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Ex.2 Translate the flight numbers into English

778; 1566; 887; 446; 098; 887; 937; 473; 1652; 754; 1874; 2098; 3628; 765; 026; 735; 928; 9872; 8477; 977; 643; 875; 8865; 087; 321.

am - ante meridiem (лат.) - до полудня - с 0 часов (полночь) до 12 часов дня

pm - post meridiem (лат.) - после полудня - время с 12 часов до 0 часов (полночь)

11:15 pm - это 23:15 вечера «по-нашему».

08:38 am - это 08:38 утра «по-нашему».

How to greet people:

From the very morning until twelve hours: Good morning!

From twelve hours until seventeen or eighteen: Good afternoon!

From eighteen until twenty-four hours: Good evening!

- Hello!

- Hi! (to greet relatives or friends or colleagues)

- Good night! (is not a greeting)

- How do you do? (it is a greeting in introductions)

How to introduce people:

- May I introduce (present) Mr Smith?

- May I introduce myself?

- Let me introduce Mr Smith to you.

- Mr President, I have the honour to present our Captain.

A reply to an introduction:

A: How do you do?

B: How do you do?

How to leave a person for a moment:

- Excuse me for a moment.

- I'll be back in a moment.

How to attract someone's attention:

- Excuse me, please.

How to inquire about someone:

1. Health: - How do you feel?

- How are you? (after a greeting)

2. Life: - How's your life?

- How are you getting on?

3. Things:- How are your things?

- How are you doing?

Possible answers: - Fine, thanks./ - Very well, thank you./ - Not bad./ - Not very well, I'm afraid.

How to apologize to somebody for something:

1. I am very sorry./ I am terribly sorry./ I am awfully sorry.

- I'm sorry to trouble you.

- I'm sorry, I'm 5 minutes late.

- I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

- I'm sorry, I don't get it.

- I'm sorry, smoking is prohibited (forbidden).

2. Pardon me. (when sneezing, coughing, yawning or hiccupping in company)

3. to apologize. (in oral announcements or in written forms)

- We would like to apologize to you for the caused inconveniences.

Possible replies: - That's all right./ - That's quite all right./ - That's OK.

What to say if you don't understand:

- Sorry, I don't get it.

- My English is not so good.

- My English is poor, but I do speak French very well.

- What do you mean?

What to say in request:

- Please, fasten your seat belt.

- Will you please fasten your seat belt.

- Fasten your seat belt, please.

What to say in agreement: - With pleasure./ - Of course./ - Certainly./ - You are welcome./ - Sure.

What to say in giving (handing something):

- Here you are./ - Here it is./ - Here is the newspaper and the booklet.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 475 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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