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Working on the text. Task 4.Look through the text and write out all drugs mentioned

Task 4. Look through the text and write out all drugs mentioned.

Task 5. Find the words in the text which correspond to the given definitions.

1. seizure a) an amount of money paid to someone for the work done

2. human mule b) a person or a business that sells goods to customers

3. fee c) a situation in which there is not enough of something

4. wholesaler d) a business deal or action, such as buying or selling something

5. retailer e) strong dislike of something

6. transaction f) a sudden decrease in prices, sales, profits etc.

7. slump g) someone who brings illegal drugs into a country by hiding them on or in their body

8. margin h) the one who sells goods in large quantities to other businesses

9. shortage i) taking away illegal goods by police or customs officers

10. aversion j) the difference between what it costs to buy and what they sell it for

Task 6. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.

1. trade routes

2. container vessel

3. supply lines

4. parcel post

5. advertising campaign

6. drug businesses

7. sole traders

8. street – level purity

9. grey traders

10. drug use

Task 7. Here are some more phrasal verbs. Use the dictionary to translate them and make sentences of your own.

to get behind to take back

to leak out to take out

to let off to tip off

Task 8. The word “sentence” has several meanings. Choose the one you need to understand the text.

1. a group of words that usually has a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete idea

2. a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime

Task 9. Look through the text and find the figures characterizing the network of cocaine distribution in Britain.

Task 10. Give synonyms to the following words.

1. legitimate

2. traditional

3. drugs

4. trafficker

5. slump

6. profits

Task 11. Answer the following questions.

1. What do shipments commonly head for?

2. How many seizures usually take place in Spain and Portugal?

3. How do drug-traffickers spread their risk?

4. How much money do human mules command as a fee for their dangerous route?

5. What new supply route is emerging?

6. What is a usual structure of a drug business?

7. Why are most drug businesses forced to stay small?

8. Why are dealers diluting what they sell?

9. What can lower demand?

10. Who are most attempts to reduce drug demand aimed at? Why is it so?

Task 12. Translate the article into English.

Сотрудники отдела по борьбе с контрабандой наркотиков Внуковской таможни задержали наркокурьера-глотателя, который провозил в собственном желудке 96 контейнеров с героином общим весом около 1,5 кг. Один из пакетиков разорвался, и наркокурьер скончался в аэропорту “Внуково”. Несмотря на экстренную помощь врачей, спасти его не удалось.

Task 13. Which one logically doesn’t fit the group?

1. to increase 2. drug addicts

to double traffickers

to change smugglers

to triple drug-dealers

3. to seize

to confiscate

to obtain

to intercept

Task 14. Note 3 things in the text which were new to you.

Task 15. Discuss the following “why” – questions in “buzz groups”.

1. Why is sniffing illegal?

2. Why is the problem of drug abuse an international one?

3. Why do people throughout the world abuse drugs?

Task 16. Write an essay (12-14 sentences) on the question: Which way to choose in the fight against drugs – drug prohibition or drug education?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 311 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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