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Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the required words

1. In ___ to other recent video games, this one isn't very exciting. 2. The advantage of a database is that information can be stored in and quickly ___ from it. 3. CD-ROM technology has one ___: one cannotwrite anything onto a CD-R disk. 4. We’ll need a flat ___ to play the game on. 5. If the software doesn't ___ a word, a pull-down menu of possible alternatives will be displayed on the screen. 6. The computer crashed, and all our records were ___. 7. We ___ mail in two forms: on paper or electronically on our computers. 8. The video tape costs $19.95 and is ___ by American Video. 9. To ___ to the Internet, you must have a modem and a connection via an Internet Service Provider. 10. Nearly 60 notebook computer models were ___ in 1991. 11. Unauthorized ___ of this software is strictly forbidden. 12. You can copy down my answers, ___ I'm not sure they're right. 13. Smoking in the house ___ fire alarm system. 14. Email is a system that allows you to send and ___ messages by computer. 15. A binary digit might take only two ___: 0 and 1. a) activates b) although c) attach d) comparison e) disadvantage f) distributed g) erased h) introduced i) locate j) receive k) recognize l) reproduction m) retrieved n) surface o) values  

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!

1. We получаем the latest news programmes через satellite.

2. A typical PC has components to выводить and распечатывать information (monitor and printer); вводить commands and data (keyboard and mouse); извлекать and хранить information (CD-ROM and disk drives); and communicate with other computers (modem).

3. The сбор of statistical данные is an неотъемлемый part of medical исследование.

4. Тебе следует сравнить at least three or four computers before buying one.

5. У нас есть an exclusive license to распространять Microsoft's software products in Japan.

6. One недостаток of mobile phones is that in some areas the series of sound waves that carry information is very weak.

7. Visits to our website увеличились threefold last week.

8. The внедрение of semiconductor technology revolutionized the computer industry.

9. Способность распознавания речи has been added to the latest version of the software.

10. Цифровая запись gives excellent воспроизведение звука.

11. In memory, bits are grouped together so they can представлять larger значения.

12. The user выбирает operations, активизирует commands, создаёт or изменяет images on the screen by pressing buttons on the mouse.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 423 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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