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Grammar review. 1. Present, Past, Future Perfect active and Passive. 2

1. Present, Past, Future Perfect Active and Passive. 2. Questions to the Subject.

Ex. 10. Give the third form of the following verbs. Mind the reading of the -ed ending!

to place, to have, to read, to introduce, to compose, to be, to find, to consist, to retrieve, to do, to receive, to make, to tell, to use, to think, to execute, to distribute, to consider, to move, to write, to give, to erase, to hear, to fall, to see, to go, to compare, to come, to search, to begin, to increase, to speak, to become, to reduce, to call, to take, to understand, to discuss, to control, to send, to draw, to attach, to know, to mean, to switch, to say, to obtain, to perform, to build.

Ex. 11. Read and translate the sentences. Define the tense form of the predicates. Say that you (your friend) have / has done (had done, will have done) the same using too or as well.

Model: I have translated the article. What about your friend? – My friend has translated the article too.

1. Nick has been a programmer since his graduation from the University. What about you?

2. I haven't had time yet to check my email this morning. What about your friend?

3. My friend said that he had already deinstalled this game. What about you?

4. I will have compiled this program by tomorrow. What about your friend?

5. Ann has just switched her computer off. What about you?

6. After they had loaded the program, they restarted the computer. What about you?

7. The students have studied programming for 3 years. What about your friend?

8. He will have fixed the microphone by the beginning of the conference. What about you?

9. You have probably known about computers since your childhood. What about your friend?

10. The company has installed new lighting system to save energy costs. What about you?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 328 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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