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В которой у Кролика занятой день, и мы узнаем, что Кристофер Робин делает по утрам

It was going to be one of Rabbit's busy days (это собирался = должен был быть один из занятых дней Кролика). As soon as he woke up he felt important (как только он проснулся, он почувствовал себя важным), as if everything depended upon him (словно все зависит от него). It was just the day for Organizing Something (это был как раз день для Организации Чего-то), or for Writing a Notice Signed Rabbit (или для Написания Объявления Подписанного = с Подписью Кролик), or for Seeing What Everybody Else Thought About It (или для Выяснения Того, Что Все Остальные Думают Об Этом). It was a perfect morning for hurrying round to Pooh, and saying (это было идеальное утро для того, чтобы забежать к Пуху и сказать; to hurry — спешить; to come round — заходить), "Very well, then, I'll tell Piglet (очень хорошо, тогда, я скажу Пятачку)," and then going to Piglet, and saying (а потом пойти к Пятачку и сказать), "Pooh thinks — but perhaps I'd better see Owl first (Пух думает — но, возможно, мне лучше сначала повидаться с Филином)." It was a Captainish sort of day (это был такой Капитанский день), when everybody said (когда все говорили), "Yes, Rabbit" and "No, Rabbit (да, Кролик, и нет, Кролик)," and waited until he had told them (и ждали, пока он /не/ скажет им /что делать/).

busy ['bIzI], depend [dI'pend], perhaps [pq'hxps]

It was going to be one of Rabbit's busy days. As soon as he woke up he felt important, as if everything depended upon him. It was just the day for Organizing Something, or for Writing a Notice Signed Rabbit, or for Seeing What Everybody Else Thought About It. It was a perfect morning for hurrying round to Pooh, and saying, "Very well, then, I'll tell Piglet," and then going to Piglet, and saying, "Pooh thinks — but perhaps I'd better see Owl first." It was a Captainish sort of day, when everybody said, "Yes, Rabbit" and "No, Rabbit," and waited until he had told them.

He came out of his house and sniffed the warm spring morning (он вышел из своего дома и принюхался к теплому весеннему утру) as he wondered what he would do (в то время как /он/ спросил себя = спрашивая себя, чем он займется). Kanga's house was nearest (дом Кенги был ближе всего), and at Kanga's house was Roo (а у дома Кенги был Ру), who said "Yes, Rabbit" and "No, Rabbit (который говорил: да, Кролик, и нет, Кролик)" almost better than anybody else in the Forest (едва ли не лучше всех остальных в Лесу); but there was another animal there nowadays (но теперь там было еще одно животное), the strange and Bouncy Tigger (странный и Подвижный[29] Тигер); and he was the sort of Tigger who was always in front (и он был такой Тигер, который был всегда впереди) when you were showing him the way anywhere (когда вы показывали ему дорогу куда-нибудь), and was generally out of sight (и обычно пропадал из виду) when at last you came to the place (когда вы наконец подходили к месту) and said proudly "Here we are (и гордо говорили: вот мы и пришли)!"

"No, not Kanga's," said Rabbit thoughtfully to himself (нет, не к Кенге, — сказал себе задумчиво Кролик), as he curled his whiskers in the sun (закручивая усы на солнце); and, to make quite sure that he wasn't going there (и чтобы совершенно убедиться, что он не пойдет туда), he turned to the left and trotted off in the other direction (он повернул налево и удалился рысью в другом направлении; to trot off — удалиться рысью), which was the way to Christopher Robin's house (которое было дорогой к дому Кристофера Робина).

strange [streInG], nowadays ['nauqdeIz], generally ['Gen(q)rqlI]

He came out of his house and sniffed the warm spring morning as he wondered what he would do. Kanga's house was nearest, and at Kanga's house was Roo, who said "Yes, Rabbit" and "No, Rabbit" almost better than anybody else in the Forest; but there was another animal there nowadays, the strange and Bouncy Tigger; and he was the sort of Tigger who was always in front when you were showing him the way anywhere, and was generally out of sight when at last you came to the place and said proudly "Here we are!"

"No, not Kanga's," said Rabbit thoughtfully to himself, as he curled his whiskers in the sun; and, to make quite sure that he wasn't going there, he turned to the left and trotted off in the other direction, which was the way to Christopher Robin's house.

"After all," said Rabbit to himself (в конце концов, — сказал Кролик себе), "Christopher Robin depends on Me (Кристофер Робин зависит от меня). He's fond of Pooh and Piglet and Eeyore (он любит Пуха и Пятачка и Иа), and so am I (и я тоже), but they haven't any Brain (но у них нет Мозгов). Not to notice (не заметно / не настолько, чтобы обратить внимание). And he respects Owl (и он уважает Филина), because you can't help respecting anybody (потому что вы не можете не уважать = нельзя не уважать кого-то) who can spell TUESDAY (кто может написать ВТОРНИК; to spell — сказать слово по буквам), even if he doesn't spell it right (даже если он неправильно пишет его); but spelling isn't everything (но писать — это еще не все). There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count (бывают дни, когда /умение/ написать «вторник» просто не считается). And Kanga is too busy looking after Roo (а Кенга слишком занята уходом за Ру), and Roo is too young (а Ру слишком юный) and Tigger is too bouncy to be of any help (а Тигер слишком подвижный, чтобы оказать какую-нибудь помощь), so there's really nobody but Me (так что по сути нет никого, кроме Меня), when you come to look at it (когда ты приходишь посмотреть = посмотришь на все это). I'll go and see if there's anything he wants doing (я пойду и выясню, нужно ли ему что-то /сделать/), and then I'll do it for him (а потом я сделаю это для него). It's just the day for doing things (это = сегодня как раз день для /делания/ дел)."

respect [rIs'pekt], Tuesday ['tjHzdI], count [kaunt]

"After all," said Rabbit to himself, "Christopher Robin depends on Me. He's fond of Pooh and Piglet and Eeyore, and so am I, but they haven't any Brain. Not to notice. And he respects Owl, because you can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right; but spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count. And Kanga is too busy looking after Roo, and Roo is too young and Tigger is too bouncy to be of any help, so there's really nobody but Me, when you come to look at it. I'll go and see if there's anything he wants doing, and then I'll do it for him. It's just the day for doing things."

