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Word formation

vary (v)-variable (adj)-variation (n)
oblique (adj)-obliquity (n)
fault (n)-faulting (n)
orient (v)-orientated (adj)-orientation (n)
scheme (n)-schematical (ly) (adj)


to move up – двигаться вверх;

to move down – двигаться вниз;

to move laterally over – двигаться по (направлению);

to move to – превращаться в; переходить к

to slide by – скользить;

to observe – замечать, наблюдать;

to be measured by – измерять(ся);

regardless of – независимо от;

to facilitate – способствовать;

(dip) at an angle – (падать) под углом в;

perpendicular to – перпендикулярно к;

to bear upon – опираться;

to emerge – возникать, выявляться, выясняться;

to result in – приводить к;

to involve in – включать в себя, возводить в степень;

to be responsible for – ответственный;

to orient along – ориентировать по, располагать вдоль.

3.1.2Fault terminology (R.P –,

A fault is a break in the Earth’s crust along which there is or has been discernible movement. Displacement along faults can vary from a few millimeters to several hundred miles. Some faults move blocks up or down, others move blocks laterally over one another, and others move blocks laterally to slide by each other.

Faulting is an important adjunct to structural deformation because it establishes the orientations of stress directions that develop the geometry of tectonic provinces and facilitates their exploration.

The angle that a fault plane makes with the horizontal is the dip of the fault plane. Fault plane dips vary from vertical to horizontal and are oriented in response to the stress field in which they form.

The strike of a fault plane is represented by the line of intersection between the fault and horizontal surface. Strike line is always horizontal and since it has direction, is measured either by azimuth or bearing.

Horizontal movement component of a fault is known as the heave of the fault. The throw of a fault is the vertical movement component of its displacement. Both heave and throw are variable with movement along the fault and the dip of the fault plane.

The hanging wall of a fault is located above the fault surface and bears upon it. The footwall of a fault is beneath the fault. It occupies the position beneath the fault regardless of whether the hanging wall has moved up or down.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 513 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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