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II. Reading

Higher education plays an important role in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for future development and progress. It trains people to become engineers, doctors, architects, teachers and so on.

Every citizen of Russia has the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Every boy or girl must get secondary education. After finishing the 11th form of secondary school, lyceum or gymnasium young people can go on in higher education. They take the Unified National (State) Examination. Each exam is conducted by the independent examining boards. If a student gets high scores, such a result is considered to be good and he/she has an opportunity to enter some higher school. They can choose from a wide range of higher schools according to their will. The typical academic program for university students is composed of various number of courses or subjects within a field of specialization. Courses are a combination of lectures, seminars and laboratory work. Many courses are available for disabled people.

In 2007 within the Bologna Processthe government of the Russian Federation has approved the bill of transition to two-level higher education system. The bill provides introduction in Russia such levels of higher education, as a bachelor’s degree (the first level) and a master’s degree (the second level). These degrees are equivalent to B. Sc and M. Sc degree provided in the US or Western Europe.

The first level prepares the student for performing functions in industrial, social, economic sphere (administrators, managers, experts in sales, etc.). Preparation at the first level passes in base directions, and profound specialization occurs at the second level. The persons with master's degree focuses on analytical, design, research activity. Training at the first level lasts 4 years, and at the second level - 2 years. After completing the Master’s students can go for the doctoral programs. For this they carry out independent research, prepare and defend a thesis. The Ph. D (candidate's degree) is a degree received as a result of completion of dissertation.

Some higher educational institutions keep training of specialists. Graduates of medical, military and technical higher schools will receive the diploma with qualification "specialist" in 5-6 years. This is because the Russian system of a professional training for these specialties cannot keep within in 4 years.

The two-level system will allow to raise efficiency of using state funded places, to involve employers in forecasting of requirements for education and to expand their participation in professional training financing. Now Russian students can continue study without problems in any higher school of Europe and easier get a job abroad.

But some people is not ready to joining Russia to Bologna Process. The opinion exists that bachelors are half-educated persons. Many students still wish to study 5 years and to end the higher school with the diploma of the specialist. But the bachelor has full higher education. Transition to two-level system will make Russian education system more dynamical and modern.

Higher educational institutions, that is, universities, institutes, and academies have full-time, part-time (or evening) and distance education system. The evening and distance education departments give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. Some students of full-time departments get scholarship. Most of the students have to pay for their education.

The academic year in Russian higher schools starts in September and ends in June. The academic year is divided into two semesters: the autumn semester and the spring one. At the end of each semester students take their exams. Twice a year students have holidays.

The first- and second-year students obtain knowledge in the fundamental sciences. Specialization usually begins in the third year. Students get more advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special interests so to say, their «major» subjects.

The profound study of theory is accompanied by practical training, first in specially equipped laboratories and workshops, then in various plants. Besides their studies students carry on research in different fields of science and technology and take part in students’ scientific and technical conferences where they make reports on their investigations.

The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going through a transitional period. The main objectives of the reform are: to decentralize the higher education system, to develop a new financial mechanism, to give more academic freedoms to faculties and students. Although the standards of higher education in Russia are considered to be one of the best, there are many problems we are facing in our higher education. For instance, universities complain that the equipment which is used at universities is not modern enough, tuition fees are growing and many talented young people cannot receive higher education. All these problems are widely discussed in Russian society.

Ш. After you have read:

3.1 Make up the sentence of two parts:

1. Every citizen of Russia has the right to education 1. young people can go on in higher education.
2. After finishing the 11th form of secondary school, lyceum or gymnasium 2. provided in the US or Western Europe.
3. If a student gets high scores, such a result is considered to be good 3. which is guaranteed by the Constitution.
4. In 2007 within the Bologna Process the government of the Russian Federation has approved 4. and he/she has an opportunity to enter higher school.
5. These degrees are equivalent to B.Sc and M.Sc degree 5. training of specialists.
6. Some higher educational institutions keep 6. the bill of transition to two-level higher education system.
7. The opinion exists 7. first in specially equipped laboratories and workshops, then in various plants.
8. Transition to two-level system will make Russian education system 8. through a transitional period.
9. The profound study of theory is accompanied by practical training, 9. more dynamical and modern.
10.The system of secondary and higher education in Russia is going 10. that bachelors are half-educated persons.

