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An Operating System Interface

A screen shot from the Windows XP operating system displays icons and other images typical of the GUI that makes computers easy to use. With a GUI, a computer user can easily execute commands by clicking on pictures, words, or icons with a pointing device known as a mouse.

The Apple Computer company's Macintosh computer, introduced in the mid-1980s, had the first commercially successful GUI-based software.

Operating systems may also include network software, which coordinates communication between the computers linked in a network. These programs transfer data from one computer system to another as well as provide users with data security and error checking. During the past 5 years, the developing electronic network communication has stimulated more and more companies to produce various network programs, such as Web-Browsers for the Internet.

Another example of systems software is a database system. A database system works with the file system and includes programs that allow multiple users to access the files simultaneously. Database systems often manage huge amounts (many gigabytes) of data in a secure mode.

[3] Application software is programs designed to perform specific tasks, such as designing a building, writing a paper, or playing a video game; many of them are sold as ready-to-use packages. Examples include general-purpose spreadsheet and word processing programs; as well as special-purpose engineering, business, scientific software, including simulation and CAD programs; educational (or learning) programs; electronic games. Large firms often develop their own application software or customize1 existing packages to meet specific needs.

[4] Software is typically stored on an external long-term memory device, such as a hard drive, CD, or flash memory device. When the program is in use, the computer reads it from the storage device and temporarily places the instructions in random access memory (RAM). The process of storing and then performing the instructions is called 'running' or 'executing' a program. By contrast, software programs and procedures that are permanently stored in a computer's nonvolatile memory (ROM) are called firmware (or embedded software). Examples include BIOS, debug monitor, embedded tests, embedded interpreter, etc.

[5] According to the way of distribution, software falls into three categories:

freeware and public domain software (It is software that is offered free for anyone to use. These programs are often available on the Internet.);

shareware (It is cheap computer software, usually produced by small companies. You can use it free for a short time, after which it is necessary to pay if you want to continue using the program.);

commercial software (It is developed for the purpose of gaining profit. Commercial software is divided into the so-called canned software and the packaged software – distributed primarily through retail outlets2; custom software – specially developed for a particular firm or industry; and computer manufacturer's software.)

Notes: 1to come with – поставлять;

2to customize – переделывать, вносить изменения;

3retail outlet – розничная торговая точка.

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