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IX. Read the dialogues in pairs and learn them

1. - Are you pleased with your new job, Mary?

- Yes, very much. It's just my cup of tea. I work as a translator at

the Research Institute.

- And what sort of translation are you engaged in?

- Well, I translate articles on chemistry from different American

and English magazines.

2. - My brother has an awful lot of work. He's so booked up these days.

- Why? Isn't he going to take a leave?

- Oh, no: most of his colleagues are on their vacation and the

chief keeps him at work day and night.

- Nothing doing.The coming of the holiday-making season is in the air.

3. - What are your wages, Bill?

- It depends, you know. I'm on piece-work.

- And how much did you earn last month?

- Well, 150 dollars let alone the bonus.

4. - Why do you want to change your job, Bill? It's interesting and

quite well-paid.

- The one I've found suits me better.

- Really? Are you sure?

- Absolutely, it offers more opportunities and also I'll do the work

for which I'm more qualified.

5. - You know, Richard has come to work though he's on a sick leave.

- Oh, did he? I wonder what for!

- He wants his boss to see what a hard worker he is.

- That's almost incredible.

- And he did the same last month. He wants to put on a show that
he deserves a raise.

6. - Nick will be dismissed if he keeps working like that. Mark my words.

- But he is so out of practice, you know.

- I don't mean that. The foreman says he shirks work and does

things by halves.

- Maybe the chief is simply trying to find fault with him.

- By no means. Nick is very lazy. When at school he often stayed

away from classes and never worked hard.

7. - I'm told you want people at your plant. Is that so?

- Yes, we need skilled workers of different trades.

- Any- vacancies for welders?

- Yes, there are some. Please apply to the personnel department at

the plant.

8. - You look very smart today, David. Are you going out?

- Yes, I've got an appointment with Professor Roberts.

- Is it Roberts, the famous polar explorer?

- Yes, I'm going to be his assistant.

- You'll have an interesting job. You are lucky, David. You'll travel

all over the world.

Unit 4. Information Exchange

Business Letter

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