He trotted along happily (он счастливо побежал трусцой), and by-and-by he crossed the stream and came to the place (и вскоре он пересек ручей и дошел до места) where his friends-and-relations lived (где жили его друзья и родственники). There seemed to be even more of them about than usual this morning (в это утро казалось, что их повсюду даже больше, чем обычно), and having nodded to a hedgehog or two (и кивнув одному или двум ежикам), with whom he was too busy to shake hands (пожать руку = лапку которым он был слишком занят; to shake hands with — пожать руку кому-л., обменяться рукопожатием), and having said, "Good morning, good morning," importantly to some of the others (и важно сказав некоторым из остальных: доброе утро, доброе утро), and "Ah, there you are," kindly, to the smaller ones (и любезно более мелким: ах, это ты), he waved a paw at them over his shoulder (он помахал им лапкой через плечо), and was gone (и исчез); leaving such an air of excitement and I-don't-know-what behind him (оставив за собой такую атмосферу волнения и неизвестно-чего-еще), that several members of the Beetle family (что несколько членов семейства Жуковых), including Henry Rush (включая Машку Таракашку[30]), made their way at once to the Hundred Acre Wood (отправились тотчас в Сто-Акровый Лес) and began climbing trees (и начали лезть на деревья), in the hope of getting to the top before it happened (в надежде забраться на верхушку, прежде чем это случится), whatever it was (что бы это ни было) so that they might see it properly (так чтобы они могли увидеть это надлежащим образом).

even ['Jvn], usual ['jHZuql], several ['sevrql]

He trotted along happily, and by-and-by he crossed the stream and came to the place where his friends-and-relations lived. There seemed to be even more of them about than usual this morning, and having nodded to a hedgehog or two, with whom he was too busy to shake hands, and having said, "Good morning, good morning," importantly to some of the others, and "Ah, there you are," kindly, to the smaller ones, he waved a paw at them over his shoulder, and was gone; leaving such an air of excitement and I-don't-know-what behind him, that several members of the Beetle family, including Henry Rush, made their way at once to the Hundred Acre Wood and began climbing trees, in the hope of getting to the top before it happened, whatever it was so that they might see it properly.

Rabbit hurried on by the edge of the Hundred Acre Wood (Кролик спешил по опушке Сто-Акрового Леса), feeling more important every minute (ощущая себя более важным с каждой минутой), and soon he came to the tree where Christopher Robin lived (и вскоре он пришел = прибежал к дереву, где = в котором жил Кристофер Робин). He knocked at the door (он постучал в дверь), and he called out once or twice (и /он/ крикнул один или два раза = пару раз), and then he walked back a little way (а потом он вернулся немного назад) and put his paw up to keep the sun out (и поднял свою лапку, чтобы прикрыться от солнца), and called to the top of the tree (и крикнул в сторону верхушки дерева), and then he turned all round and shouted "Hallo (а затем он полностью обернулся и прокричал: эй)!" and "I say!" "It's Rabbit!" — but nothing happened (и послушай!, это кролик! — но ничего /не/ произошло; I say — эй, послушай/те/). Then he stopped and listened (потом он остановился = замер и прислушался), and everything stopped and listened with him (и все замерло и прислушалось с ним), and the Forest was very lone and still and peaceful in the sunshine (и Лес был очень одинокий, тихий и спокойный в солнечном свете = и в солнечном свете в Лесу стало очень одиноко /и/ тихо и спокойно), until suddenly a hundred miles above him a lark began to sing (пока вдруг в сотне миль над ним /не/ начал петь = /не/ запел жаворонок).

minute ['mInIt], peaceful ['pJsful], above [q'bAv]

Rabbit hurried on by the edge of the Hundred Acre Wood, feeling more important every minute, and soon he came to the tree where Christopher Robin lived. He knocked at the door, and he called out once or twice, and then he walked back a little way and put his paw up to keep the sun out, and called to the top of the tree, and then he turned all round and shouted "Hallo!" and "I say!" "It's Rabbit!" — but nothing happened. Then he stopped and listened, and everything stopped and listened with him, and the Forest was very lone and still and peaceful in the sunshine, until suddenly a hundred miles above him a lark began to sing.

"Bother!" said Rabbit (Вот незадача! — сказал Кролик). "He's gone out (он ушел)."

He went back to the green front door (он вернулся к зеленой входной двери), just to make sure (просто чтобы убедиться), and he was turning away, feeling that his morning had got all spoilt (и он /уже/ уходил, чувствуя, что его утро совершенно испорчено; to spoil — портить(ся)), when he saw a piece of paper on the ground (когда он увидел на земле листок бумаги). And there was a pin in it, as if it had fallen off the door (и в нем была = торчала булавка, словно он свалился с двери; to fall — падать).

"Ha!" said Rabbit, feeling quite happy again (ха! — сказал Кролик, чувствуя себя снова очень счастливым). "Another notice (еще одна записка)!"

This is what it said (вот что она гласила):

gone [gOn], fallen ['fLln], notice ['nqutIs]

"Bother!" said Rabbit. "He's gone out."

He went back to the green front door, just to make sure, and he was turning away, feeling that his morning had got all spoilt, when he saw a piece of paper on the ground. And there was a pin in it, as if it had fallen off the door.

"Ha!" said Rabbit, feeling quite happy again. "Another notice!"

This is what it said:





C. R. (К. Р.)

"Ha!" said Rabbit again (ха! — сказал снова Кролик). "I must tell the others (я должен сказать остальным)." And he hurried off importantly (и он поспешил прочь с важным видом).





C. R.

"Ha!" said Rabbit again. "I must tell the others." And he hurried off importantly.

