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Pay attention to the terms and expressions in bold

plateau плато, плоскогорье
range (ranges) горный хребет (горная страна)
mountain chain (range) горная цепь
mountain system горная система
orogenesis орогенез; горообразование
to disrupt нарушать
mobile belt подвижный пояс
lithospheric plate литосферная плита
crustal deformation деформация земной коры
mountain building горообразование
orogen ороген, горно-складчатое сооружение
orogenic орогенический; горообразующий
uplift поднятие (участка земной коры)
to weld (together) соединять
scrap скрап; обломок
to sweep перемещать; сносить
terrane террейн
to squeeze сдавливать; выжимать
to bob up возникать
to ruck up нагромождать, собирать(ся) складками
to shrink сокращать
alien rock «чуждые» породы

1.2 MOUNTAIN BUILDING (R.P – 8.2.7, 8.2.8, 8.2.9)

Large regions of the Earth consist of mountains. Most occur in rows called ranges. Parallel ranges and intervening plateaus form chains such as the Andes and North American Cordillera. Related mountain chains and ranges make up mountain systems, notably the Tethyan (Alpine-Himalayan) and Circum-Pacific systems.

Orogenesis, or mountain building, occurs along mobile belts – places where colliding lithospheric plates disrupt the continental crust. Such mountain-building belts are known as orogens and orogenic belts are belts of fold mountains – mountains created by crustal deformation and uplift. Geologically recent orogenic belts mostly rim continents. But ancient orogenic belts (the Ural Mountains for example) can occur deep inside a continent where lithospheric plates were welded together long ago.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 511 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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