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General questions

General questions are usually pronounced with the Low Rise. They have the nucleus on the last notional word. If it is monosyllabic, the rise in the nucleus starts on the lowest level and reaches the medium level. If it is polysyllabic, the last stressed syllable is pronounced on the lowest level and the unstressed syllables of the tail rise gradually.

Intone and read:

1. Is it a pad? - Yes, it is.

2. Is it a bike? - Yes, it is.

3. Is it a pear? - Yes, it is.

4. Is it a lesson? - No, it isn't.

5. Is it a kitten? - No, it isn't.

6. Is it a baby? - No. it isn't.

7. Is it a little desk?

8. Is it a difficult sentence?

9. Is it the second letter?

10. Is his sister pretty?

11. Is my pal a tennis fan?

12. Is my Dad an efficient dentist?

13. Is his friend a fair driver?

14. Has Mabel a stamp? - Yes, she has.

15. Have I a family? - Yes, I have.

16. Has Ted a black kitten? - Yes, he has.

17. Has his pal big hazel eyes? - No, he hasn't.

18. Have they fresh bread on the table? -No, they haven't.

19. Have Tim and Alice kiddies? -No, they haven't.

Mind "THIS / THAT". These words are stressed when used as the subject in the affirmative sentences. In other cases they are unstressed.

Intone and read:

  This is adress.   This tent isn't big.
  This is a tasty apple.   That teddy-bear isn't on the bed.
  That is a little teddy -bear.   This lad has a pear.
  That is the fifth cake.   That man hasn't any hair. t
  This isn't an actor.   Is this a text?
  This isn't a nice kiss.   Is this a business letter?
  That isn't a busy secretary.   Is this man fair?
  That isn't the eighth day.   Is this table in the tent?
  This kid is little.   Has this bike rfedals?
10 That sentence is in the text.   Has this teddy-bear any hair?

Mind the intonation of surprise. Sentences expressing surprise pronounced with the Low Rise.

Intone and read:

1. It is tasty milk. - Is it?

2. It isn't a ripe pear. - Isn't it?

3. This is the tenth sentence. - Is it?

4. This isn't my bike. - Isn't it?

5. His Dad is strict. - Is he?

6. This lady isn't pretty. - Isn't she?

7. My sister is a babysitter. - Is she?

8. That man isn't a driver. - Isn't he?

9. Nelly has thick fair hair. - Has she?

10. My parents have a big flat. - Have they?

11. The Kiddy hasn't a pretty kitten. - Hasn't he?

12. Fanny and Ben haven't nine tents. - Haven't they?

13. My friend hasn't a big bike. - Hasn't he?

14. Is this a sick baby? - Yes. it is.

15. Has Rex a thick tail? - No, he hasn't.

16. This is a difficult sentence. - Is it?

17. I haven't rich pretty hair.

18. Is my sister little? - No, she isn't.

19. Mike and Sam have many relatives and friends.

20. His Dad is a bad driver. - Is he?

21. Has that man a heavy bag in his hand?

22. It isn't the second letter. - Isn't it?

23. This pencil is in the desk.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 636 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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