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Fig. 19. St. Nicolas church, village Upaloye

15.4. After you have read:

I. Choose the right variant:

1. Konstantin Thon was born in the family of a German …

A) jeweller

B) merchant

C) doctor

2. In 1854 he was appointed … of the architectural division of the academy.

A) dean

B) rector

C) head architect

3. In 1830 Thon completed his most ambitious design … in Moscow.

A) Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

b) St. Basil’s Cathedral

C) Bolshoi Theatre

4.Thon's last important commissions were … in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

A) the State Historical Museum

B) the Nikolaevsky railway stations

C) the Tretyakov Gallery

5. Thon was employed in construction of the Neo-Russian Grand Kremlin Palace and …. in Moscow.

A) the Kremlin Armoury

B) the monument to citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky

C) the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

II.Make up a sentence of two parts:

Konstantin, born in St. Petersburg 1. for the interiors of the Academy building on the Neva embankment.

He studied Italian art in Rome from 1819 to 1828

That of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow.

Thon first attracted public attention with his sumptuous design 3. and on his return home was admitted to the academy as its member and professor.

In 1830 Thon completed his most ambitious design to date, 4. including Sveaborg, Yelets, Tomsk, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnoyarsk.

He followed this with dozens of Neo-Russian-Byzantine designs for churches and cathedrals in provincial towns, 5. a renewed interest in the work of the Neo-Russian-Byzantine master.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 466 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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