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Penal system


20 words and expressions in the list below are connected with the topic “Penal System”. You have two minutes to tick them all.

deterrence; defamation; retribution; Ministry of Justice; capital punishment; child abuse; imprisonment; ill-treatment; isolation; entrepreneurship; solitary confinement; citizenship; jail; poor parenting skills; life imprisonment; Labour Party; rehabilitation; parliamentary; stoning; adoption; decapitation; House of Commons; death penalty; balaclava; electrocution; mens rea; cell; Chief Inspector; abolish; confidence trick; firing squad; insurance; lethal injection; graduate; felony; guardianship; treason; Justice of the Peace; penal system; degree.


The words and expressions below relate to the topic “Penal System”. Consult a dictionary and match them to their equivalents in Russian.

1. to punish 2. a fine 3. an injunction 4. community service 5. imprisonment 6. suspended sentence 7. a life sentence 8. to be released 9. a review (parole) board 10.detention 11. deprivation of liberty 12. a prison cell 13. a corporal punishment 14. a capital punishment 15. death penalty 16. to sentence 17. to deter 18. abolition 19. forfeiture 20. parole     a. приговорить b. тюремное заключение c. штраф d. отмена, упразднение e. пожизненное заключение f. арест, задержание g. телесное наказание h. конфискация i. смертная казнь j. высшая мера наказания k. удерживать от чего-то l. лишение свободы m. условно-досрочное освобождение под честное слово n. камера o. быть освобожденным p. условное наказание q. общественно полезные работы r. наказывать s. судебный запрет t. комиссия по условно-досрочному освобождению


Look at the definitions and guess what terms from Unit 5 of ‘Legal

English’ are meant. Pick from the variants: a or b. Consult the Glossary if necessary. Give yourself 1 point for each correct answer.

1. To arrest and escort into custody; seize – a) accompany; b) apprehend

2. Legal accountability for committing a crime – a) recklessness; b) criminal responsibility

3. Person, offending by neglect or violation of duty or law – a) law-abiding citizen; b) delinquent

4. Putting to death as fulfillment of a judicial death sentence – a) execution; b) imprisonment

5. An imperfection, defect or blemish – a) merit; b) flaw

6. A person confined in an institution (as a prison or hospital) – a) inmate; b) accomplice

7. An allegation of fact in civil litigation made in response to a claim – a) plea; b) summon

8. To import or export secretly and illegally, especially to avoid paying duties or to evade enforcement of laws – a) traffic; b) smuggle

9. To kill by compressing the windpipe, throttle – a) stab; b) strangle

10. An official having charge of prisoners in jail – a) warder; b) constable


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 622 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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