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A Capital letters

to begin a sentence T hank you for your letter of 28 July.

for names of people J im, H elen, M r A rmstrong, M rs J ones

for names of organisations E uropean C ommunity, M inistry of F inance

for titles of books, etc As Jim Tucker said in ‘ M anaging C hange’

for names of places P aris, F rance, E urope

for calendar information M onday, M arch, N ew Y ear’s D ay

· In book and film titles, small words like and, a/the and prepositions do not usually have capitals, unless they are at the beginning.

His latest book is called ‘ I n the Heat of the Economic Night’.

· Some words can be written with capitals, or in lower case. These are:

seasons in S pring, in s pring

decades the N ineties, the n ineties

jobs She is a good s ales d irector (general use),

S ales D irector (job title)

compass points the e ast of Scotland (description), the Far E ast (place name)

B Full stop (.)

· Full stops are sometimes used in abbreviations to show that letters in a word are missing. In modern British English they are not used so often.

Prof. E. Taylor M.P e.g. i.e. etc.

C Comma (,)

We do a lot of business with Asia, and it’s an important market for us.

We do a lot of business with Asia, which is an important market for us.

But we use a full stop, not a comma, to separate complete sentences.

We do a lot of business with Asia. It’s an important market for us.

(NOT We do a lot of business with Asia, it’s an important market for us.)

· A comma is used in lists, except for the last two items where we use and.

This product is safe, hygienic, practical and cheap.

We can use a comma before and if the last two items in the list are long.

This product is safe, easy to maintain, and kind to the environment.

· Linking words at the beginning of a sentence are followed by a comma.

In fact, the Portuguese market is growing fast.

Linking words in the middle of a sentence have commas before and after.

The Portuguese market, on the other hand, is growing fast.

· Commas are used with non-defining relative clauses.

This product, which is the top of our range, retails at £250.

· A comma can introduce direct quotes.

A Lloyds agent said, ‘This will mean some very large claims.’

· When writing direct speech we use a comma before the actual words spoken. In reported speech commas are not used. Compare:

Your sales director said, ‘Yes, that might be possible.’

Your sales director said it might be possible.

· Study where we put a comma with large numbers:

260 1, 569 18, 500 127, 000 4,650, 000

Note that in some other languages a dot is used here. A dot in English represents a decimal point.

D Semi-colon (;)

We need better technology; better technology costs money.

Institutional investors include Nomura, the Japanese securities house; GEC of the US; and Charterhouse, the UK investment bank.

E Colon (:)

The input selector has four positions: CD, DVD, tuner and auxiliary.

· A colon can introduce an explanation of the previous part of the sentence.

China is booming: output is up, profits are up, confidence is high.

· A colon is also used to introduce examples.

We’re entering a lot of new markets, eg: the Baltic states.

F Speech marks (‘ ’) (“ ”)

This share issue will supply the capital we need, said Alan Jones of MSD. Alan Jones of MSD said, This share issue will supply the capital we need.

· Titles and headings of books, reports, articles, etc, are sometimes put inside single speech marks, and we put punctuation outside in this case.

I strongly recommend Jim Tucker’s new book Managing Change .

Book titles, etc, can also be put in italics rather than speech marks.

G Question mark (?) and exclamation mark (!)

He asked, ‘What are the most important issues facing our company? ’

· Exclamation marks are used in informal writing, but are not considered appropriate in formal writing. They show surprise, pleasure, etc.

Guess what’s happened! I’ve just got promoted!

Приложение 6

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