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A present for Penelope

Peter: Pass the pepper, will you, please, Percy, old chap?

Percy: Pepper? You're not proposing to put pepper on your porridge?

Peter: Shut up, Percy! Why do you always presume that I'm stupid?

Percy: Well, stop snapping and explain the purpose of the pepper pot.

Peter: It's perfectly simple. I want to compare our pepper pot with the pepper pot

I've bought as a present for Penelope Popplewell. Percy: A practical—but pretty expensive—present!

Peter: Well, she's a super person. I thought perhaps, if you happened to be passing the Post Office... Could you possibly pop the parcel in the post?

Percy: Am I expected to pay the postage on this pepper pot for Penelope Popplewell?

Peter: Percy, you're impossible! I may be poor but I have my pride! Here's £1 for the postage.

Hometask: record your voice while practising ex-s. Learn “Peter Piper” by heart.

Read and practise.

A critical critic cracked his neck at a critical cricket match.

I can make my voice go really high. I can make my voice go really low.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

There was a fisherman named Fisher
who fished for some fish in a fissure.
Till a fish with a grin,
pulled the fisherman in.
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.


Follow Arakin book p. 19 and practice the sounds. Ph. ex-s.

Make sure you understand the essence of the terms: assimilation, lateral plosion, intonation, sentence-stress, nuclear tone, rhythm, low-fall, low rise.

Watch “BBC pr. tips” [l], [f], [v], [j], [ə].

Hometask. Transcribe the words:

still penny tips thin
tipe little spill sell
pity fill them kiss
kill belt kettle six
city yell spend less
neck miss beds yet

Shwa-sound. Watch BBC pr.tip for this.

(unit 12 shwa) Listen and practise.

(a) about among ago combine command confuse potato police propose succession tradition occasion actor doctor motor
water danger driver theatre centre metre extra sofa china human woman German postman Englishman gentleman
husband company servant England Scotland Iceland curtain certain Britain dozen written often student entertainment intelligent
Lesson Bacon cotton adventure future pleasure generous ridiculous nervous photographer stenographer caligrapher apology philology biology
thorough borough Peterborough Edinburgh St. Joan St. Ives Venus asparagus cousin basin
(b) The vanishing syllable. comf(or)table caref(u)lly veg(e)table practic(a)lly adm(i)rable strawb(e)rry list(e)ning lit(e)rature med(i)c(i)ne rest(au)rant cam(e)ra secret(a)ry ord(i)nary extr(a)ord(i)n(a)ry diff(e)rent

(c) A Doctor of Philosophy

A command performance

A picture of innocence

A baker's dozen

To bet your bottom dollar

To take your pleasures seriously

The Department of the Environment

The Iron Curtain

The Listening Library

The Garden of Eden

To harbour a grudge

Nature is the best healer

Nothing succeeds like success

Necessity is the mother of invention

A handsome husband—or ten thousand a year?

An Englishman's home is his castle

Here today, gone tomorrow

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today

Never do today what you can get someone else to do tomorrow!

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 6014 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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