3.2 Make up all possible questions to these sentences.Give the negative form:

1. At the end of each semester students take their exams.

2. The students are taking Unified National Exams in the classroom Nr. 27 now.

3. The new laboratory equipment will be installed in the building 2 next year.

3.3 Write the Passive Progressive of these sentences. Use words now, from … till, the whole month/morning etc:

1. All these problems are widely discussed in Russian society.

2. The new educational standards were developed by the experts last month.

3. Each exam is conducted by the independent examining boards.

4. A group of experts discussed a very serious matter yesterday.

5. We use these programs in our work.

6. The experts were discussing the transition to two- level system the whole academic year.

7. The teacher is correcting mistakes in our tests now.

8. This experiment was carried out by our professor last semester.

9. The dean is looking through the list of the applicant now.

10. Our group was examined in the room Nr. 224 yesterday.

IV. Brush up your talk:

4.1 Study the advantages and disadvantages of the higher education of the transitional period in Russia. Do you agree or disagree with them? Begin your answer with phrases: I agree/disagree with this statement, To my mind it is true, As for me I am for it, I'm not sure, in fact, I'm afraid I entirely disagree with, I don't think that's right, I'm exactly of the same opinion, That's one way of looking at it, but… I think it goes further than that.

Advantages of higher education system of the transitional period Disadvantages of higher education system of the transitional period
Efficiency of using the state funded places Bachelors are half-educated persons
More academic freedoms to faculties and students Master’s program is not clear enough
Involving of employers in forecasting of requirements for education Talented young people cannot receive higher education
Expanding their participation in professional training financing The equipment which is used at universities is not modern enough
Opportunity for students to continue study without problems in any higher school of Europe Lack of educational materials in the university library
Easier to get a job abroad Reducing of the state funded places at the higher schools
Development of a new financial mechanism Not adequate teachers' salaries at the higher school
  Scholarship is low
  Tuition fees are growing
  Getting job on the specialty after graduating from the higher school

4.2 Read the following quotes from different articles about the problems of higher education in Russia. Formulate the main idea of each statement. Do you agree with these opinions?

1. «One of the major problems of Russian higher education today is the relatively small number of graduates who find employment that matches their qualification. The statistical information varies considerably depending on the source. However, at present, around 40% of Russian students remain unemployed on graduation, a situation is aggravating (обостряется) by low salaries; only 25%–30% find a position that matches their qualification, while, realistically, some 20% of graduates are not equipped to fill a position demanding a high-level of knowledge».

(W. John Morgan & Grigori A. Kliucharev, «Higher Education and the Post-Soviet Transition in Russia»)

2. «Competition between higher education institutions in Russia changed most

dramatically after introduction of the unified state examination (EGE) and changing the admissions process. This exam gave the prospective students a much wider choice of schools where they could apply, while universities now had to compete for the best students and the educational market share. The government has also started the process of changing the legal status of educational institutions to give them more financial autonomy and has mandated (санкционировало) the creation of quality management systems in the universities to use the available money more efficiently. Just like many other governments in the world, the Russian policymakers have been trying to develop market»

(Natalia Forrat, PhD student in Sociology at Northwestern University, «Global Trends or Regime Survival the Reforms in Russian Higher Education»)

3. «The Unified State Examination may have played a role in setting up anti-corruption barriers between schools and universities. But in terms of assessing (оценка) the quality of education, in particular in humanitarian subjects, it is clear that the Unified State Exam does not give a clear and accurate assessment of the real capabilities of university applicants, their analytic abilities and creativity, in spite of all the efforts to improve the exercises in section C of the tests»

(Alexei Vlasov is deputy dean, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Faculty of History «What is wrong with higher education in Russia?»)

