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Ex. 18. Put questions to the underlined words

1. The mechanic has located the defect in a machine immediately.

2. The references and diagrams were attached to the document.

3. Many of your suggestions have been included in the plan.

4. The government is planning for all schools to be connected to the Internet within 5 years.

5. Whales use low-frequency sounds to locate each other.

6. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

7. The disks are being scanned now for viruses.

8. New directions of research in robotics were being discussed at the last conference.

9. Einstein introduced his theory of relativity in 1915.

10. As computers are becoming more powerful and widespread, operating systems are becoming increasingly complex.

11. Many computer experts think that computers have only begun to make their mark on history.

12. Copies of the report were distributed shortly after the conference.

Ex. 19. Participle I or Participle II? Replace the infinitives by the required participles.

1. The constantly to improve graphics and sound capabilities of PCs have to make them popular tools for artists and musicians.

2. Some application programs automatically make backup copies of data files, to save both the current version and the to precede version on disk.

3. The server controls resources that are to share by the people to work at the PCs and workstations.

4. Magnetic disk, to introduce in the early 1960s, has to replace magnetic tape as the main secondary storage.

5. After the to enter information has been to process internally, we can see the results on the visual display unit.

6. The company has to spend millions of dollars, to replace outdated computer hardware.

7. Applications softwareis the programs to write to solve specific problems.

8. They were both aware that there might be to listen devices to hide in the room.

9. To use a display screen, you can view what you have to type and correct mistakes in spelling or grammar, add or delete sentences, move paragraphs around, and replace words.

10. Between 1937 and 1939, while to teach at Iowa State College, the American physicist John Atanasoff with the help of his assistant Clifford Berry built a computing device to call the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, or ABC.

11. He has been on the computer all morning, to chat with his friends.

12. The person to require for this job must have good word-processing skills.

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