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GRAMMAR. 1. Put in the appropriate forms of ask, say and tell

1. Put in the appropriate forms of ask, say and tell. The first has been done for you.


Some people 1. are always saying that they don’t build cars as they used to. What nonsense! I walked round the beautiful new Ferrari again, admiring the lines, when my thoughts were rudely interrupted. ‘Will you be here long?’ a voice 2 … sharply. ‘I haven’t made up my mind yet,’ I 3 …, looking up at a sour-faced traffic warden. ‘Well, you can’t stop here,’ he 4 … me. ‘Who 5 … so?’ I 6… him cheekily. ‘I 7 … so,’ he 8… to me. ‘It 9… here,’ he added, ‘in case you can’t read, “No Waiting”.’ ‘You read very well. Go to the top of the class!’ I 10 … him, ‘but I’ll make my own decisions.’ ‘Oh, will you?’ the traffic warden 11 ….. ‘Then so will I and I’ve decided to give you a ticket,’ he 12 … to me with relish as he began filling out a form. ‘Go ahead,’ I 13… him. ‘This car doesn’t belong to me anyway. I wish it did!’

In printed dialogue each new speech begins on a new line in a new paragraph. Punctuate the following.

Inspector Willey Investigates

1. It’s all lies Bobby cried

2. You think so Inspector Willey asked mildly

3. Think so? I know it Bobby answered sharply

4. And no doubt the inspector continued you can prove it. Where were you on Sunday night, the night of the robbery

5. I was at the Cinema Park with my girlfriend Bobby replied. We saw Gone with the Wind. The film lasted four hours

6. But, cried the inspector the Cinema Park was closed last weekend


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 2114 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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