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A. rocks and minerals

B. igneous rocks

C. sedimentary rocks

D. metamorphic rocks

4. What is the formation process of magma?

A. melting, cooling and solidifying

B. cooling, melting and solidifying

C. rising, melting and cooling

D. melting, rising and cooling

5. What are silicates?

A. silicon and oxygen and aluminum

B. silicon and oxygen and a metal

C. silicon and oxygen and silicate

D. silicon and oxygen and mafiс mineral

6. What does quartz consist of?

A. silicate and a metal

B. silicate without a metal

C. silicate without oxygen

D. silicon and oxygen

7. What are the two people?

A. a teacher and a student

B. geologists

C. a guide and a visitor

D. husband and wife



Image a volcano and describe the development of it. You can use examples of different volcano eruptions (for example, St. Helen).


Here are 6 shapes of volcanoes: (R.P.-5.2)

1. loose-packed volcano

2. stratovolcano

3. caldera

4. rift volcano

5. spring hilltop

6. shield volcano

Describe one of them.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 538 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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