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B) Match the terms (on the left) and their translation (on the right). Memorize them

1. central processing unit (CPU) 2. video display unit (VDU) 3. control unit (CU) 4. input device 5. output device 6. storage device 7. system unit 8. disk drive 9. floppy disk (floppy, diskette) 10. hard disk (hard drive) 11. keyboard 12. screen 13. scroll wheel 14. speaker 15. laser printer 16. ink-jet printer 17. computer tower 18. hardware 19. software 20. peripherals   a) гибкий диск, дискета b) дисковод c) жёсткий диск d) запоминающее устройство, устройство хранения данных e) клавиатура f) монитор g) колёсико прокрутки, скроллинг h) лазерный принтер i) устройство ввода j) периферийное оборудование, внешние устройства k) аппаратное обеспечение, аппаратура; проф. железо l) центральный процессор (ЦП, ЦПУ) m) системный блок n) экран o) блок управления, управляющее устройство p) вертикальный корпус ПК q) струйный принтер r) динамик ПК, акустическая колонка s) устройство вывода t) программное обеспечение, компьютерные программы проф. софт

Ex. 11. Read and translate the sentences.

1. The scroll wheel is a construct [конструктивный элемент] of the mouse. It enables the user to move the image on the screen.

2. The hardware of the PC includes a system unit and all the peripherals such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, laser or ink-jet printer, etc.

3. You will need to switch off the system unit before replacing the keyboard.

4. The software filters out Internet sites whose content is not suitable for children.

5. The computer operating system is the software that tells the computer what to do.

6. The function of the control unit within the central processor is to transmit coordinating control signals and commands.

7. A video display unit is a part of a computer with a screen, on which you can see graphic or text information.

8. Although floppies were developed by IBM in 1972, they are still popular storage devices.

9. Nobody knew how to set a screen saver to switch off the monitor screen.

10. An input device is a peripheral, which enables us to enter data into the computer.

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