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The aims of the penal system

1. The majority of people are still in favour of (возмездие) as the most important objective of (карательные меры).

2. For example, it is stated that some people (поддерживают) a return to the (смертная казнь) for (убийство).

3. (Наказание) has always involved the idea of retribution (око за око, зуб за зуб), and it has also contained the notion that those who (являются свидетелями) the (справедливый) and swift punishment of the (правонарушитель) will thereby be deterred from offending in a similar manner.

4. (Устрашение, удержание) has both individual and general implications. Most people would probably think that the punished offender is not likely (совершать) the same offence again since he knows the penalty he will have to pay.

5. And also there is the view that the (вероятность) of being punished will deter other offenders. It is, indeed, a (полицейская философия) that (неотвратимость ареста и наказания) would greatly reduce the rates for most kinds of crimes.

6. But since there is always the hope of avoiding (расследование), the (профилактический) force of punishment is greatly diminished.

7. On the other hand, (слишком суровое наказание) for smaller crimes can drive the (отчаявшийся преступник) into committing the more serious offences and so actually encourage (нарушение закона) instead of preventing it.

8. Moreover, excessively severe punishment involving the death penalty for (кража), or (пожизненное заключение) for simple theft, often induced nineteenth century(присяжные) to declare the offenders (невиновный) rather than to pass such heavy (приговоры) upon them.

9. So, while (показательное наказание) and retribution remain widely acceptable penal principles, other ideas appear in response to humanitarian sensitivity and to the findings of criminological research.

10. This has been particularly noticeable in regard to the (обращение с детьми) and younger offenders for whom sympathy has been growing during the present century.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 535 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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