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A day in the life

03.30 a.m. Good morning!

My alarm is ringing…already…and it’s time to get up for my flight to Tenerife, which is due to leave at 07.00 sharp. I get ready, put on my uniform and make sure I have my passport and regular papers packed in my carry-on bag. We cabin crew have to check at least 1 hour 30 minutes before the aircraft is scheduled to leave, so today that means reporting to work at 05.30. In fact, I’m a little early today and I catch the staff shuttle bus to the briefing room.

05.15 a.m. Fifteen minutes to the pre-flight briefing.

I’m 15 minutes early, which is good, because I have to check my cabin crew manual to refresh my knowledge of the all emergency procedures and the location of the emergency equipment and exits for today’s aircraft, a Boeing 757.

05.30 a.m. The pre-flight briefing

Today’s the pre-flight briefing is held on the aircraft and the purser introduces everyone and takes through the flight details. Usually they are the order of services during the flight, responsibilities for the day and any special points of passengers with special needs. Security and aircraft’s safety are always specially mentioned these days and we’re sometimes asked one or two questions about the emergency procedures. The purser asks a couple today, and I’m pleased to say that I answer correctly.

06.00 a.m. Pre-flight preparations for boarding

This is the time for me and for my team to check the emergency equipment and make sure that there’s a safety instruction card in every passenger’s seat pocket. Then we double check the number of meals on board, the drink trolley, duty-free goods and, of course, stock the toilets with all necessary hand towels and tissues. Then we have enough time to freshen up and get ready to welcome our passengers on board.

Flight phases: Push-back ___ Taxying(to taxi) ___ Line up ___ Take-off(to take off) ___ Ascent/Climb(to ascend) ___ Cruise ___ Descent(to descend) ___ Approach ___ Landing(to land) ___ Taxying ___ Complete stop/Stand-still

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 572 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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