The nearest house was Owl's (ближайшим домом был /дом/ Филина), and to Owl's House in the Hundred Acre Wood he made his way (и он отправился к Дому Филина в Сто-Акровом Лесу). He came to Owl's door (он подошел к двери Филина), and he knocked and he rang (и /он/ постучал, и /он/ позвонил; to ring — звонить), and he rang and he knocked (и /он/ позвонил, и /он/ постучал), and at last Owl's head came out and said (и наконец высунулась голова Филина и сказала) "Go away, I'm thinking — oh, it's you (уходи, я думаю — а, это ты)?" which was how he always began (именно так он всегда начинал).

"Owl," said Rabbit shortly (Филин, — сказал кратко Кролик), "you and I have brains (у тебя и у меня есть мозги). The others have fluff (у остальных пух). If there is any thinking to be done in this Forest (если в этом Лесу нужно думать) — and when I say thinking I mean thinking (а когда я говорю думать, я /и/ имею в виду думать) — you and I must do it (это должны делать мы с тобой: «ты и я»)."

"Yes," said Owl (да, — сказал Филин). "I was (я /и/ думал)."

"Read that (прочитай это)."

nearest ['nIqrIst], shortly ['SLtlI], done [dAn]

The nearest house was Owl's, and to Owl's House in the Hundred Acre Wood he made his way. He came to Owl's door, and he knocked and he rang, and he rang and he knocked, and at last Owl's head came out and said "Go away, I'm thinking — oh, it's you?" which was how he always began.

"Owl," said Rabbit shortly, "you and I have brains. The others have fluff. If there is any thinking to be done in this Forest — and when I say thinking I mean thinking — you and I must do it."

"Yes," said Owl. "I was."

"Read that."

Owl took Christopher Robin's notice from Rabbit and looked at it nervously (Филин взял записку Кристофера Робина и посмотрел нервно на нее). He could spell his own name WOL (он мог написать по буквам свое собственное имя ХВИЛЕН), and he could spell Tuesday so that you knew it wasn't Wednesday (и он мог написать так Вторник, чтобы вы догадались, что это не Среда), and he could read quite comfortably (и он умел читать вполне удовлетворительно) when you weren't looking over his shoulder (когда вы не заглядывали ему через плечо) and saying "Well?" all the time (и не говорили все время: ну?), and he could (и он умел) —

"Well?" said Rabbit (ну? — спросил Кролик).

"Yes," said Owl, looking Wise and Thoughtful (да, — сказал Филин, выглядя Мудрым и Задумчивым). "I see what you mean (я понимаю, что ты хочешь сказать). Undoubtedly (несомненно)."

"Well (ну)?"

"Exactly," said Owl. "Precisely (именно, — сказал Филин, — совершенно верно; precise — точный)." And he added, after a little thought (и он добавил, немного подумав), "If you had not come to me (если бы ты не пришел ко мне), I should have come to you (я пришел бы к тебе)."

precisely [prI'saIslI], Wednesday ['wenzdI], undoubtedly ['An'dautIdlI]

Owl took Christopher Robin's notice from Rabbit and looked at it nervously. He could spell his own name WOL, and he could spell Tuesday so that you knew it wasn't Wednesday, and he could read quite comfortably when you weren't looking over his shoulder and saying "Well?" all the time, and he could —

"Well?" said Rabbit.

"Yes," said Owl, looking Wise and Thoughtful. "I see what you mean. Undoubtedly."


"Exactly," said Owl. "Precisely." And he added, after a little thought, "If you had not come to me, I should have come to you."

"Why?" asked Rabbit (зачем? — спросил Кролик).

"For that very reason," said Owl (по той же самой причине, — сказал Филин), hoping that something helpful would happen soon (надеясь, что скоро произойдет что-то полезное = что ему что-то поможет).

"Yesterday morning," said Rabbit solemnly (вчера утром, — сказал торжественно Кролик), "I went to see Christopher Robin (я пошел проведать Кристофера Робина). He was out (его не было дома). Pinned on his door was a notice (на двери была приколота записка)!"

"The same notice (та же самая записка)?"

"A different one (другая). But the meaning was the same (но смысл был тот же самый). It's very odd (это очень странно)."

"Amazing," said Owl (поразительно, — сказал Филин), looking at the notice again (опять взглянув на записку), and getting, just for a moment, a curious sort of feeling (и у него лишь на секунду возникло любопытное чувство) that something had happened to Christopher Robin's back (что что-то случилось со спиной[31] Кристофера Робина). "What did you do (/и/ что ты сделал)?"

"Nothing (ничего)."

reason [rJzn], curious ['kjuqrIqs], soon [sHn]

"Why?" asked Rabbit.

"For that very reason," said Owl, hoping that something helpful would happen soon.

"Yesterday morning," said Rabbit solemnly, "I went to see Christopher Robin. He was out. Pinned on his door was a notice!"

"The same notice?"

"A different one. But the meaning was the same. It's very odd."

"Amazing," said Owl, looking at the notice again, and getting, just for a moment, a curious sort of feeling that something had happened to Christopher Robin's back. "What did you do?"


"The best thing (/это/ лучше всего)," said Owl wisely (сказал мудро Филин).

"Well?" said Rabbit again (ну и? — снова сказал Кролик), as Owl knew he was going to (как и ожидал Филин от него: «как Филин знал, он сделает»).

"Exactly," said Owl (совершенно верно, — сказал Филин).

For a little while he couldn't think of anything more (некоторое время он не мог придумать ничего больше); and then, all of a sudden, he had an idea (а потом совершенно неожиданно у него возникла идея).

"Tell me, Rabbit," he said (скажи мне, Кролик, — сказал он), "the exact words of the first notice (точные слова первой записки). This is very important (это очень важно). Everything depends on this (все зависит от этого). The exact words of the first notice (от точных слов первой записки)."

"It was just the same as that one really (он была точно такая же, как эта, в самом деле)."

wisely [waIzlI], exactly [Ig'zxktlI], really ['rIqlI]

"The best thing," said Owl wisely.

"Well?" said Rabbit again, as Owl knew he was going to.

"Exactly," said Owl.

For a little while he couldn't think of anything more; and then, all of a sudden, he had an idea.

"Tell me, Rabbit," he said, "the exact words of the first notice. This is very important. Everything depends on this. The exact words of the first notice."

"It was just the same as that one really."

