Oh, there you are, Tigger!" said Christopher Robin. "I knew you'd be somewhere."

"I've been finding things in the Forest," said Tigger importantly. "I've found a pooh and a piglet and an eeyore, but I can't find any breakfast."

Pooh and Piglet came up and hugged Christopher Robin, and explained what had been happening.

"Don't you know what Tiggers like?" asked Pooh.

"I expect if I thought very hard I should," said Christopher Robin, "but I thought Tigger knew."

"I do," said Tigger (я знаю, — сказал Тигер). "Everything there is in the world except honey and haycorns and — what were those hot things called (все, что есть на свете кроме меда и жУлудей и, как назывались, те жгучие штучки)?"

"Thistles (чертополох)."

"Yes, and those (да, и его: «те»)."

"Oh, well then, Kanga can give you some breakfast (а, ну тогда Кенга может дать тебе завтрак = накормить тебя завтраком)."

world [wWld], do [dH], those [Dquz]

"I do," said Tigger. "Everything there is in the world except honey and haycorns and-what were those hot things called?"


"Yes, and those."

"Oh, well then, Kanga can give you some breakfast."

So they went into Kanga's house (и они вошли в дом Кенги), and when Roo had said (и когда Ру сказал), "Hallo, Pooh," and "Hallo, Piglet" once, and "Hallo, Tigger" twice (привет, Пух, и привет, Пятачок, по одному разу, а привет, Тигер, дважды), because he had never said it before and it sounded funny (потому что он никогда /не/ говорил этого прежде, и оно прозвучало забавно), they told Kanga what they wanted (они сказали Кенге, чего они хотят), and Kanga said very kindly (а Кенга сказала очень добродушно), "Well, look in my cupboard, Tigger dear (ну, загляни в мой буфет, Тигер, дорогой), and see what you'd like (и посмотри, чего бы ты хотел)." Because she knew at once (потому что она сразу узнала = поняла) that, however big Tigger seemed to be (что каким бы большим /ни/ казался Тигер), he wanted as much kindness as Roo (ему нужно было столько же доброты, как и Ру).

sound [saund], what [wOt], kindness ['kaIndnIs]

So they went into Kanga's house, and when Roo had said, "Hallo, Pooh," and "Hallo, Piglet" once, and "Hallo, Tigger" twice, because he had never said it before and it sounded funny, they told Kanga what they wanted, and Kanga said very kindly, "Well, look in my cupboard, Tigger dear, and see what you'd like." Because she knew at once that, however big Tigger seemed to be, he wanted as much kindness as Roo.

"Shall I look, too?" said Pooh (мне тоже посмотреть? — спросил Пух), who was beginning to feel a little eleven o'clockish (который начинал ощущать небольшие одиннадцатичасовые /позывы/). And he found a small tin of condensed milk (и он нашел маленькую банку сгущенного молока), and something seemed to tell him that Tiggers didn't like this (и что-то, кажется, сказало ему = подсказало ему, что Тигеры это не любят), so he took it into a corner by itself (поэтому он забрал ее с собой в уголок), and went with it to see that nobody interrupted it (и взялся за нее, убедившись, что никто не прервет это /занятие/).

But the more Tigger put his nose into this and his paw into that (но чем больше Тигер засовывал свой нос в это, а свою лапу в то), the more things he found which Tiggers didn't like (тем больше он находил вещей = того, чего не любят Тигеры). And when he had found everything in the cupboard (и когда он нашел все /что было/ в буфете), and couldn't eat any of it (и не мог есть ничего из этого), he said to Kanga, "'What happens now (он спросил Кенгу: /и/ что теперь произойдет = будет)?"

condensed [kqn'denst], interrupt ["Intq'rApt], happen [hxpn]

"Shall I look, too?" said Pooh, who was beginning to feel a little eleven o'clockish. And he found a small tin of condensed milk, and something seemed to tell him that Tiggers didn't like this, so he took it into a corner by itself, and went with it to see that nobody interrupted it.

But the more Tigger put his nose into this and his paw into that, the more things he found which Tiggers didn't like. And when he had found everything in the cupboard, and couldn't eat any of it, he said to Kanga, "'What happens now?"

But Kanga and Christopher Robin and Piglet were all standing round Roo (а Кенга и Кристофер Робин и Пятачок все стояли вокруг Ру), watching him have his Extract of Malt (наблюдая за тем, как он принимает свой Экстракт Солода[11]). And Roo was saying, "Must I (а Ру говорил: очень надо / я должен)?" and Kanga was saying, "Now, Roo dear (и Кенга говорила: ну же, Ру, дорогой), you remember what you promised (ты помнишь, что ты обещал)."

