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Read and translate following sentences paying attention to the verb forms in the Active Voice Define the tenses

1) This text willgive you an idea of how and why you might pat a data- base management system to work for you.

2) The computer does all the work of sorting through the files to retrieve specific information.

3) The data- base management software program will best serve your specific needs.

4) Yu have probably, nevercreated your data- base yourself

5) Those data- base differed from one another in both content and format

6) Are you creating your own data- base now?

Give the detailed description of using a data base and name its main characteristics.

Your partner and you are going to write a project on the theme Setting up and using DBM system. Share the information you know and state the main ideas you have to point and describe. Do it together write down your first draft.

14.Усні повідомлення по темі «Setting up and using a DBMS (Data Base Management System)».Проект – складання електронної бази даних.
Unit ІІІ The Internet. The use of the Infinitive.


Task I. Learn the New vocabulary:

To span – розповсюджуватися

Facility – засіб, обладнання

To facilitate - устатковувати

To share – поділяти, ділити, надавати

To download – завантажити, пересилати (мережею)

To survive – вижити

To initiate – розпочати, започаткувати

To interlink – поєднувати

To allow – дозволяти, припускати

Transparently – ясно, чітко

Constituent – складова частина

To expand – збільшуватися, розвиватися

Bulk – основна маса, більшість

Instantaneous – миттєвий

Carrying capacity – пропускна здатність

To fail – не підтвердити очікування, не вдаватися

Entire – цілий

To administer – керувати

To accredit – надавати повноваження,

Transaction – угода, банківський переказ

To expose – підлягати дії, залишити незахищеним

Theft – пограбування

On demand – за вимогою

Lifelike – як живий

Income taxes – податок на прибуток

To transpire – відбуватися, ставати відомим

Task II. Give the equivalents to the following in Ukrainian:

To span the planet, to share data, to surf the web, nuclear war, designed to help to survive, downloading the data, US Defense Agency, to initiate a research program, interlinking packet networks, to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks, network constituents, to expand internationally, the bulk of the system, facilities in educational and research institutions, across the globe, a huge database of knowledge, near instantaneous communication, the amount of transmitting information, the carrying capacity of net, to fail to transmit information, to bring entire libraries into home, the information administered over the Internet, financial transactions, digital cash, to be linked to the Internet, expanding manifolds the entertainment and information possibilities, lifelike flight simulations

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 354 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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