Owl looked at him (Филин посмотрел на него), and wondered whether to push him off the tree (и спросил себя, /а/ не столкнуть ли его с дерева); but, feeling that he could always do it afterwards (но, чувствуя, что он может сделать это всегда потом), he tried once more to find out (он попытался еще раз выяснить) what they were talking about (о чем они говорят).

"The exact words, please," he said (/скажи/ точные слова, пожалуйста, — сказал он), as if Rabbit hadn't spoken (как будто Кролик не говорил = ничего не сказал).

"It just said, 'Gon out. Backson (в ней лишь говорилось: ушел. Скоравирнус).' Same as this, only this says 'Bisy Backson' too (такая же как эта, только в этой говорится еще: Занит Скоравирнус)."

Owl gave a great sigh of relief (Филин издал большой вздох облегчения = вздохнул с большим облегчением).

"Ah!" said Owl (а! — сказал Филин). " Now we know where we are (теперь мы знаем, где мы[32] = что к чему)."

push [puS], sigh [saI], relief [rI'lJf]

Owl looked at him, and wondered whether to push him off the tree; but, feeling that he could always do it afterwards, he tried once more to find out what they were talking about.

"The exact words, please," he said, as if Rabbit hadn't spoken.

"It just said, 'Gon out. Backson.' Same as this, only this says 'Bisy Backson' too."

Owl gave a great sigh of relief.

"Ah!" said Owl. " Now we know where we are."

"Yes, but where's Christopher Robin?" said Rabbit (да, но где Кристофер Робин? — спросил Кролик). "That's the point (вот в чем дело[33])."

Owl looked at the notice again (Филин снова посмотрел на записку). To one of his education the reading of it was easy (для персоны с его образованием прочесть ее было легко). "Gon out (Ушол). Backson. Bisy, Backson (Скоравирнус, Занит, Скоравирнус)" — just the sort of thing you'd expect to see on a notice (как раз то, что вы бы ожидали = что можно было ожидать увидеть на записке).

"It is quite clear what has happened, my dear Rabbit," he said (совершено ясно, что произошло, мой дорогой Кролик, — сказал он). "Christopher Robin has gone out somewhere with Backson (Кристофер Робин ушел куда-то со Скоравирнусом). He and Backson are busy together (он и Скоравирнус заняты вместе). Have you seen a Backson anywhere about in the Forest lately (ты видел в последнее время где-нибудь в Лесу Скоравирнуса)?"

education ["edjH'keISn], easy ['JzI], lately ['leItlI]

"Yes, but where's Christopher Robin?" said Rabbit. "That's the point."

Owl looked at the notice again. To one of his education the reading of it was easy. "Gon out. Backson. Bisy, Backson" — just the sort of thing you'd expect to see on a notice.

"It is quite clear what has happened, my dear Rabbit," he said. "Christopher Robin has gone out somewhere with Backson. He and Backson are busy together. Have you seen a Backson anywhere about in the Forest lately?"

"I don't know," said Rabbit (не знаю, — сказал Кролик). "That's what I came to ask you (вот это-то я пришел спросить тебя). What are they like (какие они)?"

"Well," said Owl (ну, — сказал Филин), "the Spotted or Herbaceous Backson is just a (Пятнистый или Травянистый Скоравирнус просто) — "

"At least," he said (по крайней мере, — сказал он), "it's really more of a (он и вправду больше… / это скорее…) — "

"Of course," he said, "it depends on the (конечно, — сказал он, — это зависит от) — "

"Well," said Owl (ну, — сказал Филин), "the fact is," he said (дело в том, что — сказал он), "I don't know what they're like," said Owl frankly (я не знаю, какие они, — сказал откровенно Филин).

"Thank you," said Rabbit (спасибо, — сказал Кролик). And he hurried off to see Pooh (и он поспешил /прочь/ к Пуху).

Before he had gone very far he heard a noise (он еще не очень далеко ушел, когда /он/ услышал шум). So he stopped and listened (поэтому он остановился и прислушался). This was the noise (это был такой шум):

herbaceous [hW'beISqs], depend [dI'pend], frankly ['frxNklI]

"I don't know," said Rabbit. "That's what I came to ask you. What are they like?"

"Well," said Owl, "the Spotted or Herbaceous Backson is just a — "

"At least," he said, "it's really more of a — "

"Of course," he said, "it depends on the — "

"Well," said Owl, "the fact is," he said, "I don't know what they're like," said Owl frankly.

"Thank you," said Rabbit. And he hurried off to see Pooh.

Before he had gone very far he heard a noise. So he stopped and listened. This was the noise:

NOISE, BY POOH (Шум от Пуха)

Oh, the butterflies are flying (ах, бабочки летают),

Now the winter days are dying (вот зимние дни умирают),

And the primroses are trying (а примулы стараются)

To be seen (быть видимыми = чтобы их видели).

butterfly ['bAtqflaI], winter ['wIntq], primrose ['prImrquz]

Oh, the butterflies are flying,

Now the winter days are dying,

And the primroses are trying

To be seen.

And the turtle-doves are cooing (а горлицы воркуют),

And the woods are up and doing (а леса встают и занимаются делами),

For the violets are blue-ing (так как фиалки синеют)

In the green (в зелени).

coo [kH], turtle-dove ['tWtldAv], violet ['vaIqlIt]

And the turtle-doves are cooing,

And the woods are up and doing,

For the violets are blue-ing

In the green.

Oh, the honey-bees are gumming (ах, пчелы наклеивают)

On their little wings, and humming (на свои маленькие крылышки и гудят)

That the summer, which is coming (что лето, которое грядет),

Will be fun (будет забавным / веселым).

gum [gAm], summer ['sAmq], fun [fAn]

Oh, the honey-bees are gumming

On their little wings, and humming

That the summer, which is coming,

Will be fun.

And the cows are almost cooing (а коровы едва не воркуют),

And the turtle-doves are mooing (а горлицы мычат),
Which is why a Pooh is poohing (вот почему Пух о-пухает)

In the sun (на солнце).

cow [kau], almost ['Llmqust], moo [mH]

And the cows are almost cooing,

And the turtle-doves are mooing.
Which is why a Pooh is poohing

In the sun.

