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Two coats

The ship arrived at the port of London and the people aboard were waiting to get off. A very rich woman was talking to a man standing close to her. She had two expensive fur coats. She had bought them in Paris when she called at one of the best department stores.

It was a cold day and the woman was wearing one of her coats and had the other over her arm.

“If you take two coats like these into the country,” said the man, “you’ll have to pay a big duty on them. I know the customs officer always lets anyone take only one coat duty free but not two!”

The rich woman walked away to the other side of the ship. She was very upset. There she saw a woman she knew. She took her to a quiet part of the ship. “Will you do me a favor?” asked the rich woman quietly. “I have got two expensive fur coats. But I mustn’t take two into England. Everyone may take only one, and you haven’t got a fur coat, have you?” “No,” said the woman. She was not rich and couldn’t buy expensive things.

“Good. Will you put this coat on? Then it will look like yours.”

The other woman put the coat on. She liked it. It was very beautiful and looked fine on her. She had never had a coat like that in her life. “Remember!” said the rich woman. “Don’t tell anyone about the coat and don’t look at me. Just get off the ship. Then when we are on the train you can give it back to me.”

The two women got off the ship and went through the customs quite all right. When everyone got on the train it started on its way to London. The rich woman found the other one and said, “Thank you very much. You have been very kind. Now you can give me back my coat.”

“Your coat?” asked the other. “This is my coat, and I am not going to give it to you or anyone else.”

What could the rich woman do?


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Where did the ship arrive at?

2. What kind of coats had the woman bought in Paris?

3. Had she packed the coats in the suitcase?

4. What were the customs regulations in respect of coats like these?

5. What did she ask a woman she knew about?

6. When was she planning to get her coat back?

7. Had the other woman ever had a coat like that in her life?

8. Where did the rich woman find her acquaintance?

9. Did the latter give back the coat to the rich woman?

Task 2. You are given four English proverbs. Choose the one that expresses the main idea of the story in the best way.

a) Birds of a feather flock together

b) A friend in need is a friend indeed

c) Look before you leap

d) If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Task 3. Comment on the situation from the point of view of:

- the rich woman;

- the poor woman;

- the gentleman on board the ship.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 453 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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