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How to talk to parents

The call-down is a regular well-established practice in our company. Nevertheless, sometimes even experienced teachers find it difficult to hold on a conversation with a parent correctly. This chapter focuses on the important issues that clarify:

· When we call the parents

· The main stages of the talk

· Some useful tips

When do we call?

1. We highly recommend contacting parents straight after the 1st lesson. We shall remember that we deal with children of pre-school age. That is why parents should know more about the lessons in comparison with teenagers’ parents.

2. After the 1st call you should continue contacting parents from time to time. After the 3rd, 7th and 15th lessons the calls are the must. You have to provide a report after them.

3. Be ready that parents might want to contact more often. Be polite every time and answer the questions they may have.

4. We also make a call if the child was absent at the lesson for two reasons: to find out whether everything is OK and to let parents know what you have learned on the lesson.

The main stages of the talk:

1. Greetings and introduction

2. The aim of the call

3. Main information

4. Feedback, if necessary

5. Answering the questions. If you are nor well-informed in some spheres tell the parent that your supervisor will call him back and answer the questions.

6. Saying good-bye

Useful tips:

1. You should speak clearly, loudly enough for the parent to understand who you are and what the purpose of your call is. Avoid speaking in an apologetic voice. If the parent is busy or is not involved make the conversation as short as possible.

2. Before the call think or even draft what you are going to say about the child. Your e-notebook will be the good assistant in this businessJ

3. No matter whether a child shows good results or not you should start with the positive moments. Praise a child first and then go on to the problems.

4. If you mark a problem, be ready to suggest the solution

5. Keep smiling!

6. Refer to the parent by name.

7. Never say “never”, do not start the sentence with negative constructions.

8. So, you need to avoid the following phrases:

- «Извините, что беспокою вас!»

- «Не могли бы вы уделить мне внимание» или «Не могли бы вы мне подсказать».

- «к сожалению»

- «до свидания», «всего хорошего», instead use «всего доброго»


Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 256 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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