For the spring is really springing (так как весна в самом деле начинается);
You can see a skylark singing (ты видишь, как жаворонок поет),

And the blue-bells, which are ringing (и колокольчики, которые звенят),

Can be heard (можно услышать = и можно услышать, как звенят колокольчики).

spring [sprIN], skylark ['skaIlRk], heard [hWd]

For the spring is really springing;
You can see a skylark singing,

And the blue-bells, which are ringing,

Can be heard.

And the cuckoo isn't cooing (а кукушка не кукует),

But he's cucking and he's ooing (но она кует и ует),

And a Pooh is simply poohing (а Пух просто о-пухает)

Like a bird (словно птица).

cuckoo ['kukH], simply ['sImplI], bird [bWd]

And the cuckoo isn't cooing,

But he's cucking and he's ooing,

And a Pooh is simply poohing

Like a bird.

"Hallo, Pooh," said Rabbit (привет, Пух, — сказал Кролик).

"Hallo, Rabbit," said Pooh dreamily (привет, Кролик, — сказал мечтательно Пух).

"Did you make that song up (ты сочинил эту песню)?"

"Well, I sort of made it up," said Pooh (ну, типа сочинил, — сказал Пух). "It isn't Brain," he went on humbly (это не Ум: «мозг», — продолжал он кротко), "because You Know Why, Rabbit (потому что Ты Знаешь Почему = ведь Ты знаешь Что к Чему, Кролик); but it comes to me sometimes (но иногда это приходит ко мне)."

"Ah!" said Rabbit (а! — сказал Кролик), who never let things come to him (который никогда не позволял, чтобы что-то приходило к нему), but always went and fetched them (но всегда ходил за всем /сам/). "Well, the point is, have you seen a Spotted or Herbaceous Backson in the Forest, at all (ну, дело в том, видел ли ты вообще в Лесу Пятнистого или Травянистого Скоровирнуса)?"

"No," said Pooh (нет, — сказал Пух). "Not a — no," said Pooh (не … — нет, — сказал Пух). "I saw Tigger just now (я как раз сейчас видел Тигера)."

dreamily ['drJmIlI], humbly ['hAmblI], fetch [feC]

"Hallo, Pooh," said Rabbit.

"Hallo, Rabbit," said Pooh dreamily.

"Did you make that song up?"

"Well, I sort of made it up," said Pooh. "It isn't Brain," he went on humbly, "because You Know Why, Rabbit; but it comes to me sometimes."

"Ah!" said Rabbit, who never let things come to him, but always went and fetched them. "Well, the point is, have you seen a Spotted or Herbaceous Backson in the Forest, at all?"

"No," said Pooh. "Not a-no," said Pooh. "I saw Tigger just now."

"That's no good (он нам без надобности; it is no good — бесполезно)."

"No," said Pooh (да[34], — сказал Пух). "I thought it wasn't (я так и думал)."

"Have you seen Piglet (ты видел Пятачка)?"

"Yes," said Pooh (да, — сказал Пух). "I suppose that isn't any good either (я полагаю, что он нам тоже без надобности)?" he asked meekly (спросил он кротко).

"Well, it depends if he saw anything (ну, это зависит от того, видел ли он кого-нибудь)."

"He saw me," said Pooh (он видел меня, — сказал Пух).

Rabbit sat down on the ground next to Pooh (Кролик сел на землю рядом с Пухом), and, feeling much less important like that (и почувствовав себя так гораздо менее значительным), stood up again (опять встал).

either ['aIDq], meekly ['mJklI], saw [sL]

"That's no good."

"No," said Pooh. "I thought it wasn't."

"Have you seen Piglet?"

"Yes," said Pooh. "I suppose that isn't any good either?" he asked meekly.

"Well, it depends if he saw anything."

"He saw me," said Pooh.

Rabbit sat down on the ground next to Pooh, and, feeling much less important like that, stood up again.

"What it all comes to is this," he said (все это сводится к следующему, — сказал он; to come to — касаться, означать, приходить к, доходить до). "What does Christopher Robin do in the morning nowadays (чем занимается теперь Кристофер Робин по утрам)?"

"What sort of thing (как чем)?"

"Well, can you tell me anything (ну, можешь ты сказать мне что-нибудь) you've seen him do in the morning (о том, что ты видел, чем он занимается по утрам)? These last few days (в эти последние несколько дней)."

"Yes," said Pooh (да, — сказал Пух). "We had breakfast together yesterday (мы вчера завтракали вместе). By the Pine Trees (у Сосен). I'd made up a little basket (я собрал маленькую корзинку; to make up — собирать, укладывать), just a little, fair-sized basket (просто небольшую приличного такого размера корзиночку), an ordinary biggish sort of basket, full of (обычную огромненькую такую корзину, полную) — "

"Yes, yes," said Rabbit (да, да, — сказал Кролик), "but I mean later than that (но, я имею в виду, позже /этого/). Have you seen him between eleven and twelve (ты видел его между одиннадцатью и двенадцатью)?"

few [fjH], basket ['bRskIt], fair [fFq]

"What it all comes to is this," he said. "What does Christopher Robin do in the morning nowadays?"

"What sort of thing?"

"Well, can you tell me anything you've seen him do in the morning? These last few days."

"Yes," said Pooh. "We had breakfast together yesterday. By the Pine Trees. I'd made up a little basket, just a little, fair-sized basket, an ordinary biggish sort of basket, full of — "

"Yes, yes," said Rabbit, "but I mean later than that. Have you seen him between eleven and twelve?"

"Well," said Pooh (ну, — сказал Пух), "at eleven o'clock — at eleven o'clock — well, at eleven o'clock (в одиннадцать — в одиннадцать — ну, в одиннадцать) you see, I generally get home about then (видишь ли, где-то в это время я обычно прихожу домой). Because I have One or Two Things to Do (потому что мне нужно Сделать Пару Дел: «одну или две вещи, чтобы сделать»)."

"Quarter past eleven, then (тогда в четверть двенадцатого)?"

"Well — " said Pooh (ну, — сказал Пух).

