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Ex. 17. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Consult the box if necessary

1. We spent an hour or two, болтая to our friends over the phone. 2. The monitor купленный a few days ago has broken down. 3. People intentionally создающие viruses are computer experts often называемые hackers. 4. Computers, if properly запрограммированы, won't make computational errors. 5. Ships are equipped with radar sets помогающим them to orient at sea. 6. One day, people will communicate by videophones установленными in every flat. 7. If изменят a little, the problem will be easy to solve. 8. I am not sure that it is possible to restore all the files from the повреждённого hard drive. 9. Haжимая one of the arrow keys, we can move the cursor on the screen up, down, right or left. 10. The slide-rule изобретённая by W. Oughtred in 1630 is still being used. 11. We found it cheaper to modify существующее equipment rather than to buy new. 12. This device radically differs both in design and in operation from the device разработанного five years ago. to buy to call to change to chat to create to damage to develop to exist to help to install to invent to perform to press to program

Ex. 18. Participle I or Participle II? Replace the infinitives by the required participles.

1. A supercomputer is a powerful computer to use for solving very complicated tasks.

2. A video phone has a device to allow us to see a room and the face of the to speak person.

3. My kids spend hours, to chat on the phone to their friends.

4. Users on one computer can access information to store in another via the Internet.

5. If you want to protect your system from viruses, don't open email attachments [файловые дополнения] from strangers and take care when to download files from the Web.

6. An expert with a to train eye will spot the difference between two versions of software immediately.

7. The CPU is a device to execute instructions to give to it in machine language.

8. When you are to move the mouse across a flat surface, the ball to locate on the bottom side of the mouse turns two rollers to direct the mouse's vertical and horizontal movements.

9. You can highlight the to require sentence, to use the arrow keys.

10. When to enter, data is translated into electronic signals that a computer can process.

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