"What is it?" whispered Tigger to Piglet (что это? — прошептал Тигер Пятачку).

"His Strengthening Medicine," said Piglet (его Укрепляющее Лекарство, — сказал Пятачок). "He hates it (он его ненавидит)."

watch [wOC], malt [mLlt], medicine ['medsIn]

But Kanga and Christopher Robin and Piglet were all standing round Roo, watching him have his Extract of Malt. And Roo was saying, "Must I?" and Kanga was saying, "Now, Roo dear, you remember what you promised."

"What is it?" whispered Tigger to Piglet.

"His Strengthening Medicine," said Piglet. "He hates it."

So Tigger came closer (и Тигер подошел поближе), and he leant over the back of Roo's chair (и наклонился над спинкой стула Ру; to lean over — наклоняться над), and suddenly he put out his tongue (и вдруг он высунул свой язык), and took one large golollop[12] (и сделал один большой ГЛОМТОК), and, with a sudden jump of surprise, Kanga said, "Oh (и внезапно подпрыгнув от удивления, Кенга сказала: ах)!" and then clutched at the spoon again just as it was disappearing (и потом схватилась за ложку снова, как раз когда она /уже/ исчезала), and pulled it safely back out of Tigger's mouth (и вытащила ее в сохранности назад изо рта Тигера). But the Extract of Malt had gone (но Экстракт Солода исчез).

"Tigger dear!" said Kanga (Тигер, дорогой! — сказала Кенга).

"He's taken my medicine (он выпил мое лекарство), he's taken my medicine (он выпил мое лекарство), he's taken my medicine (он выпил мое лекарство)!" sang Roo happily, thinking it was a tremendous joke (запел Ру радостно, думая, что это потрясающая шутка).

leant [lent], surprise [sq'praIz], tremendous [trI'mendqs]

So Tigger came closer, and he leant over the back of Roo's chair, and suddenly he put out his tongue, and took one large golollop, and, with a sudden jump of surprise, Kanga said, "Oh!" and then clutched at the spoon again just as it was disappearing, and pulled it safely back out of Tigger's mouth. But the Extract of Malt had gone.

"Tigger dear!" said Kanga.

"He's taken my medicine, he's taken my medicine, he's taken my medicine!" sang Roo happily, thinking it was a tremendous joke.

Then Tigger looked up at the ceiling (потом Тигер посмотрел вверх на потолок), and closed his eyes (и закрыл /свои/ глаза), and his tongue went round and round his chops (а его язык прошелся кругами по щекам; chops — челюсти, щеки), in case he had left any outside (на тот случай, если он оставил что-то снаружи = осталось что-то снаружи), and a peaceful smile came over his face as he said (и мирная = умиротворенная улыбка расплылась на его лице = морде, когда он сказал; to come over — найти, охватить, овладеть), "So that's what Tiggers like (так вот что любят Тигеры)!"

ceiling ['si:lIN], closed [klqVst], tongue [tAN]

Then Tigger looked up at the ceiling, and closed his eyes, and his tongue went round and round his chops, in case he had left any outside, and a peaceful smile came over his face as he said, "So that's what Tiggers like!"

* * *

Which explains why he always lived at Kanga's house afterwards (что объясняет, почему = причину того, что он всегда впоследствии жил в доме Кенги), and had Extract of Malt for breakfast, dinner, and tea (и принимал Экстракт Солода на завтрак, обед и ужин; tea — ужин; afternoon tea — плотный ужин с чаем; high tea — плотный ужин с чаем). And sometimes, when Kanga thought he wanted strengthening (а иногда, когда Кенга считала, что ему нужно укрепляющего), he had a spoonful or two of Roosbreakfast after meals as medicine (он принимал ложку или две Завтрака для Ру[13] после еды в качестве лекарства).

"But I think," said Piglet to Pooh (но Мне кажется, — сказал Пятачок Пуху), "that he's been strengthened quite enough (что он и так предостаточно укрепился: «стал укрепленным = его укрепили»)."

extract ['ekstrxkt], strengthen ['streNTqn], quite [kwaIt]

Which explains why he always lived at Kanga's house afterwards, and had Extract of Malt for breakfast, dinner, and tea. And sometimes, when Kanga thought he wanted strengthening, he had a spoonful or two of Roosbreakfast after meals as medicine.

"But I think," said Piglet to Pooh, "that he's been strengthened quite enough."

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