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Ex.10 Read and translate

Cabin attendants’ duties.

Flights start at the airport with the captain’s briefing. The captain is informed of the weather conditions and the passengers.

The crew members are also briefed. CAs are also informed of the weather. CAs are instructed how to deal with the passengers if the weather is bad and their flight is delayed or diverted to an alternate. If there are bad weather conditions in flight they have some problems due to turbulence and then they reassure their passengers. Passengers are comforted by CAs. CAs are informed if there are any important persons (VIP), who are very important politicians, religious leaders or the most famous people in arts or sports, or commercial important persons – executives of other airlines. Then a special form of address is required. They take special care of such passengers. Some special announcements are made during the flight. Special congratulations are announced for very famous sport teams. The CAs are briefed if some passengers have special requirements – special meals for religious or health reasons. Disabled or ill passengers require some special seating arrangements. If there are some unaccompanied minors they board before the other passengers. CAs take special care of unaccompanied minors as they are responsible for their travel.

The CAs board the aircraft before the passengers as they perform a number of their duties both before the passengers board and during boarding. All movable safety equipment is checked: drugs, kits, first aid kits, life vests, fire extinguishers, oxygen masks, smoke hoods, escape slides, fire axes, megaphone. All these are used in an emergency.

The CAs check doors, aisles, the position of stairs and air bridge for safety. They check all food and drinks equipment and stores.

Then the CAs perform their duties when the passengers are on board, they make announcements. A passenger head-count is made for reasons of security. The CAs are responsible for the closing the doors and they contact the captain through the purser.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 556 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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