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Working on the text. Task 5.Find the words in the text which are similar in meaning to the words below

Task 5. Find the words in the text which are similar in meaning to the words below.

1. calculation

2. talks

3. practical use

4. exchange of goods

5. an official limit

6. permit

7. commodity

8. to bring a product into a country

Task 6. Match the adjectives 1)-8) to the nouns (the letters a-h) with which they are used in the text.

1. major a) circumstances

2. significant b) part

3. multilateral c) system

4. uniform d) feature

5. primary e) method

6. total f) payment

7. identical g) goods

8. exceptional h) negotiations

Task 7. The prefix “under-” has the meaning “too little” and the prefix “over-” – “too much”. Form the words with these prefixes and translate into Russian.


valuation undervaluation overvaluation

1. charge

2. estimate

3. to produce

4. to compensate

5. population

Task 8. Answer the questions: Why can undervaluation result in underpayment of Customs duties?

What group of Customs violations does undervaluation refer to?

Task 9. Complete the missing letters in the following words.

1. _ a l _ _ t _ o n

2. _ _ r _ f f

3. t r _ _ e

4. _ m p _ r t _ t _ _ n

5. a _ r _ e m _ _ t

6. u n _ f _ _ m

7. m _ t h _ d

8. r _ s _ _ _ a l

Task 10. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is customs valuation considered a major feature of customs tariff system?

2. What was one of the results of the Geneva negotiations?

3. How many methods of valuation applicable to all goods are accepted?

4. What is the primary method based on?

5. Which are the other five methods?

6. How should these methods be applied?

Task 11. Translate article 65 of the “Customs Code of the Customs Union” into English.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 370 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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