"Half past (в половине)?"

"Yes," said Pooh (да, — сказал Пух). "At half past — or perhaps later — I might see him (в половине — или может быть позже — я, возможно, вижу его)."

eleven [I'levn], generally ['GenqrqlI], quarter ['kwLtq]

"Well," said Pooh, "at eleven o'clock — at eleven o'clock — well, at eleven o'clock, you see, I generally get home about then. Because I have One or Two Things to Do."

"Quarter past eleven, then?"

"Well — " said Pooh.

"Half past?"

"Yes," said Pooh. "At half past — or perhaps later — I might see him."

And now that he did think of it (и теперь, когда он подумал об этом), he began to remember (он начал припоминать) that he hadn't seen Christopher Robin about so much lately (что в последнее время /он/ не так уж часто видел Кристофера Робина). Not in the mornings (не по утрам). Afternoons, yes (после полудня, да); evenings, yes (по вечерам, да); before breakfast, yes (перед завтраком, да); just after breakfast, yes (сразу после завтрака, да). And then, perhaps, "See you again, Pooh," and off he'd go (а потом, может быть: еще увидимся, Пух, — и он уходил).

"That's just it," said Rabbit (вот именно, — сказал Кролик). "Where (куда)?"

"Perhaps he's looking for something (может быть, он что-то ищет)."

"What?" asked Rabbit (что? — спросил Кролик).

"That's just what I was going to say," said Pooh (как раз это я и хотел спросить, — сказал Пух). And then he added (а потом он добавил), "Perhaps he's looking for a — for a — "

"A Spotted or Herbaceous Backson (может, он ищет — э — э — Пятнистого или Травянистого Скоравирнуса)?"

afternoon ['Rftq'nHn], perhaps [pq'hxps], spotted ['spOtId]

And now that he did think of it, he began to remember that he hadn't seen Christopher Robin about so much lately. Not in the mornings. Afternoons, yes; evenings, yes; before breakfast, yes; just after breakfast, yes. And then, perhaps, "See you again, Pooh," and off he'd go.

"That's just it," said Rabbit. "Where?"

"Perhaps he's looking for something."

"What?" asked Rabbit.

"That's just what I was going to say," said Pooh. And then he added, "Perhaps he's looking for a — for a — "

"A Spotted or Herbaceous Backson?"

"Yes," said Pooh (да, — сказал Пух). "One of those (одного из них). In case it isn't (в случае, если этот не тот)."

Rabbit looked at him severely (Кролик строго посмотрел на него).

"I don't think you're helping," he said (не думаю, что ты помогаешь, — сказал он).

"No," said Pooh (нет, — сказал Пух). "I do try," he added humbly (/но/ я все-таки пытаюсь, — добавил он смиренно).

Rabbit thanked him for trying (Кролик поблагодарил его за пытания[35]), and said that he would now go and see Eeyore (и сказал, что он сейчас пойдет повидаться с Иа), and Pooh could walk with him if he liked (а Пух может пойти с ним, если ему хочется). But Pooh, who felt another verse of his song coming on him (но Пух, который ощутил, как на него нисходит еще один куплет его песни), said he would wait for Piglet, good-bye, Rabbit (сказал, что /он/ подождет Пятачка, до свидания, Кролик); so Rabbit went off (и Кролик ушел).

severely [sI'vIqlI], thank [TxNk], added ['xdId]

"Yes," said Pooh. "One of those. In case it isn't."

Rabbit looked at him severely.

"I don't think you're helping," he said.

"No," said Pooh. "I do try," he added humbly.

Rabbit thanked him for trying, and said that he would now go and see Eeyore, and Pooh could walk with him if he liked. But Pooh, who felt another verse of his song coming on him, said he would wait for Piglet, good-bye, Rabbit; so Rabbit went off.

But, as it happened (но случилось так), it was Rabbit who saw Piglet first (что именно Кролик первым увидел Пятачка). Piglet had got up early that morning to pick himself a bunch of violets (в то утро Пятачок встал рано, чтобы нарвать себе букет фиалок); and when he had picked them and put them in a pot in the middle of his house (и когда он нарвал их и поставил в банку посредине своего дома), it suddenly came over him (внезапно до него дошло) that nobody had ever picked Eeyore a bunch of violets (что никто еще никогда /не/ нарвал Иа букет фиалок), and the more he thought of this (и чем больше он думал об этом), the more he thought how sad it was to be an Animal (тем больше он думал, как грустно быть Животным) who had never had a bunch of violets picked for him (для которого никогда не срывали букет фиалок). So he hurried out again, saying to himself (поэтому он снова поспешил наружу, говоря про себя), "Eeyore, Violets" and then "Violets, Eeyore (Иа, фиалки, — а потом: фиалки, Иа)," in case he forgot (на случай, если он забудет), because it was that sort of day (потому что это был такой день), and he picked a large bunch and trotted along (и он нарвал большой букет фиалок и побежал), smelling them, and feeling very happy (нюхая их и чувствуя себя очень счастливым), until he came to the place where Eeyore was (пока не добрался до того места, где был = жил Иа).

early ['WlI], violet ['vaIqlIt], over ['quvq]

But, as it happened, it was Rabbit who saw Piglet first. Piglet had got up early that morning to pick himself a bunch of violets; and when he had picked them and put them in a pot in the middle of his house, it suddenly came over him that nobody had ever picked Eeyore a bunch of violets, and the more he thought of this, the more he thought how sad it was to be an Animal who had never had a bunch of violets picked for him. So he hurried out again, saying to himself, "Eeyore, Violets" and then "Violets, Eeyore," in case he forgot, because it was that sort of day, and he picked a large bunch and trotted along, smelling them, and feeling very happy, until he came to the place where Eeyore was.

"Oh, Eeyore," began Piglet a little nervously (ах, Иа, — начал Пятачок немного нервничая), because Eeyore was busy (потому что Иа был занят).

Eeyore put out a paw and waved him away (Иа выставил лапу = ногу и сделал ему знак удалиться; to wave away — сделать знак удалиться, отмахнуться).

"To-morrow," said Eeyore (завтра, — сказал Иа). "Or the next day (или на следующий день = послезавтра)."