4. Russia is still not capable of raising the quality of its training of specialists. And even though we have apparently (очевидно) entered the “knowledge economy” phase, it is unclear as yet how competitive Russia really is in this field. The main problem we come up against is borrowing from the “progressive” Western experience, which is not always particularly suitable to the reality on the ground in Russia. As an example, take the transition to a two-stage model, as set out in the Bologna Process, when training graduates is carried out in the absence of any real demand for such people.

(Alexei Vlasov is deputy dean, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Faculty of History «What is wrong with higher education in Russia?»)

5. «The programs of targeted funding for large schools serve to ensure the

loyalty of the politically important group – the top administrators of the large universities. These people not only have administrative access to students, a potentially active political group, but they also provide the government with expert support in formulating social and economic policies. Although the possibilities for corruption embedded in these programs are high, loyalty will be achieved even if the money is not stolen. Finally, the quality assurance mechanisms, namely state licensing and accreditation, serve as a constant threat to the universities becoming an effective repression tool of the regime».

(Natalia Forrat, PhD student in Sociology at Northwestern University «Global Trends or Regime Survival the Reforms in Russian Higher Education»)

4.3 Discuss* these topics using all information you have got.

1. The transition to a two-stage model: pro and contra.

2. Is higher education a way to success?

3. Study at the State University – Education-Science-Production Complex (State University-ESPC): prospects and problems.


1. Discussion is from the Latin word that means exchange of opinions. Discussion is based on equal conditions for everybody. Each participant has the right both to ask and to state. The problem is not always solved during discussion, differences in opinions are left sometimes. It is necessary to use argumentation – statements and explanations. Each participant should hold certain discussion regulations:

– to be well-prepared;

– to speak clearly and logically;

– to explain arguments;

– to express opinions quietly;

– not to digress from the topic;

– not to speak too long;

– to listen to others without interrupting them.

2. Here you can see some discussion phrases. They may help you.

– May I put a word in? – Можно вставить слово?

– Generally speaking...- В общих чертах

– Strictly speaking...Честно говоря

– That depends on...-Это зависит от

– I want to press the point that...-Я хочу подчеркнуть,что

– On the one hand...- С одной стороны

– On the other hand...- С другой стороны

– As far as I am able to judge...-Насколько я могу судить

– To sum it all up...- Подведя итоги…

– On the whole...В целом

– To be brief/ In a short word...Короче говоря

– If I am not mistaken...-Если я не ошибаюсь

– If my memory serves me rightly...-Если память меня не подводит..

– As far as I know...- Насколько я знаю

– There is no doubt... Без сомнений

– It is quite obvious/ evident...- Это совершенно очевидно

– It is common knowledge that...- Это общеизвестно, что

– It seems to me...- Мне кажется

– To tell the truth...- По правде говоря

– And what about you? – А ты?

– As for me...- Что касается меня

– To begin with...Начнем с..

- What for? — Зачем?

-Let's drop the subject — Давай оставим эту тему

-Let's clear it up — Давай разберёмся.

-What are you talking about? — О чём ты!

-What are you driving at? — К чему ты клонишь?

That's not the point — Это не относится к вопросу

-It doesn't prove a thing — Это ничего не доказывает

-That's very well, but — Это всё очень хорошо, но…

-So what? — Ну и что?

-You can take it from me — Можешь мне поверить

-What of it? — И что из этого?

I have no idea — Понятия не имею

I wish I knew — Хотел бы я знать!

It doesn’t matter — Это не важно

It's all the same to me — Мне без разницы

It's beside the point — Это не относится к вопросу

It's out of place — Это неуместно

It's waste of time — Это трата времени

It's a lie — Это ложь

It doesn't make sense — Это не имеет смысла

It's new to me — Первый раз слышу

Enough of it — Довольно об этом

I mean it! — Я серьёзно

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