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Translate the words given in brackets

1) There are several ways of (поиска работы). 2) First you should (оценить) your own chances 3) He studied the ads of (о вакансиях) being published. 4) Solid companies (помещают объявления) in prestigious expensive publications. 5) Your main task is to understand whether the position (согласуется) your skills and education. 6) Such special demands (устанавливают уровень) of the candidate's qualification. 7) Remember that the demands enumerated in the ads (обязательны). 8) Carefully read (требования) made of the given position. 9) There is a need to understand that the word does not (подразумевает) secretarial functions. 10) (Предварительный отбор) is carried out on the basis of resumes. 11) Reading the ads you may (выделить/получить) information on the (деятель­ности) of the company. 12) There is a need (представить себе) at least in general outline the personnel structure of Western companies.

3. Complete the following sentences using suitable words or phrases from the list below. Translate your sentences.

Managing director; junior executive; colleague; director; supervisor; staff; senior executive; superior; employee; middle manager; subordinate; work-force.

1). The group of executives working below the top managers are generally called…2).Valerie is an important person in our company. She is a member of the Board of… 3). Peter, a recent university graduate, has been with the firm for a year. He is at present a... and is being trained for a managerial position. 4).Their... is expanding rapidly. They now have over 5.000 employees. 5). At least 50% of our... have been with the company over ten years. 6).... in an organization generally have more fringe benefits than lower-level managers. 7). We are a small group in the Research and Development Department. Fortunately, I get on well with all my… 8).Our telephone operators work under the direction of a...9).I work under Mr. Brown. He's my... 10). Shelia and Tom work under my authority. I am their boss and they are my...11). I am responsible for...training and development.

4. Look at the following examples of skills/responsibilities and personality traits, translate them and find the ones that apply to you.

Skills/Responsibilities Personality Traits
acting; making decisions Use: I am very.. ...is one of my
      strong points
analyzing; meeting people accurate accuracy
assembling negotiating adaptable adaptability
(putting (bargaining) cooperative cooperation
things together); operating machines creative creativity
building things; organizing dependable dependability
cooking; persuading people flexible flexibility
dancing; repairing machines mature maturity
decorating; selling organized organization
designing; sewing persuasive persuasiveness
driving; singing punctual punctuality
filing; solving problems responsible responsibility
growing things; speaking tactful tact
helping people; sports    
interviewing; supervising    
listening; typing    
making crafts      

IV. Study the list of Job Titles, translate and prepare a good reading. Fill out the table matching correspon­ding personality traits, skills/responsibilities and work.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1921 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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