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Complete the following sentences, by unscrambling the bolded words. Spell the word. Give its definition

1. NTOIPOISDE lays down sediments in beds / strata.

2. Rocks made from fragments are TLACSIC sedimentary rocks.

3. Some sedimentary rocks are the RMESANI of living things.

4. Beds with ripple marks reveal ancient TERNSRUC.

5. Minerals laid down between grains EMENTC a mass of sediment together.

2.5 There is a spelling mistake in each line. Write the correct word in the space provided. Prepare for a spelling dictation.

Diagenesis converts sedment to rock (1) ____________________

sediments pile up and the presure (2) ____________________

squezes water from the sediments. (3) ___________________

Then the particles are cemented togeher (4) ____________________

by cementaton. Transportation of (5) ____________________

eroded sediments abades and rounds (6) ____________________

the paticles and then sorts them (7) ____________________

by densty or size. Deposition lays (8) _____________________

down sediments in beds or strat. (9) ____________________

2.6 Fill in the space with the appropriate word or phrase.

1. ___________ is a division separating one bed from another.

2. ___________ is a process of depositing sediments.

3. ___________ is the movement of particles by air / water / or gravity.

4. ___________ is a mineral between the sediment grains, forming an integral part of the rock.

5. ____________ is mechanical wearing down of rock surface.

6. ____________ is the sum of all processes that contribute mass to particles.

7. ____________ is a destructive natural process by which rocks are changed.

8. ____________ process changing sedimentary rocks.



Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 618 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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