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Text 7a. In this pie chart a typical weekday in the life of a full-time university student in Chicago is described

A full-time student comments on the figures in the chart.

Sleeping – 6 hours. Too busy to sleep longer.

Facebook Creepin’ – 3 hours. Sad but true.

Hanging Out With Friends (Facebook Creepin’, café, party) – 2 hours

Watching Bravo Marathons – 3 hours

Considering Working Out – 1 hour. It takes a long time and a lot of internal debate to determine whether your afternoon free time would be better spent on a treadmill or on a couch with Facebook and The Real Housewives.

Working Out – 30 minutes. Because that’s all the time you have left after brooding about it for an hour.

Work (including commute time) – 3 hours. Typically, students with jobs work more than 3 hours a day. But, since they don’t work every day, this number is more of a weekly average. Homework time can and do overlap here.

Class – 3 hours. Yes, you know. That thing we’re all here for… an education. Class should take up a good portion of a student’s day. That is, if they actually go.

Studying/Reading – 2 hours. On a good day.

Complaining About How Tired You Are – 1 hour. “I am so tired, you don’t even understand!”

Complaining About How Stressed You Are – 1 hour. “I am so stressed, you don’t even understand!”

Eating/Drinking – 2 hours. Students have meals with friends in the cafeteria.

Text 7b.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 682 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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