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Ex. 9. (A) Memorize the words given in the box

according to – в соответствии с, по словамsuch as – такой, как both... and – как..., так и...; не только…, но и...in addition (to)– кроме того by means of – при помощи, посредствомas well as – а также otherwise – иначе, в противном случае

(B) Translate the sentences.

1. The electronic encyclopedias such as Britannica and Encarta are available on both CDs and DVDs.

2. For this job, you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish as well as the skill at using a computer.

3. The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes demo versions of various programs freely available.

4. The books are arranged alphabetically, according to the author.

5. Your handwriting is very illegible. You should type the letter; otherwise, it will be difficult for them to read it.

6. Some storage units such as magnetic tapes are subject to storage degradation [ухудшение свойств при хранении] if they are not regularly used.

7. By means of the Internet, companies sell goods and services online to customers. In addition to electronic commerce, companies use the Net to interact with other businesses to exchange financial information as well as to access various databases.

8. The programmer must test carefully all of the program’s functions to check that the program performs according to specifications.

9. You should save your files to a floppy disk or a CDas a backup copy. Otherwise, you may lose all the information if your hard disk crash.

10. Gamers controls characters [ зд: персонаж, действующее лицо] on the screen by means of a joystick.

(C) Fill in the gaps with the required words. Consult the box given above if necessary.

1. I am quite a fast typist. ___, I speak fluently both English and French.

2. The two printers are very similar to each other in ___ size ___ design.

3. The students were grouped ___ age and ability.

4. Cell phones and watches contain tiny computers that can hold ___ information ___ telephone numbers, addresses, and appointments.

5. I must go right now; ___, I will be late for the lecture in Information Science.

6. The Internet is a system, which makes it possible for people to communicate worldwide ___ computers.

7. Online shopping is ___ cheap ___ convenient.

8. ___ Mick, it’s a great computer game.

9. The office network allows users to share files and software ___ to use a central printer.

10. The central processing unit performs all arithmetic and logic operations on data. ___ it times and controls all parts of the system.

11. An Internet service provider is a company that provides you with an Internet connection and services ___ e-mail, etc.

12. Key in the correct password. ___, you will be denied access to the database.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 343 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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