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Exercise 1. Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentence

a) Jack decided to take a course/lesson in hotel management.

b) Sheila always got good marks/points in algebra.

c) After leaving school, Ann studied/ learnt to be a teacher.

d) Peter decided not to go in/enter a university.

e) My sister learned/taug ht me how to draw.

f) I can't come to the cinema. I have to read/study for a test.

g) In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand/heart.

h) I hope your work will improve by the end of course/term.

i) Martin failed/missed his maths exam and had to sit it again.

j) James was a very gifted student so he didn't have any problems passing/making his exams.

Exercise 2. Match each person from the list with a suitable description. Use each name once only.

classmate examiner learner principal pupil coach graduate lecturer professor tutor

a) Someone who teaches at a university.

b) Someone who has a college degree.

c) The head of a school.

d) Someone who studies at primary or secondary school.

e) The most important teacher in a university department.

f) Someone who teaches one student or a very small class.

g) Someone in the same class as yourself.

h) Someone who trains a sports team.

i) Someone who writes the question papers of an examination.

j) Someone who drives but has not yet passed a driving test.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 4147 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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