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Igneous Rocks- Intrusive

category formation classification examples
plutonic   …………. great masses …………….. …..fusion lower ……. ……… slow …………. ……… mineral crystals …………… rocks   relatively ……… …… stripes or ………….. cool at …….. ……… and faster have smaller ………… acid, ………………, …………………     ………, basic, ……………… …………….   microgranite, ………….., …………..

4.4. Listen to the lecture once more. Look at the diagram and describe the features produced by intrusive rocks, using the given definitions:

(R.P – 5.5)

1. batholith a. saucer-shaped intrusion between rock strata
2. stock b. a lens-shaped intrusion that domes overlying strata
3. boss c. a sheet of igneous rock intruded horizontally between rock layers
4. dike d. wall of igneous rock injected up through vertical crack in preexisting rocks
5. sill e. small circular-surfaced intrusion
6. laccolith f. a small irregular surface area
7. lopolith g. huge deep-seated dome-shaped intrusion

4.5 You will hear a short conversation. At the end of it, you will be asked several questions. The conversation will be spoken twice. After you hear a question, read the four selections and choose the one that is the best answer to the sentence the speaker asked. Answer all questions according to what is stated/implied in the conversation.

1. Where does this conversation take place?

A. museum

B. exhibition

C. geological College

D. class

2. What is another term for igneous rocks?

A. hot spots

B. lava rocks

C. fiery rocks

D. molten rocks

3. What is the main topic of the conversation?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 543 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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