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Text 1. Read the text and do the exercises below



was founded – был основан

anniversary - годовщина; юбилей

areas - область, сфера деятельность

participate –принимать участие

development - развитие, расширение, рост; совершенствование; эволюция, достижение

enterprise - промышленное предприятие

occupy – занимать

session of residential teaching (examination period) - сессия to attend – посещать well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный available – доступный postgraduate - аспирант; студент магистратуры graduates - выпускники университета  
full-time and correspondence departments – факультеты дневной и заочной формы обучения

is divided – делится

term – семестр

excellent – отличный

scholarship – стипендия

tutorial - консультация, встреча с преподавателем

(в колледже или университете)

Belarusian National Technical University is one of the oldest and biggest educational institutions in our republic. It was founded* in 1920. In 2010 BNTU celebrated the 90th anniversary* since its foundation. A lot of developments created in BNTU are widely used in different areas* of the country’s economy. Scientists and specialists of Belarusian National Technical University pаrticipаte* actively in developments* of innovations for enterprises* of real sector of economy.

BNTU includes 17 faculties and trains qualified specialists for different fields of science and technology. A lot of young people from our country and abroad enter BNTU to become managers, economists, mechanical engineers, architects, programmers, building engineers, electrical engineers etc. The university occupies* 18 buildings.

There are full-time* and correspondence* departments* at the university.

The academic year is divided* into 2 terms*. Full-time, correspondence and distant students get credits and take exams at the end of each term. If the results are excellent* full-time students get scholarship*.

The teaching process is based on lectures, practical classes, seminars, lab works and tutorials*. Full-time students have three or four classes a day. Distant students have sessions of residential teaching (examination periods)* four times a year. During examination periods they attend lectures, practical classes, seminars, lab works. They have tests and projects to write and take exams. Between examination periods they attend* tutorials. Besides distant students write emails to their teachers. Internet, computer technologies, multimedia are widely used in the teaching process.

There are good facilities for study at the university. Well-equipped* laboratories, computer classes are available* both for teaching and for personal use. There is a large library and several reading halls at BNTU. For those who are fond of sports there are sports grounds, a swimming pool, a football field and different sports sections. Graduates* of this university work at various plants, factories, universities and laboratories. A number of graduates continue their studies as postgraduates*.

Ex. 1. Define the sentences as True or False.

· BNTU is 99 years old.

· There are 7 faculties in BNTU.

· Full-time students don’t attend lectures and seminars every day.

· Distant students don’t have to attend classes every day.

· Distant students get credits and take exams at the end of the academic year.

· Tutorials are tuitions given by a university tutor to an individual or a small group of students.

· There are good sports facilities in BNTU.

· Doors of various plants, factories, universities and laboratories are open to BNTU graduates.

Ex. 2. Read the text again and pick out the sentences describing:

o BNTU foundation

o faculties of the university

o the academic year

o the teaching process

o distant students

o opportunities for graduates

Ex. 3. Find sentences with “there is/are” in the text.

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