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Ex. 7. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence

1. It is particularly interesting to [install, compare, erase, compose] the two versions of the Windows operating system.

2. Video cameras with night vision can be [attached, distributed, activated, increased] by the movement of something or somebody.

3. A few journalists were allowed to [reproduce, reach, locate, view] the art exhibition the day before it opened.

4. The paragraphs in your essay are not arranged in logical [increase, reproduction, order, introduction].

5. The software company is going to [introduce, increase, compare, erase] a new series of educational games for children.

6. The cable is made of many twisted [media, wires, surfaces, locations].

7. The second half of the game was dull by [advantage, comparison, introduction, reproduction] with the first.

8. The person who [receives, reproduces, distributes, retrieves] the e-mail message may reply to it, forward it, delete it, or save it.

9. The main [disadvantage, distribution, order, advantage] of computer simulation is that it can be repeated over and over again under different conditions.

10. With a good set of audio speakers, you can [activate, reproduce, compare, erase] the orchestra's sound in your own home.

11. It's easy to transport your data to another [location, activity, introduction, retrieval] if it is stored on a disk.

Ex. 8. (A) Search a dictionary for the meaning of the adjectives given in the box. Arrange them in pairs of antonyms. Convert adjectives into adverbs, if possible. Memorize their meanings.

long-term rigid permanent frequent inside static dynamic considerable flexible subsequent temporary previous slight outside short-term rare

(B) Replace the underlined words by their antonyms and translate the sentences.

1. The answers to some of the most rarely asked questions about the Internet will be published in the next issue of our journal.

2. Customers will not return to the website if the information is dynamic.

3. There were considerable changes in the timetable.

4. Hard disk is a fixed disk outside a computer, which may not be removed.

5. System software is a temporary component of the computer that controls its standard activities.

6. These figures are given for comparison with the results of subsequent research.

7. This method is frequently used in modern laboratories.

8. The operating system called Vista was introduced by Microsoft in 2006. It aroused [вызывать] slight interest among both computer experts and users.

9. CD-ROM is a flexible plastic disk that stores a large amount of data, using laser optics technology.

10. The scientists failed to duplicate these results in previous experiments.

11. By means of supercomputers, meteorologists can make a short-term weather forecast.

12. Input hardware includes external devices (i.e. components located inside the CPU) that provide information and instructions to the computer.

13. Voice-recognition systems are becoming more sophisticated and rigid now, thus keyboards might be unnecessary in the future.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 344 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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