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Column A Column B. statistical requirements

statistical requirements

valuable taxes

internal implementation

international language

economic updating

constant trade

current move

periodic nomenclature

proper instrument

uniform application

different version

Task 10. Unscramble the given sentences.

1. on, the, 1 January 1988, came, Harmonized, into, System, force, Convention.

2. in, a, the, therefore, valuable, concept, design, Harmonized, represents, System, both, and, instrument.

3. revenue, goods, of, loss, misclassification, lead, could, to.

4. continuous, a, is, process, the, updating, the, effort, requiring, WCO, constant.

Task 11. Which one doesn’t logically fit the group?

1. harmonized, obliged, used, purposes;

2. tariffs, taxes, trade, examples;

3. good, common, economic, statistics;

4. requiring, updating, avoided, being.

Task 12. Match left and right.

1. Contracting parties are obliged

2. The HS is both a multipurpose 6-digit nomenclature and

3. Customs tariffs, trade statistics, internal taxes, trade policy formulation, determination of the origin of the goods are

4. The HS is now used

5. The uniform application of the HS by all users is

6. It is designed to serve

7. The updating is

8. At the same time proper implementation by all HS users is

a)just a few examples.

b) a continuous process requiring constant effort by the WCO.

c) all over the world in millions of transactions every day.

d) very important.

e) the key to its success.

f) as a framework for international trade and other needs.

g) to ensure that their import customs tariffs and statistical nomenclatures are in conformity with the HS.

h) a structural nomenclature based on a series of subdivided 4-digit headings.

Task 13. Make questions to the text to go with the answers below.

1. When …? On 1 January 1988.

2. What …? A valuable instrument.

3. Where …? In millions of transactions.

4. What …? The sphere of influence of the HS.

5. Why …? Because it is designed to serve as a framework

for international trade.

6. What …? It is open for current requirements.

7. Why …? Because it requires constant effort by the WCO.

8. What …? The latest development in technology, trade.

9. What measures …? Measures to assist the HS users.

10. Why …? To avoid having different versions in existence.

Task 14. Write down five words that come to your mind when you hear or come across the words Harmonized System. Compare your list with your partner’s words. Choose five words that best describe Harmonized System.

Task 15. Translate Articles 50 and 51 from the “Customs Code of the Customs Union” into English.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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