Piglet came a little closer to see what it was (Пятачок подошел немного ближе, чтобы увидеть, что /там такое/). Eeyore had three sticks on the ground (/перед/ Иа на земле /лежали/ три палочки), and was looking at them (и он смотрел на них). Two of the sticks were touching at one end (две палочки соприкасались на одном конце), but not at the other (но не на другом = и расходились на другом), and the third stick was laid across them (а третья палочка лежала поперек них). Piglet thought that perhaps it was a Trap of some kind (Пятачок подумал, что это, возможно, какого-то вида Западня).

nervously ['nWvqslI], closer ['klqusq], kind [kaInd]

"Oh, Eeyore," began Piglet a little nervously, because Eeyore was busy.

Eeyore put out a paw and waved him away.

"To-morrow," said Eeyore. "Or the next day."

Piglet came a little closer to see what it was. Eeyore had three sticks on the ground, and was looking at them. Two of the sticks were touching at one end, but not at the other, and the third stick was laid across them. Piglet thought that perhaps it was a Trap of some kind.

"Oh, Eeyore," he began again (ах, Иа, — начал он опять), "I just (я только) — "

"Is that little Piglet?" said Eeyore (это /ты/ маленький Пятачок? — спросил Иа), still looking hard at his sticks (все еще пристально глядя на свои палочки).

"Yes, Eeyore, and I (да, Иа, и я) — "

"Do you know what this is (ты знаешь, что это)?"

"No," said Piglet (но, — сказал Пятачок).

"It's an A (это А)."

"Oh," said Piglet (о, — сказал Пятачок).

again [q'gen], hard [hRd], know [nqu]

"Oh, Eeyore," he began again, "I just — "

"Is that little Piglet?" said Eeyore, still looking hard at his sticks.

"Yes, Eeyore, and I — "

"Do you know what this is?"

"No," said Piglet.

"It's an A."

"Oh," said Piglet.

"Not O — A," said Eeyore severely (не О, а А, — сказал Иа строго). "Can't you hear (разве ты не слышишь), or do you think you have more education than Christopher Robin (или ты думаешь, что у тебя больше образования, чем у Кристофера Робина)?"

"Yes," said Piglet (да, — сказал Пятачок). "No," said Piglet very quickly (нет, — сказал Пятачок очень быстро). And he came closer still (и он подошел еще ближе).

"Christopher Robin said it was an A (Кристофер Робин сказал, что это А), and an A it is (и это /будет/ А) — until somebody treads on it (пока кто-нибудь /не/ наступит на нее[36])," Eeyore added sternly (добавил сурово Иа).

Piglet jumped backwards hurriedly (Пятачок поспешно отпрыгнул назад), and smelt at his violets (и понюхал свои фиалки).

"Do you know what A means, little Piglet (ты знаешь, маленький Пятачок, что означает А)?"

"No, Eeyore, I don't (нет, Иа, не знаю)."

tread [tred], sternly [stWnlI], hurriedly ['hArIdlI]

"Not O — A," said Eeyore severely. "Can't you hear, or do you think you have more education than Christopher Robin?"

"Yes," said Piglet. "No," said Piglet very quickly. And he came closer still.

"Christopher Robin said it was an A, and an A it is — until somebody treads on it," Eeyore added sternly.

Piglet jumped backwards hurriedly, and smelt at his violets.

"Do you know what A means, little Piglet?"

"No, Eeyore, I don't."

"It means Learning (она означает Учение), it means Education (она означает Образование), it means all the things that you and Pooh haven't got (она означает все то, чего нет у тебя и Пуха). That's what A means (вот что значит А)."

"Oh," said Piglet again (о, — снова сказал Пятачок). "I mean, does it (я хочу сказать, вот как)?" he explained quickly (быстро пояснил он).

"I'm telling you (говорю тебе). People come and go in this Forest (ходят здесь в Лесу туда-сюда люди = всякие; to come and go — ходить туда-сюда, ходить взад-вперед), and they say (и /они/ говорят), 'It's only Eeyore, so it doesn't count (это всего лишь Иа, поэтому это не считается).' They walk to and fro saying 'Ha ha (они ходят взад и вперед и говорят: ха-ха)!' But do they know anything about A (но знают ли они что-нибудь об А)? They don't (нет). It's just three sticks to them (для них это просто три палочки). But to the Educated — mark this (но для Образованных — запомни это), little Piglet — to the Educated (маленький Пятачок — для Образованных), not meaning Poohs and Piglets (не имея в виду = я не имею в виду Пухов и Пятачков), it's a great and glorious A (это великая и славная А). Not," he added, "just something that anybody can come and breathe on (не просто что-то, к чему можно подойти и дохнуть на него, — добавил он; to breathe on = breath upon пятнать чью-либо репутацию; чернить, клеветать)."

fro [frqu], glorious ['glLrIqs], breathe [brJD]

"It means Learning, it means Education, it means all the things that you and Pooh haven't got. That's what A means."

"Oh," said Piglet again. "I mean, does it?" he explained quickly.

"I'm telling you. People come and go in this Forest, and they say, 'It's only Eeyore, so it doesn't count.' They walk to and fro saying 'Ha ha!' But do they know anything about A? They don't. It's just three sticks to them. But to the Educated — mark this, little Piglet — to the Educated, not meaning Poohs and Piglets, it's a great and glorious A. Not," he added, "just something that anybody can come and breathe on."

Piglet stepped back nervously (Пятачок нервно отступил назад), and looked round for help (и оглянулся в поисках помощи).

"Here's Rabbit," he said gladly (вот и Кролик, — сказал он радостно). "Hallo, Rabbit (привет, Кролик)."

Rabbit came up importantly (Кролик важно подошел), nodded to Piglet, and said (кивнул Пятачку и сказал), "Ah, Eeyore," in the voice of one (а, Иа, — голосом персоны[37]) who would be saying "Good-bye" in about two more minutes (которая еще минуты через две скажет «до свидания»).

