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V. Read and translate the text. Memorize the main types of a business letter

1. Inquiries – you send an inquiry when you wish to have some information on a product or its sale (after you have seen the product advertised, or displayed at a fair or exhibition, or you have only heard about it).

2. Replies to Inquiries - are short letters enclosing the required catalogues and price-lists, a brochure, etc.

3. Offers and Quotations. The word 'offer' refers to orally presented offers, introductory offers, or special offers in shops. A quotation is a reply to a request for a quotation, and always includes information on the terms of sale: the price, terms of payment, terms of delivery, time of delivery, packing, insurance, etc.

4. Sales Letters - are nothing but advertising, often used when the seller wants to introduce a new article, or to promote sales.

5. Orders - are usually based on a received quotation, or on a catalogue. It is short, accurate, detailed, and usually written on a printed order form.

6. Packing Instructions - might be given in the order, or some correspondence on the subject might be necessary.

7. Order Confirmation (or a Confirmation of Order) - is made by the buyer of the goods. For example:

8. Letters of Claim - are sent by the customer when he claims compensation for the inconvenience caused. The letter should be polite in tone.

9. Order Acknowledgement - is made by the supplier of the goods. He informs the buyer that he has received the order and that he agrees to deliver the goods.

10. Collection Letters - remind the customer of his debt.

11. Letters of Complaint - are sent by the customer when after having received the goods he finds that they are not up to order.

12. Status Inquires - are sent by the sellers to acquire more information on their prospective customers, especially on their property status. Information is collected from banks and firms that have had business connections with that customer.

13. Invoices and Accounts. One stage in the execution of an order is to make out an invoice and send it to the customer, either at the same time with the goods, or later. There are several kinds of invoices (the Consular Invoice, the Customs Invoice, the Pro Forma Invoice) which are not meant for payment. The Commercial Invoice is sent to the customer to be paid. It is written on printed invoice sheet, and on it should be shown the description, quantity and price of the merchandise, discounts, if any, packing weight, number of parcels or containers, names of forwarders, etc..

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 882 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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