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Steal, Swap, Bust & Number Game

Cut out the words and numbers on the grids below to make cards. Put the cards in a box or bag and shake the box so that the cards are shuffled. Start the game by splitting the class into 2 teams. Award every team 100 points to start the game. A team captain meets the other team captain and do STONE, PAPER, SCISSORS. The winner starts the game. The teacher asks the student a question. If the students answers the teacher’s question, that student then draws a card from the box for his/her team. If a student cannot answer a question, s/he can get help from team members. Students cannot look into the box when drawing a card. If the card is …

NUMBER CARDS: The number cards represent points that the students can get. If a student dips his/her hand into the box and picks out a number card, they get the number of points shown on the number on the card picked.

STEAL CARDS: If a student picks a card with this word, their team will steal all the points of another team and add it to theirs.

SWAP CARDS: if a student picks a card with this word, their team will swap points with another team. For example, if Team A had 150 points and Team B 100, that means Team A swaps 150 and gets 100 points.

BUST CARDS: If a students picks the card with this word, it erases all the points of their team so they end up with zero points.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 295 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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