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Common computer applications

In 1953, there were only about 100 computers in use in the whole world. Today billions of programmable computers are widely used at homes, schools and universities, businesses and government agencies for various purposes.

(1) The business segment1 is one of the largest users of computer technology. Computers process large amounts of data in a short period of time. Databases, spreadsheets and word processors help business to run more efficiently, make administrative work easier.

A database is an organized collection of data together with a special index. The index allows a user to pull out different information from the database based on different questions. Common database examples include government social security records, insurance company health records, airline and train reservation system. For example, if a person calls an airline to reserve a flight to Orlando, Florida, an airline employee checks a reservation database to see which airplanes have seats available.

Spreadsheets are used for bookkeeping and for drawing up financial reports. A spreadsheet is a particularly useful tool for testing what effect some change will have on financial results. For example, a business manager may apply a spreadsheet to see how using a new component will affect the cost of manufacturing a product.

Probably the most common application for computers is word processing. Word processors perform the tasks connected with editing and formatting documents. The tasks may be the following: to delete the part of the text, to insert the word, to reword, to highlight the sentence in italic or bold type, to underline the word, to change the font, to indent the paragraph, and so on. Word processors can also check spelling, find synonyms, include graphics created with another program, create and print form letters, perform calculations.

The invention of PCs and laser printers in the 1970s led to desktop publishing. Instead of using expensive professional printers, small businesses could produce their own flyers and pamphlets. Over the years, word processors have developed to include database, spreadsheet, and graphical capabilities. These features enable users to produce more sophisticated documents.

(2) In science and engineering, computers do calculations, draw diagrams, process the results of experiments, keep records2, and help with different kinds of chores3. Computer-aided design (CAD) programs enable engineers and architects to design three-dimensional models on a computer screen. Chemists may use computer simulations to design and test molecular models of new drugs. Some simulation programs can create models of weather conditions to help meteorologists make predictions. Flight simulators are useful training tools for pilots. In medicine, databases, diagnostic devices as well as monitoring systems are used by doctors in their work, in medical and laboratory research.

(3) The use of computers in education is not new but until 1980s, there was a computer-assisted instruction primarily in Universities. With the coming of inexpensive microcomputers, their applications have become more versatile. Today we can see microcomputers in schools, institutes, universities. They are used for training teachers, engineers, businessmen. It ideally answers the aims of mass education from primary school on up. Computer-assisted instruction helps students to study at their own speed more intensively and helps teachers to do their work more creative. Learning programs and aids such as electronic encyclopedias and dictionaries, are available to PC users on compact and digital video discs or on the Internet.

(4) At home, most often people use PCs to play video games, to teach children or for self-education. Computers serve as word processors or electronic messaging centers. Computers are not just desktops and notebooks. Computers are everywhere around your home. There are tiny computers inside microwave ovens, television sets, and videocassette recorders (VCRs) or digital videodisc (DVD) players.

Notes: 1business segment – сектор торгово-промышленной деятельности;

2to keep record – вести учет;

3chore – рутинная работа, ежедневная работа.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 295 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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