"There's just one thing I wanted to ask you, Eeyore (есть лишь одно дело, о котором я хотел спросить тебя / лишь один вопрос, который я хотел задать тебе, Иа). What happens to Christopher Robin in the mornings nowadays (что происходит с Кристофером Робином по утрам сейчас = в последние дни)?"

"What's this that I'm looking at (на что я сейчас гляжу)?" said Eeyore still looking at it (спросил Иа, все еще глядя на это = на А).

step [step], round [raund], nowadays ['nauqdeIz]

Piglet stepped back nervously, and looked round for help.

"Here's Rabbit," he said gladly. "Hallo, Rabbit." Rabbit came up importantly, nodded to Piglet, and said, "Ah, Eeyore," in the voice of one who would be saying "Good-bye" in about two more minutes.

"There's just one thing I wanted to ask you, Eeyore. What happens to Christopher Robin in the mornings nowadays?"

"What's this that I'm looking at?" said Eeyore still looking at it.

"Three sticks," said Rabbit promptly (три палочки, — сказал сразу Кролик).

"You see?" said Eeyore to Piglet (видишь? — сказал Иа Пятачку). He turned to Rabbit (он повернулся к Кролику). "I will now answer your question (теперь я отвечу на твой вопрос)," he said solemnly (сказал он торжественно).

"Thank you," said Rabbit (спасибо, — сказал Кролик).

"What does Christopher Robin do in the mornings (что делает Кристофер Робин по утрам)? He learns (он учится). He becomes Educated (он становится Образованным). He instigorates (он исследышивает; /здесь смесь из двух слов: to investigate — расследовать; получать сведения; to interrogate — осведомляться, справляться, спрашивать/) — I think that is the word he mentioned (мне кажется, именно это слово он упомянул), but I may be referring to something else (но, возможно, я отношу его = оно относится к чему-то другому) — he instigorates Knowledge (он исследышивает Знания). In my small way I also (я тоже в моем маленьком способе = по моим скромным возможностям), if I have the word right (если я правильно понимаю это слово), am — am doing what he does (занимаюсь сейчас тем, чем /занимается/ он). That, for instance, is (это, например) — "

"An A," said Rabbit (А, — сказал Кролик), "but not a very good one (но не очень удачная). Well, I must get back and tell the others (ну, мне нужно вернуться и рассказать остальным)."

Eeyore looked at his sticks (Иа посмотрел на свои палочки) and then he looked at Piglet (а затем /он/ посмотрел на Пятачка).

answer ['Rnsq], question ['kwesCqn], refer [rI'fW]

"Three sticks," said Rabbit promptly.

"You see?" said Eeyore to Piglet. He turned to Rabbit. "I will now answer your question," he said solemnly.

"Thank you," said Rabbit.

"What does Christopher Robin do in the mornings? He learns. He becomes Educated. He instigorates — I think that is the word he mentioned, but I may be referring to something else — he instigorates Knowledge. In my small way I also, if I have the word right, am — am doing what he does. That, for instance, is — "

"An A," said Rabbit, "but not a very good one. Well, I must get back and tell the others."

Eeyore looked at his sticks and then he looked at Piglet.

"What did Rabbit say it was (что, Кролик сказал, это)?" he asked (спросил он).

"An A," said Piglet (А, — сказал Пятачок).

"Did you tell him (ты сказал ему)?"

"No, Eeyore, I didn't (нет, Иа, я не говорил). I expect he just knew (я полагаю, он просто знал)."

"He knew (он знал)? You mean this A thing is a thing Rabbit knew (ты хочешь сказать, что эта А — штука, которая была известна Кролику)?"

"Yes, Eeyore (да, Иа). He's clever, Rabbit is (Кролик, он умный)."

"Clever!" said Eeyore scornfully (умный! — презрительно сказал Иа; scorn — презрение; насмешка), putting a foot heavily on his three sticks (тяжело = со всей тяжестью ставя ногу на свои три палочки). "Education (Образование)!" said Eeyore bitterly (горько сказал Иа), jumping on his six sticks (прыгая на свои шесть палочек). "What is Learning (что такое Учение)?" asked Eeyore as he kicked his twelve sticks into the air (спросил Иа, подбрасывая ногой = копытом свои двенадцать палочек в воздух). "A thing Rabbit knows (штука, которую знает Кролик = то, что известно Кролику)! Ha (ха)!"

knew [njH], scornfully ['skLnfulI], heavily ['hevIlI]

"What did Rabbit say it was?" he asked.

"An A," said Piglet.

"Did you tell him?"

"No, Eeyore, I didn't. I expect he just knew."

"He knew? You mean this A thing is a thing Rabbit knew?"

"Yes, Eeyore. He's clever, Rabbit is."

"Clever!" said Eeyore scornfully, putting a foot heavily on his three sticks. "Education!" said Eeyore bitterly, jumping on his six sticks. "What is Learning?" asked Eeyore as he kicked his twelve sticks into the air. "A thing Rabbit knows! Ha!"

"I think — " began Piglet nervously (я думаю, — начал нервно Пятачок).

"Don't," said Eeyore (не думай, — сказал Иа).

"I think Violets are rather nice," said Piglet (я думаю, что Фиалки довольно милые, — сказал Пятачок). And he laid his bunch in front of Eeyore and scampered off (и он положил свой букет перед Иа и резво убежал).

Next morning the notice on Christopher Robin's door said (на следующее утро записка на двери Кристофера Робина гласила):



C. R. (К. Р.)

Which is why all the animals in the Forest (вот поэтому все животные в Лесу) — except, of course, the Spotted and Herbaceous Backson (за исключением, разумеется, Пятнистого и Травянистого Скоравирнуса) — now know what Christopher Robin does in the mornings (теперь знают, чем занимается Кристофер Робин по утрам).

front [frAnt], scamper ['skxmpq], except [Ik'sept]

"I think — " began Piglet nervously.

"Don't," said Eeyore.

"I think Violets are rather nice," said Piglet. And he laid his bunch in front of Eeyore and scampered off.

Next morning the notice on Christopher Robin's door said:




Which is why all the animals in the Forest — except, of course, the Spotted and Herbaceous Backson — now know what Christopher Robin does in the mornings.

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